How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper, writing a conclusion for a research paper.

Writing a conclusion for a research paper

When writing a conclusion for your research paper, you should inherently restate the main argument. There you will be able to show the strengths of your main argument and repeat all of the main evidence that supports your argument. But do not be too repetitive!

Summary of Your Thoughts and Opinions to Show How Significant Your Research Is

These rhetorical devices will help your essay stick in the minds of readers. They can be powerful tools and really prompt change.

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Writing a conclusion for a research paper

  • The conclusion should be written in clear, simple language. Do not be overly elaborate.
  • Do not repeat your results without going into a deeper discussion about them.
  • Showcase opportunities for further research.

  • Pose a question in the introduction and answer it in conclusion.
  • Start a joke or a story, and finish it in conclusion.
  • A creative idea: if you’re writing about recycling you can start with the story of a plastic bag, and make it go full circle. The plastic bag gets thrown away, recycled, and becomes a plastic bag again. A beautiful and compelling story of reincarnation.
  • Rely on imagery. Create a pattern of words and images in the introduction, and mirror it in conclusion. It creates a subconscious feeling of totality.

The Last Opinion on the Problems You Raised in Your Paper

Writing a conclusion for a research paper

Use this sample for your inspiration on how to write a research paper conclusion that will guarantee you an “A.”

In our last bit of this segment, we look at how to close a research paper (after implementing the three points discussed above):

“COVID-19 is a highly infectious respiratory syndrome with devastating effects across a wide spectrum.”

“Physically, the disease has left some paralyzed. Many patients have also had to deal with stigmatization while most countries have gone into economic recession.”

Conclusion Paragraph Example for Research Paper

When asked about the conclusion of research paper, most students will say that it is insignificant. Why? “Because it is at the bottom. Who will have the time for it?” Or worse still, “provided my intro and body are okay, the conclusion doesn’t matter.”

“Since there is no vaccine to this virus yet, it is important to prevent and reduce the risk of infection. Remember, you can get it, I can get it. So, let’s all play our parts diligently.”

Just like any other part of a paper, a conclusion has its commandments. Breaking them would amount to severe repercussions, you wouldn’t want that, don’t you? Now, let’s have a look at these plagues that you should keep off from:

Now let’s see how to strategize and present your conclusion professionally.

Writing a conclusion for a research paper

I did think hard before outsourcing my Master’s thesis to a third party but I am happy I have selected you! It turned out really great! Thank you!

The idea is to provide clarity on the subject and the contents of the work. If your paper contained any questions in the introduction, the derivation is your last chance to answer them. If any points have not been clear throughout the paper, make sure to set the record straight in your conclusion. If you made a thesis statement, but the outcome of the research made you change your mind, make sure to emphasize the change in your conclusion to encourage the readers to do some thinking of their own.

However, the importance of a good conclusion for a research paper can hardly be overrated. It’s true that the primary goal of the research is to summarize the paper, but the truth is that it’s much more complex than a simple summary of the work. Plus, conclusions will also differ based on the purpose of the writing. A conclusion on social media will be very different from a paper on marine biology. Find out how to write a conclusion that will impress everyone! If you don’t have the time to write a convincing paper, try our new service of writing a research paper by American writers! Graduated professional are ready to help you any minute, so you still have some questions just write to our support and all issues will be solved.

If you look at conclusion examples for a research paper, you will realize they always follow a certain structure. Structuring your conclusion helps you be precise when writing. In order to impress the readers, your paper needs to contain the following information:

Common Mistakes

Writing a conclusion for a research paper

  • If you are using visual aids in your paper, use the same graphics for the introduction and the conclusion to instantly bring the readers back to the beginning of the narrative.
  • Include a question somewhere at the end of your introduction. Then, at the beginning of the conclusion, restate that question and finally offer an answer, which should be based on the things you find throughout the research.
  • Use a story or an anecdote to attract the attention of the readers in the introduction, but hold off the conclusion to the story until the conclusion of your paper. Then the readers will be simultaneously intrigued and impressed by your writing skills.

Your conclusion is your final chance to prove the audience that your research is a valuable addition to the academic discussion of the topic. Imagining answering the “So what?” question will put you in a defending mode and you will finish your research paper conclusion with a bang.

  1. When you write a conclusion, use clear language that can be easily understood by people without a scientific background.
  2. The conclusion of research paper length largely depends on the size of the paper, but most conclusions benefit from being short and concise, which means a 1-page maximum length is what you should go for. However, there are many brilliant conclusions that are only a couple of sentences long, so it’s always best to go for the shorter version of anything you have to say.
  3. Avoid looking like you’ve singlehandedly solved the problem with your research paper

    Many students find that example helps them get a better idea of what to include in their introduction and how to phrase it. If you, too, need some inspiration for your writing, here are some examples of conclusions created by professional academic writers.

    Writing a conclusion for a research paper

    The conclusion should not be a mechanical summation of the end findings of each chapter. It should contain the new, essential information that is the results of the study. If you want to know how to make an effective conclusion for a research paper, pay attention to the abstract, introduction and results. These parts predetermine the conclusion.

    It is necessary to start with the goals that were set at the very beginning. Take this information from the introduction to the work. Begin this part of the conclusion with the words “In this paper we considered the question …”, “At the beginning of the work, we set a goal to find out …” and so on. Note what you managed to find out in the course of considering the issue, focusing on the results of each chapter/section. This part can be formalized, for example, with the expression: “In the course of research, we learned that …”. Make the conclusions. Here it would be appropriate to write something like: “In conclusion, we can summarize the following result – …”.

    To ask opinions among the audience is a good way to perform a conclusion. This will help to make the conclusion impressive. Although, this method will not be appropriate in every scientific paper. The tool is good for use in political and social studies. The question should be clearly related to the central theme and purpose of the work. You can also give advice on actions that you consider most effective.

    It would seem that the main work has been done: the introduction has been polished, the body part is succinctly stated. It remains to write the conclusion correctly, and the finished work can be safely performed to the tutor.

    Make your conclusion more effective! Follow this simple hints

    Writing a conclusion for a research paper

    One of the criteria for writing a successful student work is not only a competent statement of thought but also the correct observance of the structure – the introduction, the body and the conclusion.

    The student should know what he would write in the conclusion when developing the introduction – these two parts should be interconnected. The final section repeats the thesis mentioned at the beginning. Below picked up the best tips and recommendations to help you write the best conclusion for the research work!

    The formulation of the conclusion should correlate and base on the private (intermediate) conclusions made at the end of each work section (for example, chapter, paragraph).

    Transition words and phrases are the best tools that allow organizing the logic and ideas in your conclusion. It is a solid bridge that takes the audience from one statement to another. They are divided into several large groups:

    Writing a conclusion for a research paper

    Students can use an excellent research paper conclusion example if they have problems creating their own. Here are a few examples that you may look at while working on your assignment if you don’t know how to write a conclusion for a research paper.

    Due to widespread tuberculosis in developing countries, medical professionals are constantly working on implementing new strategies to assist in diagnosis and treatment stages. Their goal is to educate people, as well as, help them overcome conditions that lead to its widespread.

    • Despite
    • In spite of
    • However
    • Nevertheless

    Learning how to conclude a research paper shows how much you worked on your task. This paragraph summarizes the thesis statement, most relevant evidence, and final result reached. It recalls all the main points from the research paper's body and decides whether to agree with them.

    Good Conclusion Examples

    A research paper is an integral part of any educational process, thus writing it properly is a must for any student. It is an academic assignment that may be in the form of a term paper, master or doctoral dissertations, which is based on original research and analysis of a certain topic. Today, we’ll talk about a conclusion, one of the main parts of any academic work. That is why every student should learn how to write a conclusion for a research paper. The conclusion is a brief summary of everything you’ve included in research and makes readers understand what your assignment was about, its main hypothesis, purpose, and findings. If readers missed any points discussed, they could refer to conclusion paragraph for a quick wrap-up.

    The data provided in this research proves that males are usually involved in more serious car accidents. This, however, doesn’t prove that women are better drivers. Women are, in fact, less likely to break law and rules, while men are known to excel in dexterity and are usually more focused. Accordingly, men are considered to be more skillful drivers, but more strategies should be implemented to make them follow the law.

    Completing a perfect conclusion is all about being systematic. Here you will find several tips that will be handy:

    When you’re learning how to write a conclusion paragraph for a research paper, you should focus on using transition words. These words link ideas, improve the flow of your structure and connect to the purpose of writing.

    Writing a conclusion for a research paper

    Also, if applicable, state the expected results of your research, mention if the expected results were accomplished and if they were not accomplished, state what can be done.

    Therefore, it does not fit the tone of an academic paper, which is regarded as formal writing.

    It is especially advisable to use a question in your conclusion when the topic of discussion touches a social issue such as:

    Most scholars advise that you end your conclusion with a question that is related to the topic of discussion.

    Provide solutions to the problem

    Avoid adding new information in your conclusion

    For instance, you might find it difficult to include a call-to-action in literature review conclusions or research paper focused on criticism of an idea or concept.

    A deep understanding of the research topic and good writing skills are among the things you need to write a good conclusion.


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