Top 60 Effortless Sociological Research Topics in 2021, sociological thesis topics.

Sociological thesis topics

Sociological research topics come in various fields. There are those on crime, education, and other issues related to the community. It is the purest form of writing because it deals with the everyday challenges that you encounter.

The advent of the internet has come with its share of challenges and advantages. All these can come in the research topics for sociology below:

  • Social media
  • Gender-related problems
  • Groups in society
  • The family

You can build on the following sociology research topics for this category:

What is Sociology?

Interesting sociology topics are best to capture the reader’s attention. If the sociological research topic is vague, then the bounce rate will be as high as the number of likes on a socialite’s Instagram post.

  1. Are eating habits the cause of cancer?
  2. What is the essence of food research organizations?
  3. Are fast foods healthy?
  4. How has technology impacted the food industry?
  5. Are restaurants contributing to the extinction of some animal species?
  6. How often should one eat in a restaurant?
  7. Is vegetarian eating a healthy practice?
  8. How has global warming affected food production?
  9. Is genetically modified food safe?
  10. How do different cultures eating habits compare?
  11. The history of food
  12. Is white meat better than red meat?
  13. Traditional versus modern foods
  14. What is a balanced diet?
  15. Is fasting well for your health?

The fact is that the internet has almost everything one wants. But finding a site that offers credible, well-researched information is like looking for a pin in a haystack. That is why this article is a game-changer. It provides top-notch and reliable sociology research topics for college students. You just need to sit back pull that antenna and start tapping from the precious wisdom available in this article.

Sociological thesis topics

  1. Discuss social norms in your area.
  2. Discuss social sanctions in your area.
  3. How to overcome personal conflicts.
  4. What is political socialization?
  5. Discuss gender stereotypes.
  6. Does the environment impact our society?
  7. What is eco-feminism?

Frankly, finding some great sociology research topics for college students is not easy. Even though the Internet is full of topics, tips and tricks, you will have a hard time finding the perfect topic. Moreover, your colleagues will often pick the same topics. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to find some original. Of course, the easy way to do this is to ask for help. You can easily find a team of experienced academic writers on the Internet. An academic writing company can help you with a list of good sociology topics in no time. Alternatively, you can give out list of 100 topics a try.

  1. Social media effects on relationships.
  2. Discuss the modern US family.
  3. What is helicopter parenting?
  4. Does adoption affect our society?
  5. Divorce: Consequences for children.
  6. Single parenting difficulties.

If you are a high school student and you need some original research topics for sociology, here are some of the best options for you in 2021:

Sociology Research Topics for High School Students

If you are looking for some persuasive speech topics for college students, we have the best ones on the Internet. Here is what we are talking about:

  1. Problems with gender in our society.
  2. What are gender stereotypes?
  3. Eliminating stereotypes based on gender.
  4. Gender studies for youth.
  5. The link between nationality and homosexuality.
  6. Should every country legalize LGBT?
  7. Define gender inequality.

  1. Discussing gender stereotypes in sports.
  2. Pakistan and the violation of women’s rights.
  3. Does sexual abuse lead to eating disorders?
  4. Discuss immigrant families in the UK.
  5. The effect of birth control on society. (one of the best sociology topics for research)
  6. Does the Internet create isolation?
  7. Are we relying too much on Google?

Sociological thesis topics

  1. “Americans may have no identity, but they do have wonderful teeth.” – Jean Baudrillard
  2. “Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.” – Wright Mills
  3. “Families are nothing more than the idolatry of duty.” – Ann Oakley
  4. “If advertising is not an official or state art, it is nonetheless clearly art.” – Michael Schudson
  5. “Man’s nature, originally good and common to all, should develop unhampered.” – Georg Simmel
  6. “Our individual lives cannot, generally, be works of art unless the social order is also.” – Charles Horton Cooley
  7. “The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression.” – W.E.B. Du Bois
  8. “There is no truth without responsibility following in its wake.” – Franklin Frazier
  9. “White prejudice and discrimination keep the Negro low in standards of living, health, education, manners, and morals. This, in its turn, gives support to white prejudice. White prejudice and Negro standards thus mutually cause’ each other.” – Gunnar Myrdal
  10. “It is not true that good can follow only from good and evil only from evil.” – Max Weber

Therefore, sociologists analyze how these decisions affect people, groups, and societies in terms of their legal rights and resources.

Sociology of religion studies religious commitment and relations between religious organizations and people. Among other research questions are individual and group meanings of belonging to a particular religion or independent of it. Not trying to evaluate any religious beliefs, sociologists investigate relationships of faith with other social institutions, like the economy, politics, family, etc.

Sociology of consumption examines consumerism in terms of social relations, conditions, and meanings. Researchers also study the relations between consumption patterns and identity, as well as inequalities.

👩🏽‍🔬 Sociology Essay Topics by Academics

Sociological thesis topics

Below you can find interesting sociology topics from or related to the macrosociological perspective. The examples include fundamental questions about social institutions, social systems, and global processes. Try to understand society as a whole, greater than just a set of individuals.

  1. Sociology of food: How is your diet related to your identity? This sociology issue has supreme importance in today’s world suffering from overweight and obesity.
  2. Health-related stigma. Choose some health issue that shapes the perception of a person by other individuals—for instance, infertility, H.I.V., etc.
  3. What kind of health inequalities occur in countries with different welfare regimes? You can also add an education variable and research how does educational level affect health inequalities.
  4. Can we get any knowledge about an individual’s health according to their social practices? Here we are talking about lifestyle and some habits that determine a person’s everyday behavior.
  5. Prison health. Research the prison healthcare system: what are the principles of healthcare in prisons, and what determines the prisoner’s health.
  6. The United States, as the only Western developed country without universal health insurance. Discuss the reasons, consequences, and the current situation in general.
  7. Sex work and related health stigmas. Discuss how women occupied in sex work are stigmatized due to their social status and the corresponding health issues.
  8. What are the constraints and rewards of people who work as home care labor?
  9. Is technological progress always bad for people’s health?
  10. Do we need a universal health care system?

Sociological studies can be conducted on macro and micro levels. The difference between these two stages is in research focus, methods of analysis, and conclusions derived from the study.

  1. Innovations that resulted in negative consequences and didn’t actually bring any global benefit. Nuclear weapon, for example? You can discuss how states’ military equipment has changed, new threats that appeared, and which policies and regulations appeared.
  2. Compare technological progress today and centuries ago. People need less time to get used to innovations nowadays. Each innovation may have significant lasting social consequences that help people to accustom innovations.
  3. How do economic developments improve other parts of life? For example, economic prosperity can stimulate tolerance towards the LGBT+ community. Try to crack this causal puzzle.
  4. Was the individualistic ethic of Calvinism the only reason for economic growth in the West? Research other causes and compare them with other cases.
  5. Revolutionary changes result mainly from the state’s inability to perform essential legal functions and protect a territory’s integrity.
  6. Overpopulation in China led to the one-child-per-family policy. Discuss how demographical change can affect different spheres of life.
  7. Was the Black Death one of the reasons for feudalism to be disrupted in Europe in the 14th century?
  8. Population growth stimulates the economic prosperity of a state or increasing poverty?
  9. What is the causal path from climate change to changes in everyday life?
  10. How does social decline affect morality?

Sociological thesis topics

Why is it important to choose the right research topic in sociology? There is hardly a student on our planet who intentionally writes and submits poorly written, plagiarized, or uncompleted paper. In most cases, it is a result of constant procrastination caused by lack of motivation and interests. After a few weeks of research, it appears that there is nothing researchable left on sociological topics. That is why choosing a question, problem, patterns, or phenomenon to research is an essential part of the work which needs time and consideration. Taking the one from lists provided by a tutor is not an option for conscious and motivated students.

The difficulty of choice is becoming more severe within the streaming growth of data scopes.

While it is possible to choose your methodology based on your course specifics, it is still recommended to follow one of seven research methods of sociology. These methods involve not only the purpose statement but also structure, composition, and the research methods. Starting from the use of specific surveys to the general observation, you should implement your methodology as justification for your exploration and analysis.

Choosing a good topic for your sociology research should clearly outline a problem or make an argument that you want to make. It is recommended to avoid too general or vague statements that can be read or understood differently. The trick is to come up with those Sociology topics that inspire you and help your readers to find the solutions. Remember about plagiarism issues by always referencing each source and quote that you have. Here are the steps to consider as you make your choice:

Research Methods of Sociology

Some good research topics in sociology deal with the institution of family and the changes it underwent throughout history up to now, social media and its impact on individuals and society, sociology of gender including that of sexual minorities, social movements and groups, social stereotypes.

  1. Think over good ideas as you research your sociology research paper topics.
  2. Choose only something that inspires you.
  3. Address relevant social issues.
  4. Compose a list of keywords that relate to your topic idea.
  5. Think over relevant sources as you compose your thesis statement.
  6. Always narrow your topic down to reflect the precise problem.
  7. Identify sociology research methodology for your paper.
  8. Provide not only your opinion but the counter-arguments as well.
  9. Remember to compose your Bibliography in advance as you encounter each useful source.
  10. Always make your topic's wording related to your thesis statement.

Social science topics are those that deal with the scientific research into the human society and social relationships. Major disciplines falling into this category are Economics, Geography, History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Politics, Law, Linguistics, Psychology, and Sociology.

Sociological thesis topics

Sociology is the study of society and processes that occur within it. In the framework of this science, scholars also explore various cultures and customs, and the way people interact. This area is quite broad, so you can choose among various interesting sociology research topics when writing a paper on the subject. However, if you are struggling to find the issue that has not been studied by anyone yet, do not worry! In this article, we will provide some fresh ideas for your consideration so that you can find the area you would like to investigate and write a really high-quality paper. Moreover, if you decided to take up sociology classes are just interested in the sphere, you have an opportunity to create unique and outstanding research and even make a contribution to science. For such cases, the experts from our paper writing service have created a sociology research topic list for college students to help you define original and relevant themes to concentrate on. It is also necessary to know how to write a sociology research paper.

Before you start writing the actual paper, take your time to consider our tips on how to create a perfect sociology research paper:

When looking for good sociology research topics, pay attention to the branch of medical sociology, which is quite interesting and a broad field to consider.

  • Comparative analysis of social views of Plato and Aristotle
  • The religious basis of the social development
  • Machiavelli’s view on the role of a political leader
  • Humanist views of Thomas More and Tommaso Campanella
  • The social essence of labor
  • Adaptation of workers: a sociological analysis of the problem
  • Social guarantees and unemployment in the labor market
  • Strike as a sharp manifestation of a productive conflict
  • Professional career and factors that determine it
  • Sociological aspects of labor migration
  • Labor behavior: components, strategies, and models
  • Impact of leadership style on labor efficiency
  • Basic approaches to the assessment and certification of personnel at work
  • Conflict situations in the working team and ways of their settlement
  • Social role as an aspect of identifying a social status
  • Social norms and social sanctions
  • Socialization of personality: concepts, types, factors
  • Culture as a component of socialization of an individual
  • Resocialization of a personality
  • Socialization and individual freedom

Features of research work

Sociological thesis topics

  • Family in the system of values of modern youth
  • Factors of a successful marriage
  • Combination of family roles
  • The issue of domestic violence
  • Voluntary/forced childlessness as a social phenomenon
  • Retrospective perception of the single motherhood experience
  • Low-income families
  • Single parenting
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Dealing with family conflicts
  • Effect of divorce on children
  • Challenges in protecting motherhood and childhood

  • Conflicts among the youth
  • Ways and methods of overcoming interpersonal conflicts
  • Features of intergroup conflicts and ways to overcome them
  • Modern mass culture and its negative influence on consciousness and the formation of individual aesthetic tastes
  • Science and culture as the most critical components of the spiritual life of a society
  • Political socialization of a person
  • Deviant behavior of youth as an object of sociological research
  • Strategies for young people to enter public life
  • Sociological studies of marriage and family
  • Family problems of students
  • Social issues of intergenerational relations
  • Changes in family models
  • Non-traditional families
  • The problem of gender and sex
  • Family, marital relations, and religion
  • Religious cults and their role in the life of a society
  • Modern stereotypes of masculinity and femininity among young people
  • The role of mass media in shaping gender stereotypes
  • The patriarchal nature of the modern political sphere
  • Gender aspects of employment and unemployment
  • The problem of violence against women and ways to overcome it
  • The shift of gender roles in the modern family
  • Models of behavior in conflict situations

Family is one of the essential human values, that is why the topics for a sociology research paper based on family issues are considered interesting among scientists, students, and readers.

Sociological thesis topics

The family is the primary unit of society

Drug addiction, like alcoholism, is associated with violations in the performance of social roles by the individual, and is the most important factor of social disorganization, the most serious threat to the functioning of the social organism. The following sociology topics for research on alcohol and drugs will help you to write a high-quality paper.

To date, the psychology and sociology of the family, regarding the children and parents, is a commonly researched subject, since raising a child at an early age is of high social importance. Many parents pay little attention to the education of a child up to 5-6 years, which ultimately leads to big problems. Also, there are a lot of problems that children and teenagers face in their lives. Our good sociology topics disclose some of those problems that can give you the best ideas for your writing.

  1. Are human rights enough?
  2. Relationship between human rights and creative expression.
  3. Identify the documented facts associated with human rights violations (who and how many people are affected, who and how many people are committing the violations, etc.).
  4. Advocating the rights of sex workers in Canada.
  5. Which group, younger people or older people, favor gun laws (requiring permit and regulations to buy a gun) more strongly?
  6. Police brutality, lack of justice, and incarceration against minorities.
  7. Is violence an acceptable tool for social change?
  8. How does religion affect human rights?

Sociology Research Paper Topics on Gender and Sexuality

Sociological thesis topics

By definition, sociology is the science of society. But to say only this is not enough. Society also studies other sciences: history, jurisprudence, demography, etc. In contrast, sociology regards society as an integral system of the functioning of social communities (for example, the family, the city’s population, the youth, humanity, etc.), studies the relationships existing between these communities, and also explores and explains the behavior of people in society. If you study sociology, we suggest you to look through these topics for sociology paper writing, which can help you to complete assignments in this discipline.

  1. How did white people become “white”?
  2. Reasons for immigration.
  3. The role of race in US urban street crime vs. the genocide in Darfur.
  4. Does the stop, question, and frisk policy discriminate against race?
  5. The sociology of race and ethnic relations.
  6. Examine the nature of ethnicity problems.
  7. The actor Morgan Freeman is credited with saying, “The way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it.” Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Why? Provide reasons for your agreement or disagreement.

Social human behavior is the form and method of manifestation by social factors of their preferences, attitudes, and abilities in social action or interaction. The concept of “behavior” came to sociology from psychology. The meaning of the term “behavior” is different from the meaning of such traditionally philosophical concepts as action and activity. If you need to go deeper in this meaning and to write a paper on it, check out our sociology paper topics.


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