Use master thesis or master s thesis, master thesis.

I also searched many an exclusively British corpus, but without yielding any meaningful results.

Use master thesis or master'

As suggested by snailplane, corpus searches are a good way to get a handle on which one is preferred.

    prefers master's thesis by a roughly six to one margin at the year 2000.
  • The Corpus of Contemporary American English prefers master's thesis (212 to 6). prefers master's thesis (384 to 82). Sorry, no direct query links here, since the site uses iframes and I'm too lazy to dig the URLs out. Search master 's thesis (note the space before the apostrophe) and master thesis. This one is a nice corpus because it breaks usages up by country. prefers master's thesis 23 to 0 (same search guidelines as above).

I also searched many an exclusively British corpus, but without yielding any meaningful results.

The relevant ELU question that choster linked discusses master's degree, which has the same form as master's thesis. The question is about apostrophe usage, but note that nobody suggested it should be master degree.

Grammatically speaking, master's thesis unequivocally means a thesis of a master. Master thesis can be read the same way, but also as primary, principle or main thesis.

As suggested by snailplane, corpus searches are a good way to get a handle on which one is preferred. Master’

What is a Thesis?

When getting a Master’s Degree

A thesis paper is a theoretical and experimental investigation of some or other problem, theory, or proposition, and it is usually written as an academic requirement. Thesis assignments appear in a student’


A thesis should be crafted to demonstrate your original thinking on one problem (and only one!) based on data researched from other scientific works. A proper master’

Order your Master’ This is the most important part of your thesis. State whatever significant patterns, relationships, or trends you discovered during your research (including any exceptions that you noted), then interpret your results. Show multiple hypotheses wherever possible. Explain why these results are important for future investigations in your chosen field. Mosan is a Swiss start up providing safe and sustainable sanitation solutions for densely populated areas in low and middle income countries. Mosan implements a complete service from excreta containment in container-based toilets, excreta collection, transformation into biochar by pyrolysis, and distribution of the produced biochar as a soil amendment to farmers. [. ] Carbon credit revenues could be an important revenue stream for CBS business models. Read more (PDF, 364 KB)

Below you can see the topics currently offered by EAWAG researchers and private partners. If you are interested in one of the offered topics, contact the person indicated. Once you agree you will do your Master's Thesis with them, contact the responsible teaching assistant to obtain the documentation form.
You can also independently find a supervisor to develop your own topic. In this case, inform from the beginning the responsible teaching assistant and a potential supervising professor of your intention. Also, pay attention, the professor will have to agree that a certain topic can be the subject of a Master's Thesis. Not all projects are suitable to become Master's Theses. The topics selected below have already received the approval of a professor.

Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) systems represent a relevant alternative to conventional activated sludge systems and a range of AGS models were developed to better understand those systems (Baeten et al., 2019

Mass-transfer in AGS systems is limited by diffusion, resulting in the formation of concentration gradients of electron donors/final acceptors within the granules. During the aerated phase, an oxygen gradient thus develops within the granules, whereby the outer layers are aerobic and the inner core is anoxic or anaerobic (de Kreuk et al., 2007). The formation of different redox conditions within the granules allow nitrification and denitrification to occurs simultaneously during the aerated phase (Winkler et al., 2013), and nowadays, it is well accepted that simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) is a key feature of AGS. But practical experience however indicates that SND is limited during the treatment of municipal WW with AGS systems due to: Read more. (PDF, 252 KB)

Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) systems have been developed over the past 20 years and now offer a relevant alternative over conventional activated sludge systems. Advantages of AGS include enhanced settling properties, a high suspended solid concentration and the co-existence of different redox conditions across the granules, which result in significant energy, footprint and chemical savings (Khan et al., 2015). Read more. (PDF, 112 KB)

The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) of the future is possibly a net source of energy and valuable products. The development of CO2-neutral WWTPs requires both improving the recovery of internal wastewater energy resources and reducing energy demand as well as greenhouse gases emissions (Larsen, 2015). Read more (PDF, 109 KB)

One way to reach the sustainable development goals is to reduce the consumption of natural resources. In the water sector, this has triggered increased interest in circular and resource-oriented approaches to urban wastewater management. Examples of resource-oriented approaches include the recovery of nutrients for food production, the production of biochar or biogas as alternative energy sources, the recycling of grey- and rainwater to be used for green and blue urban infrastructure to enhance biodiversity, recreation areas, or heat management. Read more (PDF, 140 KB)

Contact 1: Dorothee Spuhler (Eawag, )
Contact 2: Carina Doll (Eawag, )

In Urban Drainage planning, local rain data are often available at too low temporal resolution and with a too short time span to allow for robust statistical estimates of sewer network failures with a return period of 10 years by means of long term simulations. Because of this reason, single historical design storms are still frequently used instead.
Alternatively, the precipitation depth associated with a certain return period and duration can be estimated by empirical formulae and transformed into events with high temporal resolution by stochastic models. These synthetic rain data can then be used as input for sewer network models. .. Read more (PDF, 136 KB)

Mosan is a Swiss start up providing safe and sustainable sanitation solutions for densely populated areas in low and middle income countries. Mosan implements a complete service from excreta containment in container-based toilets, excreta collection, transformation into biochar by pyrolysis, and distribution of the produced biochar as a soil amendment to farmers. [. ] Carbon credit revenues could be an important revenue stream for CBS business models. Read more (PDF, 364 KB)

Membrane stripping is an upcoming technology for removal of ammonia in the supernatant of WWTP. The reduced nitrogen return flow has several potential advantages, e.g. diminished N2O production, reduced carbon and oxygen demand in the biological step and production of a nitrogen fertilizer. Thus, ammonia stripping can reduce energy demand and GWP as well as increasing biogas yield. However, the process requires a considerable amount of acid and base. Read more (PDF, 273 KB)

As part of the Blue Diversion Autarky Project (, Eawag has devised an on-site water recycling system called the Water Wall. The system treats and recycles water for applications like hand washing and toilet flushing without the need for external water input. The combination of an aerobic bioreactor with ultrafiltration membrane, activated carbon filter and electrolysis flow cell for final disinfection provides multiple barriers for chemical and microbial contaminants. Read more (PDF, 271 KB)

The aim of this Master thesis is to analyse sanitation systems from innovative technologies that are appropriate for a sustainable urban neighborhood and to compare those among each other regarding relevant sustainability criteria. In order to assist in this task, two software tools are available . Read more (PDF, 253 KB)

The Blue Diversion Autarky toilet is a novel sanitation system without connection to a sewer and piped water. Flushing water, feces and urine are separated and treated on site according to their properties. This project aim at elucidating some aspects of the urine treatment process. Read more (PDF, 97 KB)

Off-gas measurements of the aeration air from the activated sludge process is a well-established method to quantify the efficiency of an aeration field, measured as alphaSSOTE. . Read more (PDF, 259 KB)

Keywords: BAR-Prozess, Nebenstrom Nitrifikation, SIMBA, Prozess-Modellierung

Der BAR-Prozess ist ein [. ] Verfahren, bei dem Faulwasser im Nebenstrom behandelt wird. Das Ammonium im Faulwasser wird dabei in einem separaten Reaktor mit Rücklaufschlamm nitrifiziert. Dadurch wird einerseits der Hauptstrom entlastet und andererseits können die angezüchteten Nitrifikanten im Hauptstrom weiter genutzt werden.
[. ] Da die [ARA Grindelwald] teilweise am Rande ihrer Kapazität ist, wurde der BAR-Prozess im Winter 19/20 als Pilotversuch implementiert. Read more (PDF, 74 KB)

Keywords: urban biodiversity

Recent advancements in spatial models for urban planning and biodiversity assessment now provide the opportunity for more holistic assessment of the multi-functional benefits of urban green space for human and ecosystem health. The Urban Biophysical Environments and Technologies Simulator (UrbanBEATS) Planning-Support Tool enables rapid quantification and exploration of land use planning and Blue-Green Infrastructure strategies. Read more (PDF, 368 KB)

Keywords: hexagonal grids, urban water system, representation of urban water infrastructure, centralised &

[. ] we still do not fully understand the potential computational, quantitative and spatial benefits of hexagonal grid representations, particularly in urban water management.Today’s advancements in geographic information systems (GIS) and computational hardware, however,enable such representations to be more easily implemented. Recent work in hydrology has tested hexagonal grids indigital terrain analysis. Read more (PDF, 444 KB)

keywords: urban heat island

Recent advancements in microclimate modelling have produced a fast spatial model, capable of simulating land surface and air temperatures, known as TARGET (Broadbent et al., 2019). Concurrently, an integrated planning-support model known as UrbanBEATS(Bach et al., 2020)has been under development for almost a decade and is capable of testing the impact of land use planning and Blue-Green Infrastructure strategies on a range of stormwater management objectives . Read more (PDF, 317 KB)

keywords: drinking water production, membrane filtration, biofilm, Extracellular Polymeric Substances, hydraulic resistance

Bacteria inevitably colonize membrane filtration systems to form biofilms (van Loosdrecht et al. 2012). The formation of biofilms on membrane surfaces reduces permeate flux due to the increased hydraulic resistance. But practical experience indicates that avoiding the formation of biofilms is almost impossible. Eawag has thus developed a new paradigm for the operation of membrane systems, which consists in taking advantage of biofilms formed on membrane surfaces. Read more. (PDF, 116 KB)

Eleonora Secchi ()
Nicolas Derlon ()

Keywords: greywater

Conventional wastewater indicators are not suitable and specific enough to evaluate the removal of wide-spectrum contaminants during water treatment. At the same time, wide-spectrum contaminant monitoring is expensive and subject to time lag. [. ] This is especially problematic for onsite treatment, such as grey water treatment. read more (PDF, 494 KB)

Traditionell wurden die Schweizer Kläranlagen so konzipiert, dass sie bei Regenwetter den zweifachen Trockenwetterfluss behandeln (Munz, 1966

Several problems within integrated management of urban drainage and wastewater systems require longer forecast horizons than what radar extrapolation nowcasts can provide. For longer rainfall forecast horizons, we need to turn to Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models, which are large physically-based models of atmospheric motion. read more (PDF, 494 KB)

Keywords: Smart urban water management, parallelizable and multi-objective optimization, Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)

Worldwide, the installation, operation, and maintenance of urban water systems costs hundreds of billion dollars annually. Moreover, pluvial flooding is becoming more frequent, causing tens of billions of dollars of economic damage every year. Recently, several researchers have proposed. (read more (PDF, 193 KB) )

Off-gas measurements of the aeration air from the activated sludge process is a well-established method to quantify the efficiency of an aeration field, measured as alphaSSOTE. Read more (PDF, 256 KB)

Looking for new opportunities to adapt the existing centralised urban drainage system into a more decentralised system, we need to analyze the impact of decentralization on the existing network. The impact on hydraulic properties is particularly critical for system performance. read more (PDF, 492 KB)

Keywords: sewer visual inspection, sewer defects, sewer hydraulic condition, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

[. ] The advances in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation, computer vision and deep learning methods create new opportunities to automatically identify and characterise sewer pipe defects from video and image records, while also reducing the uncertainties involved in the condition assessment. read more. (PDF, 302 KB)

Keywords: anaerobic wastewater treatment, bioplastics, wastewater upgrading, anaerobic digestion without biogas.

The wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) of the future is a net source of energy/valuable products, i.e., a water resource recovery facilities (WRRF). While conventional WWTPs focus only on the removal of organic substrates and nutrients, WRRFs additionally aim at converting pollutants into valuable end-products. The current project aims. Read more. (PDF, 174 KB)

Keywords: Anammox, AOB, NOB, process engineering, population growth, biofilm, wastewater

One difficulty associated with anammox-based processes is the suppression of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB). Read more (PDF, 225 KB)

. concentrations and industrial properties of exopolymers

Keywords: aerobic granular sludge, exoploymers, resource recovery

Aerobic granular sludge (AGS) is a promising technology for the treatment of municipal wastewater (van Loosdrecht and Brdjanovic, 2014) and an advancement over conventional activated sludge systems. . Read more (PDF, 57 KB)

Dynamic adaption of the control parameter from a WWTP to the load in the influent has the potential to optimize the effluent quality and/or the cleaning capacity. Read more. (PDF, 37 KB)

Supervisors can find on this page information on the requirements the students have to fulfil to complete a Master's Thesis in the Chairs of Urban Water Management at ETH Zurich, organizational and didactical information and the templates for the proposal of new Master's Thesis topics. If you need a paper copy of your master thesis, you can choose between the following two options:


If you need a paper copy of your master thesis, you can choose between the following two options:

  1. You may print out the master thesis yourself (print on both sides). Bring it to the IT services help desk (near the library). There you can make your own “hard copy” with a transparent plastic cover.
  2. You can contact a local print shop and have them make a hard copy in accordance with the requirements as listed above.

Remember to use the “Master Thesis Title Page” format on the first page of your thesis (see box to the right on this website). Information on the title page must be correct.

UiA encourages master students to give their consent to the publication of their master’s theses in the Agder University Research Archive AURA. When submitting your thesis you will be asked to give your consent regarding the publication of your thesis.


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