
Persuasive Essay Writing Made Easy, things to write a persuasive essay on.

Things to write a persuasive essay on

While persuasive essays focus on one point of view, argumentative essays acknowledge differing opinions and perspectives. Argumentative essays use logic and rhetorical devices to convince an audience to consider the author’s argument. They require more facts and evidence than persuasive essays to be valid arguments.

Are you trying to persuade an audience by making them worried? Should they feel angry after reading your essay, or sad, or relieved? Appealing to your readers’ emotions is an important part of persuading them to agree with you. A bland essay with a neutral tone isn’t going to be as effective as a fiery statement about what you believe.

You can find a lot of persuasive essays in the realm of politics. Among political figures -- whether senators, congressional personnel, lobbyists, or presidential staff -- developing and using persuasive essays is quite common.

Although you may feel passionate about your topic, you’ll need to use writing skills to fully convince your readers to believe you. With five strong paragraphs, you can formulate a strong persuasive essay.

Persuasive vs. Argumentative

You can change the world, or at least the perspective of a group of people, with a powerful persuasive essay. And, in truth, persuasive essays possess an element of informative essays. You'll certainly be educating the audience on an important topic.

In order to write a concrete, persuasive essay, you'll need to do your homework on the topic. Familiarize yourself with both sides of the coin: your side and the opposing argument. Preemptively respond to possible counter-arguments from the other side. This will make for a much stronger essay. Don't shy away from a quick acknowledgment of the main point of contention.

A good persuasive essay is going to present compelling facts and statistics. The goal is to move the pendulum so others choose your side, too. You can also research and present moving narratives that will make readers stop, think, and consider your viewpoint.

Things to write a persuasive essay on

You don’t want to start writing only to discover that halfway through you arrived at a dead end or discovered a fact that completely negates your point of view. Have the facts at hand before you begin so you can make an informed choice as you write your thesis statement.

Persuasive writing relies on a combination of logic, emotion, and credibility to show the audience that you have made a convincing case.

One of the big keys to researching your topic: use effective, accurate, and credible sources.

However, the art of persuasion can be a difficult one to master, especially for students who are more used to the academic writing style of research papers, which tend to be impersonal.

3. Identify your audience.

Things to write a persuasive essay on

It’s important to do your research before you start writing. Read a lot about your topic and understand it from every perspective. The more you research, the more likely you are to find an angle that will be persuasive and effective.

Throughout your persuasive essay, you should introduce new arguments that build on what came before. Your goal should be to persuade your audience by asking them to accept one argument based on the evidence, logic, or reasoning. Afterwards, you should use that argument as a stepping-stone to the next level of your analysis.

Ask yourself whether your thesis would make you want to know more. If the answer is “no,” you need to revise more.

Things to write a persuasive essay on

Take a look at American politicians, successful business people, and impressive entrepreneurs. What do they have in common? That’s right: the power of persuasion.

A good persuasive essay convinces people that your view is correct and the opposing view is incorrect. It is a bit challenging to accomplish as the audience may already be biased toward a particular viewpoint. Therefore, it is your job to present a strong argument that persuades them otherwise. Moreover, finding reliable sources that make sense and fit with your argument is another issue you must address. But with the right help, you will submit exceptional persuasive essays every time.

Influencing others is the key to success in online business, marketing, law, politics, and various aspects of life. Because of this, it is crucial to practice effective persuasive essay writing skills in order to submit killer projects that impress your professors as well as your colleagues.

Most students struggle with finishing an excellent persuasive assignment because it requires extensive research. Readers might already have a viewpoint regarding a specific issue. You are the one who should show them the other side of the story.

What is a Persuasive Essay and How Is It Formed?

The core of a persuasive essay is to pick a side and present reliable evidence that influences readers. You must pick a side (either for or against a certain issue), and build a strong argument that encourages the audience to agree. Following a logical structure in a persuasive essay will help you compose an excellent text that grabs attention and provides value to readers.

Leave the essay for a few hours, to give your mind a chance to process and come back with a fresh outlook. When some time has passed, go back and read the assignment once again, checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Such errors can change meanings and may eventually affect the overall quality of any assignment. Make sure you are following the right format and outline. This guarantees that the task is well-written and provides clear information for potential readers.

Now your writing is almost ready. It is time to review your task. Here is what you should do:

Things to write a persuasive essay on

Feel free to use our good personal essay topics for creating amazing pieces that will make a powerful impression on your readers and get you high grades.

In the body of your paper, inform readers about the subject. It’s better to create an outline before to start writing. It will help you organize your thoughts, stay focused, and write clearly and concisely. Start each paragraph with a new idea. Show, don’t tell. Use strong verbs and include a lot of sensory details.

Writers need to give an account of their own experience and express their thoughts on the subject of a paper. The key to success is to make an attempt to combine narration and opinion together. In this article, you will find a short writing guide and 100+ engaging personal essay topic ideas.

  • You’ll improve communication and critical thinking skills.
  • Challenging themes can help you stand out from the crowd.
  • You will be able to demonstrate your creativity and ability to apply persuasive techniques.

Personal persuasive essay topics

  • How you met a special person in your life?
  • A person you admire most.
  • The best place in the local area.
  • A place where you would like to live your whole life.
  • Works of art you admire.
  • The job of your dream.
  • Your biggest disappointment.
  • Books that made a great impression on you.
  • What annoys you?
  • Your family traditions.
  • Are you addicted to technology?
  • What modern songs inspire you?
  • Could you live without money?
  • Do you like commercials?
  • What is your best method of studying?

You may write on any subject. Popular themes include hobbies, nature, childhood, illness, travel, making a difficult choice, learning something new, friends, family, and relationships.

When writing on personal persuasive essay topics, writers must state their position or opinion on an issue and try to persuade people to accept their point of view, telling stories and appealing to their feelings and emotions.

A personal essay is a typical assignment for high-school and college students. It’s a type of non-fiction that incorporates a variety of writing styles. Personal essay topics usually include real stories, experiences, and opinions of people.

Things to write a persuasive essay on

3. Carefully scrutinize the validity of your reasoning. If you need to use external sources, select the best ones, authenticate and cite them to avoid being discredited by your readers.

You can see that to be able to write convincing persuasive essays, or any academic essays for that matter, correct sourcing is a must. All the tools needed for research and writing are within your reach at For all the research that needs to be done for a persuasive essay their providers can access prestigious internet catalogues and live libraries. This enables them to produce articles that are maximized both for accuracy and appropriate style. Everything is written with a standard against copyright violation. An anti-plagiarism module ensures that what you get is a complete original. And for all these friendly services you need only pay an affordable price. You can download our sample essays for free. If you feel cornered and think there is no way out, can help you. Place an order with our company and we will write an excellent persuasive essay for you.

Essay conclusion is perhaps the most informative and yet laconic part. Persuasive essay conclusion should contain summarized information on essay topics as well as your personal conclusions. Very often student are welcome to express their own ideas. In the end, you have to persuade readers that your suggestions are reasonable. You have to pick the right words in order to summarize your findings and at the same time stay within certain word limit. Having read your conclusion, readers should say: “Yes, this is correct. He/she persuaded me.” This is not easy to achieve though. That is why if you lack experience and skills in paper writing, you should better let professionals do the job.

Of the academic essays, the persuasive essay most needs a thorough understanding of your audience. In writing these essays, besides knowing your convictions about a certain subject matter you should be able to gauge the mind set of your readers. It is not that easy to write in the correct style to suit a particular audience. You need to read samples of these essays on different topics in order to do that. There are scores of essays you can browse at Their collection of articles includes practically all types of professional/academic custom essays. After reading through some samples you should have a good idea how to write your persuasive essay.

Writing a Persuasive Essay

Things to write a persuasive essay on

There are certain factors that influence the process of writing a persuasive essay. There are also tips that help compose a nicely written paper. First and foremost, you need to decide on the essay topic. Much depends on your choice. If the topic is not interesting you are unlikely to write a good persuasive essay since there will be nothing you can persuade readers of. Once you have chosen the topic, you need to look for sources of information. Obviously you will not only use your own ideas. Your every statement needs to be supported with a relevant expert opinion of study. Make sure you find enough information sources, and make sure they are authoritative and reliable. When you have gathered enough materials you have to make an essay outline or a plan. In other words, you should know in what order you will present your arguments.

As you may already know, there are several options here. You may have complete freedom in choosing of an essay topic. If this is your case, then you should choose a topic you are really passionate about. You have to choose the area in which you have competence. If you have got interest in a particular topic you have all chances to write a persuasive essay. In case your professor has assigned a topic for you, then you should fully study this issue and make an outline for your essay. The topic needs to be fully developed otherwise it will be a failed persuasive essay. Persuasive essays topics may vary and they depend on your area of study.

2. Identify an issue relating to this topic, determine your position and suggestions for resolution regarding the issue.

A persuasive essay must reach the audience and the author has to persuade them on certain issues, facts and suggestions. Of all essay types, a persuasive essay is perhaps the most difficult to write. Indeed, you do not only have to state facts and present your suggestions, but you have to do that in such a way so that readers (professors or admission board) believe you. After reading of your essay a reader must tell you: “Yes, this viewpoint is reasonable and correct. I believe you.” Persuasive essays are very frequent assignments in high schools and colleges.


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