At this point, it might seem like it’s over the top with all the excellent work you just finished. But take one moment to look at the rubric one last time. And the assignment sheet, too.
You’re not writing in a vacuum—you have academic support at your fingertips, as well as friends who are in the same boat. Make an appointment with the writing center to get a semi-professional set of eyes, and had that paper to a friend for quick notes.
Remember when you were one of those foolish plebes handing in a paper you wrote hours before it was due and hope for an C? Aren’t you glad you know better now?
Now that you have that figured out, let’s move on to the next step: Crafting a reminder that you can revisit while you write.
Step 4: Last Pass
You’ve done so much work and you’re almost complete! You have one more important step: download the Natural Reader Pro app. This app will cost you $10 and is well worth the price. Natural Reader reads documents, PDFs, and websites to you in a range of speeds and voices so that you can hear your paper as it is written, not as you wish it was written.
If the professor does not provide these things to you, don’t be afraid to ask for them. It’s completely unfair to assess a student if the student doesn’t know what’s expected of them. When you ask, be courteous.
ESL instructors should try to increase digital interactions between students outside of class, use digital technology inside of class, and make digital avenues of education a learning priority.
Now that you know—on a very general level—what’s happening in the field, you can get going on making your thesis and outline.
The first step to writing a successful research paper is structuring it properly. Basic structure of any college paper is as follows: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Normally, both the introduction and the conclusion are one paragraph each, unless the paper you’re writing is very large. The body can stretch anywhere from three to seven paragraphs.
- Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc – “After this, therefore because of this”. If situation a occurs and then directly afterwards b happens, this does not mean that a causes b. Assuming it does is a logical fallacy.
- Non sequitur – “Does not follow”. Essentially means that the conclusion you came to is not what follows from the presented evidence.
- The either/or fallacy – occurs when you present the reader with two solutions (one desirable and one undesirable) in a case where many solutions are possible.
Put your arguments in order of least important to most, so that your paper keeps building up until the end. If you want to go above and beyond, include a quote from someone who disagrees with your thesis and argue against them. This is better done in the beginning, or, if you have a particularly contested argument, the end.
In any given research paper, the body is the toughest part to write. It’s the part that contains all the conducted research, reasoning and argumentation that you have to present. The body of every paper must be coherent, well-structured and logically sound. So with that in mind, let’s delve into how to write a great body paragraph for your research paper.
Lay the foundation
If you’re one of those people who don’t outline their essays and research papers, you should consider starting. Being brash enough to think that you can plan it all out in your head, or worse – wing it – is a rookie mistake. Start creating your outline by jotting down some broad thoughts you have on the subject. What is it that you have to say on the subject? What are the relevant quotes or data that you’ve found that you think are important enough to be included in the research paper? Structure your arguments and paragraphs accordingly, and keep in mind that, ideally, every paragraph will revolve around one central idea.
What will make your body even greater is reading up on logic theory. Since every paragraph, as discussed above, is an argument, you will benefit from learning about inductive and deductive reasoning. Be sure to also look up logical fallacies – errors in reasoning. I assure you, your professors know all of them and can smell one from a mile away. In college essays and research papers, the most common ones are:
Not all research papers call for topic sentences, and proficient writers know how to write around them without explicitly including them. But a beginner will do well by placing one at the beginning of each paragraph. Each paragraph in the body of your essay should contain a transitional sentence to usher the passage into the next paragraph.
Next, you’re ready to give this paper to other people for them to examine. First, find a friend you trust and share the paper with them. Next, make an appointment with the campus writing center. With both of these reviews, hand over this set of questions for your reviewers to answer:
– Revising comes first. Revising is when you literally re-vision the piece. You make big changes—fix transitions or pieces research alongside organization and structure.
Some of you are saying “Hey! Wait a sec! You can’t begin a sentence with because!” In fact, you can. You’ve been lied to if that’s what you think.
If you stick to this schedule, you will not only complete your paper on time, you will complete it well. Every writer on the planet will tell you that the schedule is the foundation of good writing—the more time you spend in the chair, the better the writing gets.
Step 3: Review
So, don’t you want to help that prof out? Make that prof love you by following these directions. If you follow the directions, this prof will direct their ire elsewhere.
And it is, sort of, but we’re teaching you how to do this better than average, remember?
All this should take you no more than 10 or 15 minutes. It may seem counter-intuitive, but using time to get organized saves you time later, and makes the writing process so much simpler. So, here it is, step-by-step:
Mapping will give you strong guiding questions as well as demonstrate how your ideas are connected, which is super useful for writing a long research paper. Mapping looks something like this:
Once you have constructed your thesis, the rest of the outline is pretty simple. It should mimic the structure of your thesis and feel like you are starting to write an essay!
It’s because the shirt probably wasn’t meant to go in the dryer, and if you had read the tag, you’d have saved yourself one whole article of clothing!
Now, of course there are other ways besides the Internet to get information, and there’s nothing wrong with cracking open a well-written book to enrich your essay’s content!
Maybe we’re being a little over-dramatic here. But not all of us are born gifted writers. In fact, we think it’s safe to say that most of us struggle a little or a lot in writing common types of essays like informative, argumentative, and compare and contrast essays.
6. Create a Thesis Statement
- Start early — 3 weeks in advance!
- Read the guidelines
- Mind map/Brainstorm research paper topics
- Write out your questions
- Do the research (Remember to keep track of your sources!)
- Create a Thesis Statement
- Create an outline
- Write your essay
- Cite your sources (In-text and in your bibliography)
- Read your essay (twice and once aloud!)
- Have someone ELSE read your essay — try your teacher first.
Seriously… we know we keep talking about this app but it is a lifesaver!
And yes, many teachers WILL read the essay they assigned before it is due and give you pointers on how to make it better. They want you to succeed and they’re the ones grading it — we think it’s safe to say they know what they’re talking about!
Break your questions down. Ask until you can’t ask anymore, or until it’s no longer relevant to your topic. This is how you can achieve quality research.
It is also quite important to aware of the consequences that homelessness can bring:
In case you’ve got your assignment and feel a bit unsettled, just follow the simple steps and your assignment guidelines, and you are guaranteed to get perfect paper.
It’s not a secret that each of us can make a difference and change this world a bit. So let’s see how can you contribute to the solution of the issue:
Finally, you are struggling to find a good topic for your homelessness paper, you are free to choose among these ones:
Possible solutions to the problem of homelessness
If you have literally no idea in what direction you should move on, get acquainted with the following research questions. Perhaps, some of them will inspire you:
- Introduction. This is actually a presentation of your research. A classic intro has to be short and interesting for your audience. Make sure you used some interesting fact of statistics and paid enough attention to thesis and hypothesis.
- Homelessness research paper thesis statement and hypothesis. Thesis statement of your paper has to be brief, concise, and strong. Hypothesis is also an important part of any research. We recommend you looking for examples of statement of hypothesis for a homelessness research paper on the Web to write a really good one.
- Main part. Here, you need to conduct a literature review, collecting the ideas of the most outstanding professionals. The main thing is to rewrite all the information to avoid any plagiarism issues.
- Conclusion. In your final part, you need to restate your thesis statement and repeat some essential points of the paper. Any new information is not acceptable in this case as well.
So, here are the best tips for writing a research paper on homelessness: