25 Free Math PowerPoint PPT Templates Background for 2021, powerpoint templates for teachers.

Powerpoint templates for teachers

GraphicRiver also has plenty of other high quality PowerPoint templates that can be used for all types of presentations as well.

When you deliver educational presentations, one of your biggest challenges is keeping the attention of your audience. By using high quality graphics in your presentation, you give your audience something pleasing to look at. It'll make your presentation much more engaging.

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By using a clean and modern looking math PowerPoint template from Envato Elements, you can begin the design process with a design that's already looking top notch. If you only want to buy a single math background for PowerPoint, then GraphicRiver has got you covered.

1. Math Lesson

Powerpoint templates for teachers

Any type of abstract shapes will work here. Even just adding a few small abstract shapes will have a big impact on your presentations.

Looking for even more mathematics PowerPoint designs that weren't covered in this article? In the next section we'll go over even more best-selling templates designs that can help you create stunning math presentations.

This is a free math background for PowerPoint that mathematics teachers and professors can use. The template contains three slides and is compatible with versions of PowerPoint from 2003 and up.

Powerpoint templates for teachers

Slides Mania has more than 150 PowerPoint "themes" (aka templates) that you can download and use.

  • Flexibility in design
  • Blending images, text, lines, shapes, videos and more
  • Incorporating drag and drop options (more on that later)
  • An easy place for students to type
  • An easy place for us to leave feedback (in comments)

But what if you can't find a pre-created template that's just right?

Templates are productivity boosters. They can help us get more done in less time.

Vocab Concept Map

Powerpoint templates for teachers

When you use a traditional photocopied worksheet, the parts on the photocopy are locked into place. Students can't erase them. But they create the framework for the worksheet. What students write -- and where they write it -- has to do what's locked into place on that photocopy.

In my example, after I had the five draggable elements of a story in place, I added text boxes for students to type their responses.

Lets students make connections to other words from a specific vocabulary term.

There are TONS of awesome multimedia activities you can do with interactive notebooks. They’re easy and free! Get this downloadable template to get started!

Powerpoint templates for teachers

On the Design tab, select Page Setup, and choose the orientation and page dimensions you want.

Users of your template will work in Normal view, guided by the instructional prompts that you added. The template users will replace the instructional prompt text and other placeholder content with data that is specific to their own project or presentation.

The slide master is the largest slide image at the top of the slide thumbnail list, to the left of your slides. Associated slide layouts are positioned beneath the slide master.

Click a location on the slide master, and then drag to draw the placeholder.

Links to more information about PowerPoint templates

Powerpoint templates for teachers

To set the page orientation for all of the slides in your presentation, on the Slide Master tab, in the Page Setup group, click Slide Orientation, and then click either Portrait or Landscape.

To add a text placeholder, in the slide thumbnail pane, click the slide layout that you want to contain the placeholder, and then do the following:

When you create a template, add any content to the slide master in Slide Master view that you want to protect from being changed by users of your template, such as instructional prompt text, logos, header and footer information, subject matter content, a background, formatting, colors, fonts, and effects.

Many presentations contain more than one slide master, so you may have to scroll to find the one that you want.

Powerpoint templates for teachers

In the File name box, type a file name, or do nothing to accept the suggested file name.

To use your template for a new presentation, click File > New. Then click Custom > Custom Office Templates, and then double-click the template you saved.

On the Design tab, select Page Setup, and choose the orientation and page dimensions you want.

If you need assistance applying your new template to a presentation, see Apply a template to a new presentation.

Best practice for creating a template

Powerpoint templates for teachers

On the Slide Master tab, in the Master Layout group, click Insert Placeholder, and then click Text.

Click a location on the slide master, and then drag to draw the placeholder.

Click a heading below to open the section and see the instructions:

On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Slide Master.

Powerpoint templates for teachers

From just the animations and components, you can make simple games like flashcards, memory games, hangman, and Wheel of Fortune style word games that involve revealing something on the screen.

Every game like Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud, etc. has some sort of reveal or surprise element – whether its revealing letters or the full answer.

To create a trigger, you simply click on the animation you want to “trigger” (in this case, the card flip, or exit animation of the top card) – then go to the Effect Options menu, click on “triggers,” and select the card that will serve as the trigger (in this case, the same card you are flipping).

You don’t need to redo the process for every new card (which I learned from a viewer after doing just that in my flashcards tutorial!).

PowerPoint Games & Animations

Another variation of this is the double swivel trick – though it’s a bit trickier because you have to line up the timings in a very specific way.

Note: A quick tip is to test the triggers option on your device before using – Macs do not currently allow you to create new triggers, for example, but do allow you to click on triggers you receive from others.

My favorite way is to use a card flip trick – a very versatile technique.

This is really the secret sauce to making PowerPoint games, as it allows you to go in the direction the audience chooses – whether it’s picking categories (“Things that start with A for $400”) or revealing answers.


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