
How To Write A Successful History Essay For Highschoolers, writing a history paper.

Writing a history paper

4. Evidence supporting your example. This can include archaeological evidence ex. coins, a historian's quote, written evidence ex. an ancient tablet, statistics and facts, etc.

When it comes to quotes you don't need to write down the entire quote. In fact, it is advised that you paraphrase a quote into your own words to show your level of understanding based on a historian's position.

For example: 'The war may have never have happened if it wasn't for. ' or 'Perhaps the outcome would have been different if. '

Most when unsure about their own judgement would be tempted to use the word 'may' or 'perhaps.'

The Formula To A Body Paragraph

Writing a history paper

2. If needed, a link sentence that shows what are you going to explain specifically within your body paragraph and how it relates to your thesis.

A thesis response could be: 'World War One revolutionised the value of women in Brittan’s workforce and society.'

A linking sentence coherently connects two other sentences together in an essay. It is placed between the two sentences in order to provide them with more context, allowing the paragraph to proceed in a logical fashion.

Writing a history paper

Remember: start early and revise, revise, revise. We can’t revise history, but you can revise your ideas until they’re perfect.

Once the draft is ready and polished, it’s time to proceed to final editing. What does this process imply? Specifically, it’s about removing impurities and making the essay look just perfect. Here’s what you need to do to improve the quality of your paper:

Once you’ve refined your argument, it’s time to outline. Notably, many skip this step to regret it then. Nonetheless, the outline is a map that shows where you need to arrive historically and when. Specifically, taking the time to plan, placing the strongest argument last, and identifying your sources of research is a good use of time. When you’re ready to outline, do the following:

Need basic essay guidance? Find out what is an essay with this 101 essay guide: What is an Essay?

How To Write a Satire Essay?

Writing a history paper

Wondering how to write a history essay? First of all, it helps to understand its purpose. Secondly, this essay aims to examine the influences that lead to a historical event. Thirdly, it can explore the importance of an individual’s impact on history.

Indeed, understanding how to write a history essay is crucial in creating a successful paper. Notably, these essays should never only outline successful historic events or list an individual’s achievements. Instead, they should focus on examining questions beginning with what, how, and why. Here’s a pro tip in how to write a history essay: brainstorm questions. Once you’ve got questions, you have an excellent starting point.

There are so many types of essays. It can be hard to know where to start. History papers aren’t just limited to history classes. These tasks can be assigned to examine any important historical event or a person. While they’re more common in history classes, you can find this type of assignment in sociology or political science course syllabus, or just get a history essay task for your scholarship. This is Handmadewriting History Essay Guide - let's start!

  • Double check the content. In the first place, it’s recommended to get rid of long sentences, correct vague words. Also, make sure that all your paragrahps contain accurate sentences with transparent meaning.
  • Pay attention to style. To make the process of digesting your essay easier, focus on crafting a paper with readable style, the one that is known to readers. Above all, the main mission here is to facilitate the perception of your essay. So, don’t forget about style accuracy.
  • Practice reading the essay. Of course, the best practice before passing the paper is to read it out loud. Hence, this exercise will help you notice fragments that require rewriting or a complete removal.

Writing a history paper

Students ask us this question all the time. The skills needed to develop history topics is difficult unless your teacher provides you with a pre-set from which to choose. Some of the techniques you can try are brainstorming, reading, and browsing blogs. You can also consider different approaches to answering the assignment prompt. All of these techniques can help you narrow your options to one or two U.S. history topics that can be used for a project of any length.

This list of conflict and compromise in history topics deals with issues currently in discussion on the web:

  1. How did Abraham Lincoln’s assassination affect private security in the U.S.?
  2. How have relations between the U.S. and Russia changed in the 21 st century?
  3. Should people in the U.S. be allowed to place bans on historical enemies?
  4. Which events led to the Mexican-American War?
  5. Describe the legacy the American Civil War has had on domestic movements.
  6. What are the effects of the use of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War?
  7. What were the major factors leading to the U.S.’s entry to WWI?
  8. What were the reasons behind the passage of the Espionage Act of 1917?
  9. How did the Zimmermann Telegram affect U.S.-Mexican relations?
  10. How did the treatment of war prisoners in WWII lead to human rights movements?

This list of interesting topics in US history is for younger students in college. They are simple enough for students at learning about this discipline:

“How Do I Choose a History Topic?”

  1. What impact did the European colonization have on Native Americans in North America?
  2. How did the Indian Removal Act change the way the U.S. move toward Native Americans?
  3. Describe the reasons why taking a stand in history topics is still a necessary activity.
  4. What was the relationship Native Americans had with the environment?
  5. Explain the biggest theories behind the disappearance of the Colony of Roanoke.
  6. Describe the major arguments made between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists.
  7. What were the methods and goals of the early Utopian colonies?
  8. How did Manifest Destiny affect the way westward expansion became violent?
  9. Why did the American Congress pass the Indian Removal Act?
  10. How did the United States manage to provoke the Mexican War?

Are you searching for history topics to use for an assignment? Sometimes it seems like developing great history essay topics can take several days. On the one hand, you want to research an idea that is challenging but on the other hand, you don’t want to make the assignment any harder than it has to be. Here is the best method for choosing great US history topics as well as a list of 100 great ideas for your consideration.

  1. How did the Salem Witch Trials affect religions around the world?
  2. Describe the reasons imperialism led to modern economic prosperity.
  3. How did the Mexican and American War affect global trade?
  4. What were the major causes of the 100 Years War?
  5. How did Medieval Crusades shape modern histories?
  6. Explain the South American colonization and its global impact.
  7. How did the Apartheid period impact global politics?
  8. Describe the events and causes that led to the Thirty Years War.
  9. What were the biggest military innovations between WWI and WWII?
  10. How European gender bias of the 1600s affect modern politics?

Writing a history paper

Still stuck with ideas on how to write an excellent outline? Let our writing partner help you.

Body — This is where you present your arguments to support your thesis statement. This section is divided into many parts, that may vary, depending on your discipline, teachers’ requirements, etc. Usually, the body comprises a literature review, methodology, analysis, results, and discussion.

Conclusion — Restate or reword your thesis / research question. Summarize your arguments. Explain why you have come to this particular conclusion. Why your research is valuable and how acquired results can be used for future researches.

  • Does my statement answer the question of my assignment?
  • Is my statement precise enough? It should not be too general and vague.
  • Does the body of my paper support my thesis, or are they different things? Compare them and change if necessary. Remember that changing elements of your work in the process of writing and reviewing is normal.
  • Can my position be disputed or opposed? If not, maybe you have just provided a summary instead of creating an argument.
  • Does it pass a so-called “so what” test? Does it provide new/interesting information for your audience or does it simply state a generic fact?


Writing a history paper

If you are uncertain as to what is expected of you in completing assignment or project, re-read your assignment sheet carefully or ask your teacher. Select a subject you can manage. Avoid subjects that are too technical, learned, or specialized. Avoid themes that have only a very narrow range of source materials. Be responsible, devoted to paper you write – it is the main key to an excellent grade.

This article provides a detailed guide on how to navigate the challenge of writing a reliable research paper. It talks about recommended steps to be followed and elements to be covered in the paper. It offers tips on selecting a good topic and gathering the right information which can set research up for success. Finally, this article provides some guidelines on citation as well as on how to use free online tools, which can help deliver a sharp and clear final copy. Start writing an A+ research paper now!

Pursue the unique pathway that caught your interest, and that’ll occupy a niche as well as advance the value of the conversation regarding the subject. At this stage, you should explain the reasons why your research study is essential and describe in detail the significance of your research.

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Writing a history paper

The early cuneiform writers established a system which would completely change the nature of the world in which they lived. The past, and the stories of the people, could now be preserved through writing. The Phoenicians' contribution of the alphabet made writing easier and more accessible to other cultures, but the basic system of putting symbols down on paper to represent words and concepts began much earlier. Durant notes:

This same problem is evident in understanding the ancient Kingdom of Meroe (in modern day Sudan), whose Meroitic Script is yet to be deciphered as well as the so-called Linear A script of the ancient Minoan culture of Crete which also has yet to be understood.

History is impossible without the written word as one would lack context in which to interpret physical evidence from the ancient past. Writing records the lives of a people and so is the first necessary step in the written history of a culture or civilization. A prime example of this problem is the difficulty scholars of the late 19th/early 20th centuries CE had in understanding the Maya Civilization, in that they could not read the glyphs of the Maya and so wrongly interpreted much of the physical evidence they excavated. The early explorers of the Maya sites, such as Stephens and Catherwood, believed they had found evidence of an ancient Egyptian civilization in Central America.

All that had been devised thus far was a technique for noting down things, items and objects, not a writing system. A record of `Two Sheep Temple God Inanna' tells us nothing about whether the sheep are being delivered to, or received from, the temple, whether they are carcasses, beasts on the hoof, or anything else about them. (63)


Writing a history paper

The earliest form of writing was pictographs – symbols which represented objects – and served to aid in remembering such things as which parcels of grain had gone to which destination or how many sheep were needed for events like sacrifices in the temples. These pictographs were impressed onto wet clay which was then dried, and these became official records of commerce. As beer was a very popular beverage in ancient Mesopotamia, many of the earliest records extant have to do with the sale of beer. With pictographs, one could tell how many jars or vats of beer were involved in a transaction but not necessarily what that transaction meant. As the historian Kriwaczek notes,

The Phoenicians did not create the alphabet, they marketed it

Further, whereas in earlier writing (known as proto-cuneiform) one was restricted to lists of things, a writer could now indicate what the significance of those things might be. The scholar Ira Spar writes:

[The Sumerians] originated a system of writing on clay which was borrowed and used all over the Near East for some two thousand years. Almost all that we know of the early history of western Asia comes from the thousands of clay documents inscribed in the cuneiform script developed by the Sumerians and excavated by archaeologists. (4)

Writing a history paper

2. Does the Topic Sentence provide specific details to answer the question.

Read your first sub-question again, in order to remind yourself what the question was asking.

Your answer to each of your sub-questions will become your Topic Sentences.

Using the information from those quotes, write a single sentence answer to the question. This single-sentence answer will then become your first Topic Sentence.

For example:

Repeat the process above for the other two sub-questions until you have a Topic Sentence for each of your sub-questions.

A good Topic Sentence gives specific information that helps answer the question. The is usually preceded by words such as "because", "due to", or "as a result of".

" Castles took years to build and, when new canon technology could destroy a fortification in a matter of days, they were no longer feasible " (Alchin, 2017, n.p.)

Castles fell into disuse as a result of the development of gunpowder artillery because the new technology took away the advantages the defenders had enjoyed.


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