Below is an example of a persuasive speech that deals with gender selection, which is a very popular topic lately! In order to be able to persuade your preferred target audience to agree with your point of view, choosing a good persuasive speech topic is crucial. Additionally, to craft a good persuasive speech, you must pick a subject that you have passion for, as you will see with the example I will draft below of a persuasive speech. Be sure that if you lack care for the topic you choose, then your target audience will not.
(What health issues are caused by an excess amount of cholesterol in the body? Can you define overreaction? How is overreaction linked to cholesterol consumption?)
(What health issues are associated with asbestos removal? Are net surgeries necessary? And what kind of consequences do such surgeries have to one’s health status?)
(How has TV airing affected society's perception of certain values and knowledge? Explain how the television has twisted into a bridge that conveys violence, sex, and propaganda).
Persuasive Speech Outline Example
(Are there any consequences arise from wearing ill-fitting shoes? Are they necessary? Is there any preferable alternative?)
(How are disposable diapers used? Do they have any detrimental effects on the environment? What are the ways you can utilize to properly dispose of them?)
(Studies suggest that there is no harm with drinking according to the latest studies. It is very helpful in many aspects)
Let’s view an example from JK Rowling’s The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Power of Imagination Speech to help us understand this.
- On its own:
- “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” (Benjamin Franklin)
- “We committed the murders. We took the children from their mothers. We practised discrimination and exclusion.” (Paul Keating, Redfern Speech”
- In a sentence:
- eg. “We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence” (Winston Churchill, We Shall Fight on the Beaches Speech)
Is the world exactly the same as ours today? Does it have levitating cars and magic glasses? Or is it dying from climate change?
You need to use an anecdote in the early stages of your speech, then consistently refer to parts of your anecdote throughout the speech. This will continually remind your audience about the message in your anecdote.
3. Clause
Here, the rhetorical question hammers the preceding statement in your mind. You realise that 67% is actually a really high percentage of overweight Australians.
- Them: The people who lack empathy and aren’t willing to help others
- Us: The people who have the power to help and are willing to do it
See how the 2nd person pronoun places the blame on the audience? This will make them less convinced to act because you made them feel inferior to you (the speaker).
For example, don’t just say “The girl was bullied by the boys.” This is too bland.
“And in this manner, the organizations will increase in number and in quantity and in quality, and by August, it is then our intention to have a black nationalist convention which will consist of delegates from all over the country who are interested in the political, economic and social philosophy of black nationalism. After these delegates convene, we will hold a seminarOn April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson of the USA delivered his address to Congress, calling for declaration of war against what was at the time, a belligerent and aggressive Germany in WWI. Despite his isolationism and anti-war position earlier in his tenure as president, he convinced Congress that America had a moral duty to the world to step out of their neutral observer status into an active role of world leadership and stewardship in order to liberate attacked nations from their German aggressors. The idealistic values he preached in his speech left an indelible imprint upon the American spirit and self-conception, forming the moral basis for the country’s people and aspirational visions to this very day.
“Dear brothers and sisters, the so-called world of adults may understand it, but we children don’t. Why is it that countries which we call “strong” are so powerful in creating wars but so weak in bringing peace? Why is it that giving guns is so easy but giving books is so hard? Why is it that making tanks is so easy, but building schools is so difficult?As we are living in the modern age, the 21st century and we all believe that nothing is impossible. We can reach the moon and maybe soon will land on Mars. Then, in this, the 21st century, we must be determined that our dream of quality education for all will also come true.So let us bring equality, justice and peace for all. Not just the politicians and the world leaders, we all need to contribute. Me. You. It is our duty. So we must work … and not wait. I call upon my fellow children to stand up around the world. Dear sisters and brothers, let us become the first generation to decide to be the last. The empty classrooms, the lost childhoods, wasted potential-let these things end with us.”“This army still maintains the traditions of our old Red Army. What they crossed this time was in the true sense of the expression a political barrier, a threshold of life and death. This was not easy. This shows that the People’s Army is truly a great wall of iron and steel of the party and state. This shows that no matter how heavy our losses, the army, under the leadership of the party, will always remain the defender of the country, the defender of socialism, and the defender of the public interest. They are a most lovable people. At the same time, we should never forget how cruel our enemies are. We should have not one bit of forgiveness for them.The fact that this incident broke out as it did is very worthy of our pondering. It prompts us cool-headedly to consider the past and the future. Perhaps this bad thing will enable us to go ahead with reform and the open policy at a steadier and better — even a faster — pace, more speedily correct our mistakes, and better develop our strong points.”26. The Struggle for Human Rights by Eleanor Roosevelt
“To pause there would be to confirm the hopeless finality of a belief that two atomic colossi are doomed malevolently to eye each other indefinitely across a trembling world. To stop there would be to accept helplessly the probability of civilization destroyed, the annihilation of the irreplaceable heritage of mankind handed down to us from generation to generation, and the condemnation of mankind to begin all over again the age-old struggle upward from savagery towards decency, and right, and justice. Surely no sane member of the human race could discover victory in such desolation. Could anyone wish his name to be coupled by history with such human degradation and destruction?Occasional pages of history do record the faces of the “great destroyers”, but the whole book of history reveals mankind’s never-ending quest for peace and mankind’s God-given capacity to build.It is with the book of history, and not with isolated pages, that the United States will ever wish to be identified. My country wants to be constructive,not destructive. It wants agreements, not wars, among nations. It wants itself to live in freedom and in the confidence that the peoples of every other nation enjoy equally the right of choosing their own way of life.So my country’s purpose is to help us to move out of the dark chamber of horrors into the light, to find a way by which the minds of men, the hopes of men, the souls of men everywhere, can move forward towards peace and happiness and well-being.”In contemporary culture, most people understand Mother Teresa to be the epitome of compassion and kindness. However, if one were to look closer at her speeches from the past, one would discover not merely her altruistic contributions, but her keen heart for social justice and the downtrodden. She wisely and gracefully remarks that ‘love begins at home’ from the individual actions of each person within their private lives, which accumulate into a life of goodness and charity. For this, her speeches served not just consolatory value or momentary relevance, as they still inform the present on how we can live lives worth living.
“It may sound incredible, especially to Swiss comrades, but it is nevertheless true that in Russia, also, not only bloody tsarism, not only the capitalists, but also a section of the so-called or ex-Socialists say that Russia is fighting a “war of defence,” that Russia is only fighting against German invasion. The whole world knows, however, that for decades tsarism has been oppressing more than a hundred million people belonging to other nationalities in Russia“This brings me to the last of the big questions: the future of the human race. If we are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy, we should make sure we survive and continue. But we are entering an increasingly dangerous period of our history. Our population and our use of the finite resources of planet Earth are growing exponentially, along with our technical ability to change the environment for good or ill. But our genetic code still carries the selfish and aggressive instincts that were of survival advantage in the past. It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand or million.Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain inward-looking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space. The answers to these big questions show that we have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years, our future is in space. That is why I am in favor of manned — or should I say, personned — space flight.”
- Start your speech with a strong hook that grabs the audience’s attention.
- Add some information that helps your audience understand the topic.
- Lastly, provide a thesis statement, which gives the central idea behind your speech.
2. Body A persuasive speech is not only about passion
These sample persuasive speech outlines will help you write an impressive speech. However, if you still need help writing your speech, you can get help from professional writers at
Not all types of persuasive speeches are the same
Create an Outline
A good persuasive speech outline helps you stay organized and focused on the main point of your speech. Before you put pen to paper, think about what you want to achieve with your speech. Note down on the paper whatever comes to your mind and make bullet points of your thoughts.
As your speech’s basic purpose is to persuade the audience, decide what you want to persuade the audience to do. A speech that persuades the audience to accept your idea is different than a speech that motivates the audience to action.
A persuasive speech is used to convince the audience with a certain point of view. A valuable idea is important to convince people to listen to you. However, it also matters how you convey your idea.
- Restate the thesis statement to reflect on the purpose of your speech.
- Summarize all of your arguments.
- Share the benefits of acting upon your idea.
- Close your presentation with a strong call to action.
And to ensure he stuck to his promise, he shaved half his head so he’d be too embarrassed to be seen in public.
This is your credibility as a speaker, as viewed by your audience. It can be the difference between winning and losing speech before you’ve even spoken a word.
At other times it’s important to project your voice to the back of the room.
What persuasive speech techniques do they use to mould their audience like putty?
When you study famous speakers of the past, analyse their persuasive speech techniques and use them in your own approach.
This a where a question is asked, but the speaker expects no response from the audience. It helps make the audience active participants and improve their emotional attachment to your message.
You don’t even have to get up in front of an audience to do it. Record yourself on a camera to test your material and delivery.