
How to Write a Research Paper, steps on how to write a research paper.

Steps on how to write a research paper

  • Keyword Internet search. An excellent place to start with a review of related literature is by going online and doing some preliminary search using specific keywords related to topic or your outline. Perhaps a student can begin by looking at general information published on well-known sites and general publications before delving into specific journal articles and academic papers. Although these two receive the highest trust as sources because they are referred to as independent peer-reviewed work. Nevertheless, goal at this stage of the process is really to get that preliminary information.
  • Check previous researches. The next step of search process is to look at the work done by credible and respectable organizations about subject matter. What have they found, and what are they sharing and publishing online? Are the research works privately or publicly funded? Are the researchers affiliated with a company or foundation, or do they belong to university research institutions? It is essential to look at sources of funding or potential conflict of interest because the inherent bias in the findings needs to be considered in weighing credibility of research work.
  • Visit university library. Now that you have quite a bit of background information to work with, the time has come for you to spend the right amount of effort doing some searching and sleuthing at university libraries. Use research databases to look for journal articles or other primary and first-hand sources about your research topic. This type of library research is the stage where you’ll probably get a lot of information as to the institutions and scholars researching the specific theme (from specialties to sub-specialties) that you are interested in exploring.
  • Use academic sources. Remember that peer-reviewed academic journals tend to receive the highest credibility in academic research papers primarily because of the critical and often blind peer-review process, which is gold standard in judging the quality of research work. Furthermore, you’ll be well served if you use some books published by well-known researchers and academics on the topic that you are researching and writing about. If your work gets published or accepted at a conference, you have a good chance of being quoted or cited in subsequent work by other researchers in the area that you are pursuing.

Conclusion — Restate or reword your thesis / research question. Summarize your arguments. Explain why you have come to this particular conclusion. Why your research is valuable and how acquired results can be used for future researches.

Do not include any information that is not relevant to your issue under discussion, and do not include information that you do not understand. Make sure information that you have noted is carefully recorded and in your own words, if possible. Plagiarism is definitely out of question. Document all ideas borrowed or quotes used very accurately. As you classify your notes, jot down detailed bibliographical information for each cited paragraph and have it ready to transfer to your Works Cited page.
Devise your own method to organize your materials. One method may be to mark with a different color ink or use a marker to identify sections in your outline, IA3b – meaning that the item “Accessing WWW” belongs in the following location of your outline:

Stay away from generic, too fuzzy statements and arguments. Use a particular subject. The paper should present something new for audience, make it interesting and educative for your readers. Avoid citing other authors in this section. Present your own ideas in your own words instead of simply copying from other writers.

Organize your notes

Steps on how to write a research paper

Organize materials you have gathered according to your outline. Critically analyze your research data. Using the best available sources, check for accuracy and verify that information is factual, up-to-date, and correct. Opposing views should also be noted if they help support your thesis. This is the most important stage in writing a research paper. Here you’ll analyze, synthesize, sort, and digest info you have gathered and hopefully learn something about your topic which is real purpose of doing a research paper in the first place. You must also effectively communicate your thoughts, ideas, insights, and research findings to others through written words as in a report, an essay, a research or term paper, or through spoken words as in an oral or multimedia presentation with audio-visual aids.

If you need books for your research in the Library, use the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog).

This article provides a detailed guide on how to navigate the challenge of writing a reliable research paper. It talks about recommended steps to be followed and elements to be covered in the paper. It offers tips on selecting a good topic and gathering the right information which can set research up for success. Finally, this article provides some guidelines on citation as well as on how to use free online tools, which can help deliver a sharp and clear final copy. Start writing an A+ research paper now!

If you are uncertain as to what is expected of you in completing assignment or project, re-read your assignment sheet carefully or ask your teacher. Select a subject you can manage. Avoid subjects that are too technical, learned, or specialized. Avoid themes that have only a very narrow range of source materials. Be responsible, devoted to paper you write – it is the main key to an excellent grade.

Steps on how to write a research paper

Many students face this problem: you have a research paper topic and even some written material but don’t know how to title your work. If you don’t develop a good research title, the pages don’t make any sense. What are you creating? Why is this important? The audience will ask many questions. But it is you who actually should ask yourself first.

Only two words, but you already feel a chill down your spine. A research paper is no joke. It’s a super detailed piece of academic writing where you analyze a chosen issue in-depth. The main aim of such torture is to show how knowledgeable you are and that your opinion can be a valuable asset for the field.

Some call the methods section of a research paper the core of the writing. Its importance relates to the fact that all the tools of your investigation are listed here.

However, you should worry too much about it. The secret to a fabulous paper is to break it down into small tasks! Therefore, to successfully finish this task and stay sane, we only need to answer one question: What are the steps to writing a research paper? Continue reading this article by experts, and soon you’ll get the answer!

Research Paper Introduction

The introduction to a research paper is your first chance to make a great impression on the audience.

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Business ethics is a rapidly developing and promising academic field. Although some of its forms can be traced back to the earliest trading practiced in prehistoric human society, as a full-fledged discipline, it emerged in the second half of the last century (Wood 627). The discipline’s main objective is to equip entrepreneurs and managers with instruments allowing them to make more responsible decisions. The notion appeared to replace business philosophy in which the “greed is good” mantra dominated till the 1990s (Wood 632). The discipline will be investigated in the context of its relevance and applicability in the modern business. Business ethics is an indispensable academic field and instrument that prompts a company to reach the desired growth without employing morally dubious methods.

Steps on how to write a research paper

While analyzing the sources, try to take some notes and put down any questions that pop up in your head. For instance, if there is something you think is worth mentioning in your research paper, write it in the form of a question. This way, you prepare for the next step, which is creating a thesis statement. And if you already decided on a research question, this statement should be able to answer it.

It could be useful to describe your personal experience in a research paper if you are considered a recognized expert in the field. Otherwise, you shouldn’t do it since the evidence and facts you use to support the arguments need to be strong. Therefore, it would only be wise to use trustworthy and respectable outside sources.

Child abuse is more prevalent in low-income families when compared to other populations in the United States. The global prevalence of this issue is at 22.3%, and the people living in poverty experience abuse as children more often when compared to others (Levely et al., 2017). Among the effects of child abuse on a person’s wellbeing, there are mental health problems, including trauma and low resilience to suicidal behavior. Additionally, physical health problems, for instance, chronic inflammation, are also associated with child abuse. However, there is no single intervention strategy that would target child abuse mitigation, which was tested and proven effective by multiple studies because this issue requires more research to define the exact causes. This study examines the different causes of child abuse in low-income families in the United States.

If it’s your first writing assignment of this type, perhaps, parts of a research paper aren’t familiar to you. Below all the categories that should be present in a research paper outline.

📑 Step 4. Making a Research Paper Outline

The abstract isn’t a typical section for students who only write essays. So it may be a challenging task. Let’s look at the main characteristics of a good abstract:

How to title a research paper according to your subject? Try rereading – you will find many exciting things in your notes to turn into a research paper title.

Before you start picking up a topic for your research paper, it would be wise to spend an extra minute and reread the requirements. It could help you set the right objectives and prevent any future mistakes if you misunderstood the task.

Steps on how to write a research paper

Moreover, for different fields these data can vary in considerable manner-

  • Review the structures of the sentences, grammatical & spelling errors, typos and incomprehensive sentences & words, and formatting as per selected Journal
  • Check the paper for plagiarism by using software such as Urkund or Turnitin
  • Check consistency in the research paper and connection between the paragraphs
  • Review the documents that will support the entire research paper
  • Proper Inclusion of Ethical and Consent Forms, Primary and Secondary data sources.

To write a research paper, there is the need for constant review and continuous proofreading. Being an academic document, there cannot be any compromise made in terms of quality of the research paper. Since the research paper is an academic representation of analysing a path breaking provision in the respective field, its important is severe in the academic domain. Any kind of grammatical or syntactical error can make the research paper get rejected for various future recognitions. There is also zero-tolerance to the act of plagiarism. The entire research paper must be very much original. It should make clear declarations about all the sources that it considers for leading the research paper. Every secondary and primary source must get well cited and mentioned, respectively. Thus the core checklist for review and proofread is-

Research paper in general should have 6sections- Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Findings & Analyses, Discussion, and Conclusion & Recommendations.

Step 1: Understanding Gap

Steps on how to write a research paper

Thus, to answer - How to write a research paper- the researcher must follow stages noted below-

As research paper means to offer path breaking solutions certain issues that are still unresolved, the researcher needs to accomplish the following steps-

The ways to write a research paper can be hugely overwhelming and can full of anxieties. Even the submission process must undergo all the considerations mentioned by the Reviewer/s. However, with the 5 systematic steps mentioned above, it can be accomplished in a very formal manner. Please note the Research Writing Cycle for clear understanding-

Steps on how to write a research paper

When covering your body sections, you need to be very attentive to details. Make sure you are focused on your thesis statement and develop the key points that support it.

In this case, the easiest solution is to hire experienced research paper writers who are experts in this niche and know for sure how to deal with these assignments. Experts from this service are true professionals in this area, guarantee full confidentiality, plagiarism-free papers, and round-the-clock support. When hiring experts, you’ll forget about this task and can immerse yourself in doing other assignments. So if you are pressed for time or feel like writing is not your strong side, hiring professionals from this service might be the only right decision!

The body is the most significant part of your research paper, and this where you collect data, arrange it and use it to convince the reader to support your argument. Therefore, there is a need to organize your body in a logical way in which the reader can understand your argument.

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Immerse Yourself In Writing

It’s a mandatory process that you can’t pass by. The critical mission of any thesis statement is to demonstrate your position regarding the theme. If you don’t do this, your project will have no purpose. Here are a few facts you must know about this section:

If you still think that you can get through this challenge yourself, here’s a comprehensive guide on what steps you should follow to complete this mission.

But remember that each higher educational establishment has specific demands on this or that task. So you have to follow them and use the right formatting style.

You can’t immerse yourself in writing until you complete research. In some instances, this stage even takes more time than writing. Make sure you have enough credible resources to base your research on. Find relevant evidence that will support your guess-work. Note what resources you are going to use because you have to cite them in your research correctly.


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