
Examples of prize-winning theses and dissertations, dissertation samples.

Dissertation samples

University: University College London
Faculty: Geography
Author: Anna Knowles-Smith
Award: 2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize
Title: Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington
Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering
Author: Keith N. Snavely
Award: 2009 Doctoral Dissertation Award
Title: Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

University: University of Ottawa
Faculty: Physics
Author: Guillaume Thekkadath
Award: 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize
Title: Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University: Columbia University
Faculty: History
Author: Julien Saint Reiman
Award: 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize
Title: “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

Each university has its own rules

Dissertation samples

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

University: University of Edinburgh
Faculty: Informatics
Author: Christopher Sipola
Award: 2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize
Title: Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

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Dissertation samples

Choosing a dissertation topic is the first step towards writing a dissertation. However, what you should make sure is that the topic is relevant to your degree program, investigates a recent problem, and contributes towards existing literature.

Are you looking for help to complete your dissertation? At Research Prospect, we understand how difficult it is to produce a first-class dissertation, especially when you have many other projects to work on.

Start writing your dissertation immediately once the proposal has been accepted. You can go through our thesis samples to comprehend the writing style typically used for a dissertation.

A dissertation consists of five chapters – introduction, literature review, methodology, discussion, and conclusion. This is the standard structure of a dissertation unless stated otherwise by your tutor or institution.

What is a Dissertation?

Dissertation samples

A dissertation is a complex and comprehensive academic project students must complete towards the end of their degree program. It involves independent research on a topic approved by your tutor.

Once you’ve selected a topic, the next step is to prepare a proposal. A dissertation proposal is a research plan or outline where you provide a background to the topic, set up your research aim and objectives, and provide details of the research methodology you plan to use.

Whether you are an undergraduate or postgraduate student, topics from Research Prospect can go a long way towards helping you achieve your desired grade.

Dissertation samples

Topic: The Impact of Internet Marketing on Business Management in Dubai

The writer did an amazing work with my paper! I first thought they offer dissertations only because of the name, but I actually got a research paper here. Still, they should really reconsider their name. It is a bit misleading.

Topic: Middle School Education: Examining the Effectiveness of an Inclusion Programr

Topic: Is NHS implementing job evaluation to follow principles of pay equity?

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Topic: Evaluation of a Creative Curriculum in Preschool Literacy Readiness

Topic: Effects of online advertisements towards newsprint advertisement: a case study of Star Online and Star Newspaper

My thesis was of excellent quality, as always. Now I arrived to the part where I need a dissertation, so I'll be soon done ordering from writing services. Still, this is a company I'll never regret paying for. They never missed a deadline or gave me a bad paper.

Dissertation samples

In terms of its structure, acknowledgements are expected to be ordered in a manner that first recognises the most formal support before moving onto the less formal support. In most cases, this follows the same order that we have outlined in the ‘Who Should I Thank’ section.

As a general rule, try to keep your acknowledgements section to a single page. Although there are no word limits, creating a lengthy acknowledgements section dilutes the gratitude you’re trying to express, especially to those who have supported you the most.

Although your acknowledgements will not be used to evaluate your work, it is still an important section of your thesis. This is because it can have a positive (or negative for that matter) influence the perception of your reader before they even reach the main body of your work.

The acknowledgement section of a thesis or dissertation is where you recognise and thank those who supported you during your PhD. This can be but is not limited to individuals, institutions or organisations.

How to Write Acknowledgements for PhD Thesis

When producing this section, your writing style can be more informal compared to the rest of your thesis. This includes writing in first person and using more emotive language. Although in most cases you will have complete freedom in how you write this section of your thesis, it is still highly advisable to keep it professional. As mentioned earlier, this is largely because it will be one of the first things your assessors will read, and so it will help set the tone for the rest of your work.

  • Partner
  • Key family members and friends
  • Individuals who inspired you or directly influenced your academic journey
  • Anyone else who has provided personal support that you would like to mention

However, we highly advise you to check your university guidelines as a few universities set out their own specific order which they will expect you to follow.

Dissertation samples

In terms of its structure, acknowledgements are expected to be ordered in a manner that first recognises the most formal support before moving onto the less formal support. In most cases, this follows the same order that we have outlined in the ‘Who Should I Thank’ section.

As a general rule, try to keep your acknowledgements section to a single page. Although there are no word limits, creating a lengthy acknowledgements section dilutes the gratitude you’re trying to express, especially to those who have supported you the most.

Although your acknowledgements will not be used to evaluate your work, it is still an important section of your thesis. This is because it can have a positive (or negative for that matter) influence the perception of your reader before they even reach the main body of your work.

The acknowledgement section of a thesis or dissertation is where you recognise and thank those who supported you during your PhD. This can be but is not limited to individuals, institutions or organisations.

How to Write Acknowledgements for PhD Thesis

When producing this section, your writing style can be more informal compared to the rest of your thesis. This includes writing in first person and using more emotive language. Although in most cases you will have complete freedom in how you write this section of your thesis, it is still highly advisable to keep it professional. As mentioned earlier, this is largely because it will be one of the first things your assessors will read, and so it will help set the tone for the rest of your work.

  • Partner
  • Key family members and friends
  • Individuals who inspired you or directly influenced your academic journey
  • Anyone else who has provided personal support that you would like to mention

However, we highly advise you to check your university guidelines as a few universities set out their own specific order which they will expect you to follow.

Dissertation samples

The dissertation conclusion is the final chapter of the thesis, wrapping up the research conducted and summarizing the key outcomes of a discussion section.

Here, it is important to be factual. Remember that when you call for additional studies, a question about it could be thrown your way during the thesis defense.

As you close the thesis, your reader should not be left in doubt about the contribution that you made to knowledge in the area of study. Here are some unique ways that you can achieve this:

By evaluating the fast-changing representation of migration and Italy border policy in the past 15 years, this demonstrated that media discourse can help to shape the decision making in a country.

Table of Contents

  • It answers the research questions of the study.
  • It provides you with the opportunity to summarize the findings of the study.
  • Offers you the opportunity to make recommendations for additional studies.
  • Clearly highlights the additional knowledge that your dissertation has added.

The recommended length of a dissertation conclusion is 5-7% of the overall word count.

The main difference between the two is that a conclusion is shorter and takes a more general perspective compared to the discussion. Note that a conclusion should not introduce new information or arguments.


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