How to Write Captivating Introductions Conclusions for Your MBA Essays, writing conclusions for essays.

Writing conclusions for essays

To give the reader an idea of your theme , think of an example or story that best represents this idea. What is the main point you want to get across, and what is a good metaphor to immerse the reader in that idea without giving them details?

When writing your MBA essays , one of the most important things to think about is making yourself and your stories memorable to the adcom . This is essential to standing out amongst thousands of other candidates.

For example, one of our clients, in writing about her commitment to women’s access to healthcare, wrote this introduction:

That’s why we’ve compiled our top tips for writing captivating introductions and conclusions – so you can quickly understand how to make your ideas stand out!

Tell a story

Writing conclusions for essays

First impressions matter, and your first sentence is your opportunity to really engage the reader and set your tone. There are many ways to create an interesting hook sentence , but some of the successful techniques our clients have used include giving interesting facts, using quotes, asking questions to invoke empathy, beginning with bold statements, or putting the reader in the middle of a situation that you will explain throughout the intro paragraph.

Some clients have said things like “I want to save my country” or “I hope to make a positive impact.” Statements like these are too broad to actually paint a clear image. So while you can discuss a bigger change that you want to see, make sure it is still relevant to your own specific goals and focus .

We often recommend that clients discuss their main idea in a future-oriented way. For example, if your theme is the importance of empathic leadership, you can summarize all the lessons you have learned and discuss how you have changed and why this is important, or how you plan to use those lessons in the future.

Writing conclusions for essays

Now that you've fully explained the research and the support for your thesis statement throughout the body of the paper, it's time to come back to that original idea in the conclusion. The conclusion basically asks us to do a few things:

The conclusion of an essay may be the toughest section to write. Think about it

  • Restate the main idea of the paper (why you wrote this entire long piece to begin with).
  • Summarize all the key points you made throughout the body of the paper (things that proved your thesis statement).
  • Write about why this paper and topic are important, and leave the reader with ideas for additional research or maybe some questions that didn't get answered. The idea is that you want to leave the reader with a long-lasting impression. This is your opportunity to really drive your point home and to use some really interesting language.

So, how do you write a good conclusion? What are the key components of a solid conclusion? What does a thorough and effective conclusion look like?

Essay conclusion 2 — Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary school?

Read on for more information about our conclusion on conclusions.

Financial literacy is one of the most important things a person needs to understand as a fully functional adult. It's crucial for someone to be able to know how to purchase a car, open a bank account, invest in a 401k plan, and pay back his or her student debt all while being able to balance paying rent and saving money. Financial literacy should be taught to students while they are still in high school so that they can feel prepared to go out on their own and make a positive contribution to society.

"Thank you so much for meeting with me. I know that you're a very private person, and I can't tell you how much this means to me."

Writing conclusions for essays

  • Lack of concision. Some students can go on and on with the work they have written, which is usually unnecessary and irritating. Try to be as concise and to the point as possible. The conclusion is not the right place for small details. Talk about the implications, evaluations, insights, but do not talk about some minor points which can be easily omitted. These minor points include the multiple steps you might have taken when writing the research, additional topics which stem from the main topic, unnecessary details which could be compressed into several short sentences instead of several paragraphs, and so on.
  • Lack of comments on larger and more significant issues. The introduction usually goes from general to specific. In comparison, the conclusion usually goes from specific back to general. So this is where you need to put your research into a larger context.
  • An absence of the negative aspects of your research process would make your paper seem not as authentic as it should be. So, if you had certain problems, drawbacks, and challenges, it will help the paper seem more relatable, personal, and in-depth—which is often the key to a successful research.
  • No clear summary of what was learned. Talk about your own experience and what knowledge you have accumulated along the way. It can be only a few sentences long, but it is still very important.
  • Inability to match the objectives of your research. You need to address how your original objectives in your introduction have been achieved throughout the work. Make a nice structural circle to show how the introduction and conclusion are interlinked.
  • Inability to unify your work. You need to tie all of the sections of your academic work together so that the professor can see a whole picture. You can even use the same images and concepts in the introduction and the conclusion to link everything.
  • Poor logic. In some papers, there may be different, or even opposite, points. The conclusion is a perfect place to create a single and clear opinion for the problem. If your paper contains certain questions that weren’t clearly answered in the paper, they must be answered in the conclusion. You can even ask readers to draw their own conclusions. The best way to do it is to ask the readers questions instead of always providing them with answers. Still, this approach may not work in all disciplines, but it may be quite effective if you are writing a research paper on some social issues or politics.
  • No personal recommendation. If you are creating a call to action, you need to explain which actions you consider the most important or effective. This will help to better understand the topic and the general context of your research.

  • A thesis statement. This is a brief statement which helps to describe what the work is about in several sentences. A good thesis should be impersonal, definitive, clear, and arguable.
  • A summary of arguments. After the thesis you should write the summary of arguments or data that you have collected.
  • Observations and final sentence. Finish with your own observations and include a final sentence to convey the importance of your work.

A conclusion is used to summarize what you’ve written about in your academic paper. It may seem easy, but your final mark depends a lot on how well you are able to express the main point of your research paper. The ability to show the whole picture of your research, in several concise paragraphs or pages, is sure to make your work stand out. Also, remember that the conclusion is the last part of the research paper (if you exclude the bibliography and endnotes), so you should take it seriously.

There are a few technical tricks to making this effect:

What You Should Avoid in the Conclusion for Your Research Paper

Writing conclusions for essays

We know the Do’s, not let’s go over the don’ts. Hopefully, by the end of this article, your conclusion will shine like a nice recycled plastic bottle.

For more ideas, look to the greats. George Orwell is one of the masters of rhetorical devices such as mirroring and imagery. His essay Shooting an Elephant has made lots of people cry.

The conclusion is a perfect chance for you to succinctly reply to one of the inherent questions your readers will usually have after finishing to read: "So what?"

This will create a lasting impression and will show your own confidence in your work. To do this, you can highlight the main findings in your research, including the main points of analysis and unexpected results that you encountered when doing the work.

Writing conclusions for essays

A conclusion plays a vital role in the successful essay composing. You may have a well-developed introduction and the main body, which makes your reader admire your writing skills. But what if the ending of your paper is not impressive enough? The overall opinion of the essay will be spoiled. That is why a remarkable conclusion is a key element of successful work.

A good summary includes a well-restated thesis statement and the main points of the article. Introduce the key elements coherently and clearly, providing information solely from the text. Avoid going too deep in details and minor ideas. Make sure your summary hits all the targets of the article.

The last sentence of your essay plays the most crucial role. With a compelling conclusion sentence, you will leave a positive impression on your readers. Are you wondering how does a successful ending of the essay look like? We will help you to figure it out!

To explain the relevance, you need to highlight the reason why you wrote and what you wrote. While creating the argumentative essay conclusion, clarify why your ideas are appropriate.

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Writing conclusions for essays

Are you tired of constant troubles with remarkable essay ending composing? Turn to our conclusion paragraph maker, and your life will become easier! In case you might be asking yourself what the benefits of using the device are, here is the answer:

Don't provide new arguments or evidence. Do you remember what an effective conclusion is? It is a summary and synthesis of all the main points stated in the body paragraphs. Therefore, do not add any additional arguments. You should've made your point in the previous parts.

Don't simply restate the thesis from the introduction. The thesis statement only gives the reader the idea of the essay. What helps the audience to examine the topic on a deep level is the main body. Thus, in your conclusion, try to connect your thesis statement with the main point you developed throughout the paper.

Writing conclusions for essays

She smiles slightly at me and waves at the waiter for the check, which he brings promptly.

Remember that thesis statement which you wrote in the first or second paragraph of your essay? You know, the one where you stated a claim about something? You argued something about a topic and you used the body paragraphs to prove your thesis statement through all of the research that you've performed.

Okay, so now that we have a game plan of how we need to write a good conclusion and what components consists of, let's look at a few examples of some sample essay conclusions.

The conclusion of an essay may be the toughest section to write. Think about it

Essay conclusion 7 — What is something that should be taught in school that isn't?

There are some clear benefits to starting school later in the morning for K-12 students such as better academic performance and improved sleeping schedules. Although it might take a bit of rearranging schedules for parents to take their kids to school later on in the day, it's more important that students perform better academically than for the drop-off to be convenient for the parents on their way to work. To combat this, increased bus routes and crossing guards should be implemented so that parents who have to get to work at a certain time can be assured that their kids are making it to school safely.

"Thank you so much for meeting with me. I know that you're a very private person, and I can't tell you how much this means to me."

It's clear that sexual education is completely vital to the public-school curriculum. Not only does this lead to a better understanding of human development and human sexuality, but awareness and sex education also reduce the rates of teen pregnancy. Studies have shown that comprehensive sexual education increases the age of when teens have sex for the first time. Learning about contraception and how to use contraception correctly ultimately leads to lower rates of STDs. Lastly, comprehensive sex education also teaches students about consensual sex, and will hopefully lead to healthier sexual relationships and lower rates of sexual assault in the future. Not only should sex education be taught in public schools, but it should be mandatory for all public-school systems.

Technology surely isn't going anywhere. If anything, we will become more and more dependent on the capabilities of our smartphones and other devices in the future. However, we have to make sure that this dependence on technology isn't making us lazier or less curious about the world around us. With more knowledge available than ever before with today's technology, people are less discerning about what kind of materials they read and whether or not those materials are factual. People are also less likely to make a personal connection with someone while they're out in the world, which can increase levels of depression, anxiety, and stress. Ultimately, we have to learn how to co-exist with technology in a way that is both healthful and constructive.


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