How to Write a Research Introduction: from Pure Title to Hook Sentence, how to write an intro for a research paper.

How to write an intro for a research paper

On contrary, a concise and properly structured introduction will surely make the readers notice your writing and analytical skills, and make them want to go on reading.

Your introduction should define the topic, consist of a context and rationale, as well as of a hypothesis and research questions. A thoughtful introduction sets a tone for the whole paper, grabs attention of the reader and provides thesis statement and hypothesis.

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A hook sentence is your chance to catch interest of the reader and make him want to learn more after reading the introduction in research paper. Your hook may include:

Writing a Thesis Statement

How to write an intro for a research paper

Rationale is an explanation why you are using a certain film, book or method in your work. The basic elements of a rationale are:

Below you will find the most relevant tips for writing a great research paper introduction.

First paragraphs of your research paper give the audience information on quality of chosen arguments, your personal style, as well as on validity of conclusions. If your introduction is weak and lacks structure, it may make the reader want to put your research paper aside.

  • Target audience and citation of literature

    How to write an intro for a research paper

    Every research paper needs context so that readers can understand why you have created it. This is exactly what you can do in your research paper introduction. Of course, this can mean that your introduction is the hardest part of the paper to write first. So, it is essential that you take your time and make sure you get it right.

    As you see, writing research papers introduction is not that challenging if you follow the guide. But sometimes even the smartest students fail in choosing a competitive topic and building a solid thesis. Even if you consider your topic important, it can seem questionable for your professor. How to write an introduction for a research paper and make it flawless?

    The introduction of a research paper may contain a few other parts/ elements such as the chief goal(s) and objectives of the research, a brief but informative outline of the following content, explained, concept definitions, a brief history of the research into the topic, recent related discoveries, etc.).

    Developing a statement in the main body, you will need some literature sources to refer to. While your idea can sound a bit subjectively, if you maintain it with citations extracted from works of famous scientists, authors, or philosophers, you will prove your point. Don’t neglect modern time scholars that are being deeply concerned about the issue or opinion you stated. The introduction should briefly state what the literature will be about.

    Sana Shaikh

    How to write an intro for a research paper

    You want to capture your reader’s attention right from the beginning. If you are not sure how to do that effectively, think about including a quotation that captures the heart of the topic. This will be particularly true if your essay is for social subjects, such as English, History, and humanities. It is going to help create a picture in the reader’s head, and they will remember this when they are reading your work. Depending on the subject of your paper, it could also include a striking statistic.

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    "Introductions need to be organized, succinct, and clear. Clear writing is essential when writing a research paper. Often, students work so hard in crafting an interesting hook that the rest of the introduction devolves into another direction. For students, I always recommend clearly identifying what your thesis is - what are you planning on focusing on for your paper? As a reader, do I know what the premise of the paper is before I continue reading? For research papers, engagement is in the pithiness of writing and the organizational structure. In introductions particularly, the statement of organization is vital. The statement of organization dictates how the rest of the paper will be structured and what the reader should look to when they are reading. For research papers, follow your passions. What interests you? What is a topic that keeps you up at night? What are you passionate about? Finding a topic that resonates with you is key when aiming to write ideas clearly."
    Sana Shaikh, PhD, Director of School Operations in Springfield Public Schools

    How to write an intro for a research paper

    "Stating your position" can be a single sentence answer to the essay question but will often include 2-3 sentences explaining the answer in more detail.

    When writing an introduction, you should typically use a ‘general to specific’ structure. That is, introduce the particular problem or topic the essay will address in a general sense to provide context, before narrowing down to your particular position and line of argument.

    An essay is not like a mystery novel which keeps the reader in suspense

    The purpose of the introduction is to give your reader a clear idea of what your essay will cover. It should provide some background information on the specific problem or issue you are addressing, and should clearly outline your answer. Depending on your faculty or school, ‘your answer’ may be referred to as your position, contention, thesis or main argument. Whatever term is used, this is essentially your response to the essay question, which is based on the research you have undertaken.

    Outline the structure or main supporting points of your essay

    State your position on the topic (also referred to as your main argument, or contention, or thesis statement). Make sure that you are directly answering the question (and the whole essay question if there is more than one part!).

    This might also be an appropriate place to introduce the reader to key terms and provide definitions, if required.

    The introduction usually starts by providing some background information to your particular topic, so the reader understands the key problem being addressed and why it is an issue worth writing about. However, it is important that this is brief and that you only include information that is directly relevant to the topic.

    Don’t be tempted to start your essay with a grand generalisation, for instance: ‘War has always been a problem for humanity….’, or ‘Since the beginning of time…’. Instead, make sure that your initial sentence relates directly to the problem, question or issue highlighted by the essay topic.

    How to write an intro for a research paper

    1. An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
    2. Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
    3. A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

    Example: Signposting This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

    Particularly in longer essays, it’s helpful to end the introduction by signposting what will be covered in each part. Keep it concise and give your reader a clear sense of the direction your argument will take.

    A good introduction paragraph is an essential part of any academic essay. It sets up your argument and tells the reader what to expect.

    Well done!

    In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Prior to the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for much less restricted circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

    It’s especially important to make sure your thesis statement accurately represents what you do in the essay. If your argument has gone in a different direction than planned, tweak your thesis statement to match what you actually say.

    • Catch your reader’s attention.
    • Give background on your topic.
    • Present your thesis—the central point of your essay.

    As you research and write, your argument might change focus or direction as you learn more.

    How to write an intro for a research paper

    The second task of your introduction is to provide a well-rounded summary of previous research that is relevant to your topic. So, before you begin to write this summary, it is important to research your topic thoroughly.

    Search a journal database, such as PsychInfo or ERIC, to find articles on your subject. Once you have located an article, look at the reference section to locate other studies cited in the article. As you take notes from these articles, be sure to write down where you found the information.

    The purpose of an introduction in a psychology paper is to justify the reasons for writing about your topic. Your goal in this section is to introduce the topic to the reader, provide an overview of previous research on the topic, and identify your own hypothesis.

    Emily is a fact checker, editor, and writer who has expertise in psychology content.

    Introduce the Topic

    If your paper tackles a controversial subject and is focused on resolving the issue, it is important to summarize both sides of the controversy in a fair and impartial way. Consider how your paper fits in with the relevant research on the topic.

    This is often one of the most boring and onerous steps, so students tend to skip outlining and go straight to writing. Creating an outline might seem tedious, but it can be an enormous time-saver down the road and will make the writing process much easier. Start by looking over the notes you made during the research process and consider how you want to present all of your ideas and research.

    A simple note detailing the author's name, journal, and date of publication can help you keep track of sources and avoid plagiarism.

    Once you are ready to write your introduction, your first task is to provide a brief description of the research question. What is the experiment or study attempting to demonstrate? What phenomena are you studying? Provide a brief history of your topic and explain how it relates to your current research.

    How to write an intro for a research paper

    This is often one of the most boring and onerous steps, so students tend to skip outlining and go straight to writing. Creating an outline might seem tedious, but it can be an enormous time-saver down the road and will make the writing process much easier. Start by looking over the notes you made during the research process and consider how you want to present all of your ideas and research.

    As you are introducing your topic, consider what makes it important. Why should it matter to your reader? The goal of your introduction is not only to let your reader know what your paper is about, but also to justify why it is important for them to learn more.

    Once you have summarized the previous research, explain areas where the research is lacking or potentially flawed. What is missing from previous studies on your topic? What research questions have yet to be answered? Your hypothesis should lead to these questions.

    If your paper tackles a controversial subject and is focused on resolving the issue, it is important to summarize both sides of the controversy in a fair and impartial way. Consider how your paper fits in with the relevant research on the topic.

    Create a Detailed Outline

    Search a journal database, such as PsychInfo or ERIC, to find articles on your subject. Once you have located an article, look at the reference section to locate other studies cited in the article. As you take notes from these articles, be sure to write down where you found the information.

    A simple note detailing the author's name, journal, and date of publication can help you keep track of sources and avoid plagiarism.

    It is important to give the reader a good overview of the historical context of the issue you are writing about, but do not feel like you have to provide an exhaustive review of the subject. Focus on hitting the main points, and try to include the most relevant studies. You might describe the findings of previous research and then explain how the current study differs or expands upon earlier research.


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