Writing a research paper abstract, writing a research paper abstract.

Writing a research paper abstract

This is the abstract, or summary, of your entire paper. It is usually no longer than 250 words in length. You should choose your words carefully so that the abstract does not get too long. Notice that there is no indentation in the abstract. It is one paragraph and the left margin is flush and the right margin is ragged (not justified). The abstract is written in the past tense and should include general overview of the paper you wrote. It also should include any major hypotheses and your method(s), if applicable. Be sure to write your results in a general style, without using numbers. The abstract should end with a very brief concluding statement.

An abstract begins on its own page and is placed immediately after the cover page and before the text of the paper.

  • Accurate
  • Nonevaluative
  • Coherent and readable
  • Concise

Generally, it is one paragraph ranging from 150 to 250 words . A well written abstract should be:


See the Quick Lesson on Abstracts in APA Academic Writer for more information.

According to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed., an abstract is a "brief, comprehensive summary fo the contents of the paper" (American Psychological Association, 2020, p. 73). Including an abstract allows a reader to quickly assess whether the article will be of interest or fulfill a particular information need.

Learn how to write an abstract and how to select keywords, including how to achieve the appropriate length, content, and format.

Writing a research paper abstract

With these contents in mind, you can write your abstract, but be careful about the choice of language and tone. Abstracts should be super-readable so that the researchers distinguish the essential components of your abstract in an instant. As a rule, abstracts do not include any references to outside sources as they present the epitome of your research. However, if you need to present some key point or reference a seminal study, make sure to use the referencing style that your paper has.

As soon as you receive an assignment to write a research paper, there will be an Abstract required in most cases. So, what is an abstract, and how to write an abstract for a research paper? This article will guide you through all ins and outs of high-quality abstract completion.

Following these rules, you’re sure to make your abstract much more readable and way more understandable for the target audience.

First, you need to keep in mind that an abstract precedes the research paper’s body and serves as its brief annotation. Many researchers skim through paper abstracts to see whether this or that study fits their search criteria. When you conduct research, you may waste hours, if not days, of vital time reading full texts of articles. Based on the information in the abstract, a careful reader can extract the key facts about this specific study, thus making a quick decision whether to read it on or not.

Contents of an abstract

Sample #2 Arabic language acquisition through role-playing in Saudi kindergartens

As soon as you complete a paper and start thinking how to write an abstract for a research paper APA, keep the following components in mind:

As your abstract is typically small (most academic institutions and scholarly journals put a cap of 250 words), every word in this section counts. So, choosing the correct language and formulating your ideas concisely is of strategic importance. Are you wondering how to write an effective abstract for a research paper? Here are some pro tips for structuring your abstract so that it gives maximum value to the readers.

Writing a research paper abstract

Learn more about why you may need to request permission to reuse content in your thesis or dissertation, and how to go about it

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In this video, former Wiley editor Martin Wells offers information and tips for authors preparing to publish their research.

In this Wiley Researcher Academy video, researchers and editors discuss the training required to help aspiring researchers succeed in publishing research.

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Writing a research paper abstract

In this Wiley Researcher Academy video, editors, researchers and publishers reflect on what it takes to become a successful researcher.

Why is the abstract so important? Well, because it is often the only section of a paper that is read and usually determines whether a reader downloads and reads the rest of the paper. Or, in the case of a conference paper, the abstract will determine whether it is accepted or not for presentation to colleagues. Conference organizers and journal editors and reviewers pay close attention to the abstract because it is a good predictor of the quality of the paper or talk. A poorly written abstract says the author is inexperienced or doesn’t care about quality.

Learn about everything Wiley can provide to authors from preparing your article for submission to promoting your published work, so you can focus on what is most important to you: your research.

A final point is that some journals are now encouraging or requiring “enhanced abstracts” such as graphical abstracts or video abstracts. Although such abstracts include additional visual components, the same basic guidelines I’ve covered in this post still apply. All good abstracts recapitulate the paper and contain the four key parts listed above.

Writing a research paper abstract

You will almost always have to include an abstract when writing a thesis, dissertation, research paper, or submitting an article to an academic journal.

Always stick to the word limit. If you have not been given any guidelines on the length of the abstract, it’s best not to write more than one page.

A good abstract is short but impactful, so make sure every word counts. Each sentence should clearly communicate one main point.

  • Semi-structured interviews will be conducted with 25 participants.
  • Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 participants.

When to write an abstract

Writing a research paper abstract

For each chapter or section, list keywords and draft 1–2 sentences that summarise the central point or argument. This will give you a framework of your abstract’s structure. Next, revise the sentences to make connections and show how the argument develops.

  1. State your research question and aims
  2. Give a brief description of the methodology
  3. Summarise your most significant findings or arguments
  4. State your conclusion

Don’t evaluate validity, obstacles or limitations here — the goal is not to give an account of the methodology’s strengths and weaknesses, but to give the reader a quick insight into the overall approach and procedures you used.

Writing a research paper abstract

Here is a quick view of the outline of a research paper abstract:

For example, one can begin this section with phrases like, “Our research revealed that…” or “In conclusion, we come to the…”

An abstract is essential because people head to it to learn about your findings. Maximize the amount of information that you include here.

There are two types of abstracts: a descriptive and informative summary. For the descriptive one, it is 100-200 words in length. It is a type of outline that shows the kind of information found in the paper.

Definition of an Abstract

It is advisable to state the critical techniques used in your research briefly. A guide on how to write an abstract for a research paper emphasizes this as it enables you to summarize the basic design of your study.

It is a 100- to 200-word paragraph that gives your readers a quick and extensive overview of your paper and its organization. A research paper abstract expresses your thesis and the most crucial points that you wish your reader to be informed about clearly. For a clear summary, your reader should be able to note the applications or implications of the study that you are going to discuss in your paper.

Example: “This article looks at the political, economic, and cultural forces that contribute to illegal immigration to the US. The causes for immigration are explored, and the connection between these problems US immigration policies analyzed.”


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