Thesis Statement Examples, sample thesis paper.

Sample thesis paper

These types of works usually focus on observations and the thesis claim example has to be a reflection of the personal assessment. Usually, it also talks about the takeaway. Sample:

As a result, the literature review on recent publications on global warming proved that the rise of temperature is a short-term consequence of pollution while the long-term threat is yet to determine.

However, considering the gap in the understanding of how global warming affects the species in Texas, it was found that some of them got extinct, creating a need for the investigation of the possible link between the two events.

As a fact, for any type of paper, scholars should write academically. Hence, students must follow the set of rules regarding paper formats, essay structure, and others. Therefore, tips on academic writing would be like:

Book Or Movie Review
Thesis Statement Examples

Sample thesis paper

Therefore, the “Black Panther” movie is one of the best movies existing as it opened up a new era of empowering blacks within the media.

As a fact, ethos, pathos, and logos, are those rhetorical devices that students will write about. Therefore, a working idea has to reflect on those. Sample:

These types of papers are used to express opinions on specific works so that thesis statement examples for them would orient on one’s final judgment. For Sample:

Therefore, my passion for something, required knowledge in point 1 and point 2, vast experience in idea 1 and idea 2, and the willingness to accomplish this and that, makes me a perfect fit for the available opportunity.

Sample thesis paper

Using ethos, pathos, and logos, the author succeeded in delivering the message to the target audience as point 1 proves the author’s credibility, point 2 appeals to emotions, and point 3 is where the author uses logical reasoning.

As a fact, ethos, pathos, and logos, are those rhetorical devices that students will write about. Therefore, a working idea has to reflect on those. Sample:

After viewing a scientific video, it became clear that these factors impact people’s perception of anything before interacting with it because they are coming into contact with it with a biased viewpoint.

As a result, this and this impacted this and this in the 19th century, according to the author, who is highlighting point 1, point 2, and point 3 in her book.

Rhetorical Analysis

Sample thesis paper

These types of works usually focus on observations and the thesis claim example has to be a reflection of the personal assessment. Usually, it also talks about the takeaway. Sample:

Therefore, the “Black Panther” movie is one of the best movies existing as it opened up a new era of empowering blacks within the media.

There are usually no thesis statement examples in memo letters. In this case, individuals use such papers for communication within non-scholars, mostly. However, when it comes to memo examples, the main sentence example will be the most important information that the author tries to deliver. Sample:

As a fact, for any type of paper, scholars should write academically. Hence, students must follow the set of rules regarding paper formats, essay structure, and others. Therefore, tips on academic writing would be like:

Sample thesis paper

  1. Cyber education or education through the internet is gaining in popularity over the standard mode of classroom learning.
  2. Violence in media produces violence in society.
  3. Physical illness is largely due to deep and subconscious psychological conflicts.
  4. Phobias are inherited or genetically determined.

Some interesting topics for a descriptive thesis are the following: specializes in producing one-of-a kind papers to meet the literary requirements of students and professionals alike. Whether you need a term paper or a business presentation they have the expert writer to address that need. All their providers are exceptionally qualified scholars with post-graduate distinctions and skill in writing. continues to maintain a stringent standard of quality in content, academic style and format. Another priority they set is perfect compliance with the preferences and ideas of their client. Of course, all papers are delivered within the pre-set deadline. For urgent requirements, delivery time can be as short as 8 hours.

A descriptive thesis attempts to present facts as they exist. To support its claims, it uses proofs that are available readily to everyone and reasoning that is obvious to all its readers. The methods used in this type of essay are analysis, measurement, elaboration, interpretation, comparison and contrast. This article is an example of a descriptive essay. When we say that, in contrast, the prescriptive essay proposes facts and situations as they should be, based on values and morals that are shared or evident to the readers, we are using the contrast method for describing. For even better examples of a descriptive thesis you can browse through the collection of articles at In that archive you have narrative essays, compare and contrast essays, descriptive thesis and many more.

Proving Your Descriptive Hypothesis

  • German-American relations during World War II
  • Armenian Diaspora in the USA
  • The fight of the North American colonies for independence
  • The 1936-1939 Civil War in Spain
  • George W. Bush and the formation of the domestic policy of the US government
  • The political elite of the Epirus kingdom in 1205-1261
  • The problems of US immigration policy in 1990-2015
  • The role of the monarchy in the domestic and foreign policy of Great Britain in the late XX - early XXI century
  • Transformation of ideas about childhood in British society in the late XVIII - first half of the XIX century
  • Formation of foreign policy instruments for regulating immigration to the European Union countries in 1992-2014
  • Man of the ancient Bosporus: worldview and image
  • Czech political conservatism in the late XIX - early XX centuries
  • Evolution of the party political system of Great Britain
  • The development of the North Korean nuclear program and nonproliferation policy in Northeast Asia

Before writing this kind of paper, you have to find a topical issue and formulate it in the thesis statement. Topics or, at least, certain ideas for research might be provided by your supervisor. If you feel like you can come up with your own topic, the main thing you have to remember is that the problem under consideration should be relevant, correspond to the current state of science, and be of practical importance.

  • The architectural concept of complex low-rise housing
  • The architecture of a modern home: the example of Mediterranean countries
  • Design and construction of multifunctional sports facilities
  • Principles of architectural modernization of medical hospitals
  • Design and construction of energy-efficient residential buildings
  • Redevelopment of rural dwellings
  • Innovative building construction techniques
  • Design and construction of mobile homes
  • Developing public places in small cities
  • Eclecticism in modern architecture
  • The concept of design feasibility
  • Low-income housing construction in developed countries
  • The use of alternative building materials in developing countries

  • Crime complicity: criminal law issues
  • Multiple crimes punishment
  • Main features of juvenile criminal responsibility
  • Conditional condemnation
  • Grounds for the exemption from criminal liability
  • Juvenile crimes and their prevention
  • Types of homicides: criminal and legal characterization
  • Robbery: general overview
  • Illicit arms trafficking
  • Bribery: criminal and legal description
  • Crimes against justice committed by officials
  • Extremist crimes
  • Abuse of official authority and official power
  • Fraud: general overview
  • Preliminary investigation and its types
  • The prosecutor and their powers in the judicial proceedings
  • The jury trial stage of a criminal case

Political Science Thesis Topics

Sample thesis paper

  • Symbols of political protest
  • Political rhetoric as a way of creating the image of a leader
  • Gaming techniques in advertising and public relations
  • The image of time in the journalistic and advertising text
  • The issue of impeachment in the USA
  • Mass media as a brand: the main features of its creation
  • Knowledge and power in the Leo Strauss political philosophy
  • Concepts of the political cycle: the methodology for their study and scientific application
  • Features of social policy in the English conservative thought of the XIX century
  • The issue of bureaucracy in the context of political changes
  • Modern political manipulative techniques
  • The concept of organic communism
  • The concept of a social state in Swedish political science
  • Political leadership as a mechanism of social integration
  • Constitutionalism as the basis of a culture of democracy

  • Development of logistics information system for choosing rational ways of promotion and delivery of goods
  • Online store development and creation
  • Development of an automated management system for small businesses
  • User interface modernization
  • The feedback system in personnel management
  • Development of an automated workplace
  • Development and production of a taxi service website
  • Development of an automated system for managing food purchases
  • Development of a mobile application
  • Features of development of an online laboratory for students
  • Informational system development for an Internet enterprise
  • Use of neural network technologies for personality recognition
  • Development of methods and informational technologies for modeling and recognition of emotions
  • Development of methods and information technologies for creating systems of gestural communication
  • Signal separation algorithms in 2-microphone systems
  • Estimation of acoustic parameters of rooms
  • Signal processing algorithms for compact microphone arrays

  • The level of emotional intelligence as a factor of professional burnout and job satisfaction
  • The link between emotional intelligence of managers and effective implementation of management functions
  • Perception and identification of emotions in children with autism disorders
  • The level of subjective control and associated psychological protection in patients with schizophrenia
  • Value-motivational sphere of deviant personality
  • Sports injury as a life event
  • Individual psychological resources of human resistance to the experience of a terrorist threat
  • Individual psychological characteristics of adolescents with different types of deviant behavior and their relationship to the value-motivational sphere of parents
  • Psychophysiological factors of students’ and schoolchildren’s academic success
  • Dynamics of human self-relationship with changes in appearance
  • Dynamics of self-determination in early adolescence

A thesis is considered the most important assignment in academic life of a student or novice researcher. If you are a freshman and wondering what this notion means and how to write a perfect paper, you are lucky to have found this article written by the top writers of our paper writing service! A thesis is a kind of paper submitted by a candidate to receive bachelor’s degree

Sample thesis paper

A thesis statement is the part of the introduction section of every piece of writing. It is the main argument on which the essay is based.

Below are some basic things that should be done to create a thesis statement:

It is suggested by the professionals to take enough time to draft a thesis statement as it either makes your essay or ruins it. Keep refining your thesis statement until you get a perfect one.

The thesis statement examples should be looked at first and carefully to help you draft yours perfectly and effortlessly. This blog will provide you with several examples of thesis statements to make you understand better.

How to Write a Thesis Statement?

Drafting a correct thesis statement is not as simple as it sounds. Sometimes these statements are tricky to write, which makes students think it is confusing and complicated. If you know the basics, you will draft a perfect thesis statement for your work.

To get your academic assignments written from us, place your order today.

To give our readers a better understanding of a thesis statement, we have gathered some examples. These are examples given to make you understand the difference between the thesis statement of different essay types.

Sample thesis paper

The next page will be the abstract. This part is very brief – no more than 200 words. Provide the key statement to the thesis, a brief introduction, summarize how you want to address this issue, and include possible implications of the work. The word “abstract” must be at the top of the page in all-capital letters. You are providing the reader with a short summary on what was studied, how it was measured and the findings of the study.

Because the thesis proposal is so important, you should know what to include and see examples so that you can ensure your proposal is accepted the first time. Remember that even if you are not writing for a literary or English course, having better writing skills can help you write the best thesis proposal possible.

A thesis proposal is a short document that explains what the thesis you want to write will be about, what type of research you would do to write it, and what sort of problem you are attempting to solve by writing it. You can take a thesis writing course on Udemy to learn how to write a great thesis, but before you even get to that point you must learn how to write a great thesis proposal.

Could there be any new knowledge that comes up? If so, try to think of what this knowledge will be and include it here. Are there any other implications or problems others may find when doing their own research?


Sample thesis paper

Describe everything you did to reach your conclusion or hypothesis. This can include the approach you took the materials you used and the procedures you followed. You should also include calculations, equipment, graphs and other information, as well as any limitations you had. Cite references when required.

Here, you will present the results that you have come up and draw up conclusions relating to the research that you have done. This is a true reporting of what you found while testing your hypothesis (if it is a technical thesis paper), including both positive and negative findings. Sometimes the results and discussion will be two separate sections.

You will have many source for your thesis proposal


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