Summer Journal 30 New Writing Prompt Ideas, summer writing paper.

Summer writing paper

When kids are engaged in journaling, be certain to ensure that their journal is a safe zone for them to make mistakes. Also, consider setting a schedule for the summertime and asking your kids to start the day off with a journal entry. Parents can be as creative as they would like when it comes to journaling time frames.

Whether your kids are spending their summer vacation at a faraway beach or amusement park, or simply relaxing and exploring here at home, they’re sure to be having lots of fun and enjoying their new routines.

Journaling can also help improve kid’s confidence and help them develop their writing voice. After a few months of journaling, they can look back at their prior entries and see their progress.

Many parents prefer that their children stay active with at least a few educational activities over the summer months. A fantastic activity for kids to sharpen their minds and help prevent summer learning loss is journaling. Kids can keep a family journal during the summer, a shared journal, an art journal, or a journal themed with a topic that engages their interest.

Kids Summer Journaling

Summer writing paper

Parents may want to ask their child’s permission to read over their entries and give feedback accordingly. Indeed, shared journal writing is an excellent way for parents and children to bond.

If your child asks that a journal entry
remains private, respect their request.

  1. Does summer feel different than other seasons to you? Why or why not?
  2. Do you ever miss going to school during the summer? Why or why not?
  3. Does your family have any summer traditions? What makes them special?
  4. July is National Ice Cream Month. How will you be celebrating this important holiday?
  5. Do you prefer having a single three-month-long summer vacation, or would you rather have the time away from school broken up more frequently throughout the year? Why?
  6. Imagine that you and your friends are going to build the world’s largest sandcastle. What kinds of rooms would you put inside? What cool features would the castle have?
  7. Pretend that you are a tour guide for someone who is visiting your city for the first time. What would you do to show them around?
  8. Would you rather spend time indoors or outdoors during the summer? Why?
  9. What part of summer do you look forward to the most every year? Why?
  10. Have you ever gone to summer camp? What did you like about it? If not, what type of summer camp would you want to attend?
  11. Go outside and spend 15 minutes thinking about what you can see, smell, hear, feel, and taste during the summer. Then, write about your favorite ways to experience these senses.
  12. What is your favorite summer holiday? What do you like most about it?
  13. Write a story about three kids who get to experience a never-ending summer.
  14. Do your parents let you stay up later during the summer? Why or why not? If so, what do you like to do with the extra time?

  15. If you could travel anywhere in the world this summer, where would you go? What would you do there?
  16. Write about your favorite 4 th of July memory. What made that holiday so special?
  17. Do you ever spend time studying during the summer? What do you try to learn?
  18. Would you rather be way too hot or way too cold? Why?
  19. Go outside to your backyard and pretend that you are an explorer. Try to examine everything up close and from a different perspective. Then, come back inside and write about what you learned.
  20. During the summer, how often do you get to see your friends from school?
  21. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends during the summer?
  22. Write about three of your favorite things to do around town during the summer. Then, see if your parents will take you to one of them and write about your experience when you return home.
  23. What is your favorite thing about the warmer weather?
  24. Write about your favorite summer activity (such as going to the beach, setting off fireworks, or getting treats from the ice cream truck). What do you love most about it?
  25. What is the coolest place you’ve ever visited? What do you love about it?
  26. Write a poem about your thoughts on the sun. What do you appreciate about the sun? When is it simply too hot?
  27. How do you think people stayed cool during the summer before air conditioning and fans were invented? Would you have ever wanted to live during this time? Why or why not?
  28. Have you ever gone on a camping trip? If so, what was the best part? If not, do you think you would enjoy being out in the wilderness? Why or why not?
  29. Write about a time when your family went to a festival or carnival during the summer. What do you remember the most?
  30. If you could only choose one activity to do every single day during summer, what would you pick? Why?

Often times parents will allow the kids to make their own writing schedule. The only thing parents need to be sure of is that they keep tabs on their children’s writing progression. In some instances, it may be okay for them to skip a day. Very importantly, reinforce the fact that this fun activity is something that they can do anytime they feel the need to get their thoughts on paper.

Summer writing paper

There will be some summer days that being outside just isn’t possible. Whether thunderstorms roll in or the heat is just too much to tolerate, there will be times throughout summer that your kids will not be able to play outside. When those days happen, encourage your kids to share their thoughts on summer days with fun writing prompts like these! While it will be a “school” type activity, writing prompts can be a lot of fun and your kids will enjoy sharing their papers with you when they’re done!

  • I dreamed that I was a mermaid and I
  • If I met a pirate while out sailing on the sea
  • Things I’d like to do this summer
  • When the campfire is crackling I wonder
  • When I am sitting by the ocean listening to the waves crash by
  • With the sand beneath my toes and the sun on my face I think
  • If I could travel anywhere this summer I would go to
  • If I were a butterfly I would go to
  • When clouds roll in and spoil a sunny day I feel
  • I would like to invent a new ice cream flavor and it would be
  • My favorite summertime activity is
  • On a warm summer day I like to
  • When I play in the ocean
  • When I go swimming in the lake I think
  • If I could build an amazing sand castle it would have
  • Making s’mores on long summer days is fun because
  • If I were a dragonfly I would
  • Sitting on the dock as the summer sun sets I think
  • Why I love summer
  • My favorite memories from this summer

Below you’ll find a link to a set of printable notebooking pages featuring these writing prompts. I hope your kids have a great time sharing their thoughts and hearts with you all summer long.

Summer days are here again and that means time for lots of fun in the sun! Kids love the summertime because it gives them the opportunity to not have full days of school work and enjoy less rigorous schedules too. Here are some summer writing prompts to get their creative juices flowing!

Summer Writing Prompts for Kids

Summer writing paper

  • What I love most about the 4th of July
  • What freedom means to me
  • I’m proud to be an American because
  • What I’ve learned about 9/11
  • When I work hard and accomplish my goal I

I hope that these fun summer writing prompts encourage your kids to share their thoughts and dreams with you over the summer months! Writing prompts are a great way to help your reluctant writers by giving them a spring board to get started with writing, and your avid writers will enjoy being given a fun topic to write about too!

Learn what the elite prep schools and royal families do (to raise children who have strong character and the motivation to do great things!)

Summer writing paper

Do you love journaling? Do your kids? I hope so! Writing in a journal is one of my very favorite activities, and I hope it is one of yours and your student’s favorite activities, too.

More Printable 3rd Grade Writing Worksheets Discover some fabulous resources brought to you by Great! Schools.

Learning to write doesn’t have to be a hassle or boring for children, rather you can make it fun. When learning any new skill, it has to interest and engage a child.

Are your third graders writing or journaling on a regular basis? I hope so because after having them practice daily writing for just a couple weeks, you’ll notice an improvement in your student’s writing skill development. You may also notice an improvement in their ability to present clear, cohesive reasoning for their beliefs.

Writing Worksheets for 3rd Grade Printables

Summer writing paper

Show your third grader why writing is important. You can do so by modeling the importance of writing. For example, when you write stuff down do so in front of your child.

To further encourage a child’s writing skill development, do not correct the child on the mistakes that he or she makes. Doing so could end up making them feel bad about writing. Remember, this is writing practice, not a test.

3rd Grade Writing Prompts (This is where you can find the prompts from the printable pdf and discover even more great writing information for your grade 3 child.)

Summer writing paper

Kids can be pretty opinionated, so why not have them write those opinions down? The obvious thing to review is a book. And a book review can be a great way to reinforce reading comprehension skills, but for kids who are resistant to writing (or reading), it can be a little too close to a book report. So get them to write about the stuff they really care about.

A journal encourages creativity, and it helps kids learn to organize their thoughts. It's a good way to start the day or transition from one activity to another. And to keep things interesting try making a journal jar with suggested journaling topics to draw from, or having them keep a nature journal.

While your child could certainly email with his or her pen pal, emails can be brief (which is not conducive to improving writing skills) and don't come with the same thrill as a letter in the mail.

While keeping a journal is one of those writing activities that children do for only short periods at a time, it can continue long term. And one of the great things about it is how they’ll start to think about it even when they are not doing it. During their day, they may start composing entries in their minds about an activity they're participating in.

Write a Book Review

Summer writing paper

Avoid the summer brain drain, and get your kids to pen some prose this summer with these fun kids’ writing activities. While these ideas focus more on the craft of storytelling than penmanship, if done by hand they will certainly help your child improve his or her handwriting skills too.

So, your little budding Shakespeare didn’t like how a book or movie ended? Call in the rewrite team and let the kids craft a new ending. This writing activity requires both critical thinking and creativity. For young kids in the pre-reading stage, they don’t even necessarily have to write it down

Nothing like a little competition to get the creative juices flowing. Have your child enter a writing contest for kids, where your children can find the competition for their age, interests, and ability.

A good old-fashioned pen pal can be just the thing to inspire kids to put pen to paper. There is still a thrill to receive a letter in the mail. And in this, one must give in order to receive.

Summer writing paper

I have a hard time downloading your stuff, is there a way it can be just ac lick and a print

To get a free sample of the last day of school writing prompts, enter in your email into the form below. You will be added to our mailing list. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, look for directions in the email that sends you your free writing prompts. If you have any trouble, please email me at [email protected]

This Last Day of School Writing Prompt packet includes 50+ pages of writing prompts. There are over 15 different writing prompts on four different types of paper: You can see the different paper types below. The student can draw and write, just write a sentence or two on a half sheet, write an entire page, or just draw!

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Free Last Day of School Writing Prompt Sample

Summer writing paper

You know you want to keep your students working til the very end doing a last day of school writing prompt, right? Am I the meanest teacher in the world? No worries, your students won’t even know they are working. They will enjoy telling you the favorite part of their school year or telling you what they will do this summer. Cute writing paper, fun last day of writing prompt ideas, before you know it the students will be on the bus home and you will have a little bit of time to recover from a school year well done.

Sorry for your trouble. Did you check your spam folder…sometimes things go there. The freebie has a subject of “Here is your free download!” …Inside that email there is a link. That link, if you click on it, the download will either popup in a new tab or download into your download folder. Sometimes that link does not come hyperlinked. If that happens you have to copy/paste the link into a new browser tab and it will then open for you. If you have trouble with this, though, you can forward me the email/replay to the freebie email you received and I will be happy to help you with it.

Summer writing paper

I have a hard time downloading your stuff, is there a way it can be just ac lick and a print

To get a free sample of the last day of school writing prompts, enter in your email into the form below. You will be added to our mailing list. If you want to be removed from the mailing list, look for directions in the email that sends you your free writing prompts. If you have any trouble, please email me at [email protected]

This Last Day of School Writing Prompt packet includes 50+ pages of writing prompts. There are over 15 different writing prompts on four different types of paper: You can see the different paper types below. The student can draw and write, just write a sentence or two on a half sheet, write an entire page, or just draw!

Sorry for your trouble… I just sent it…let me know if you don’t see it ([email protected])

Free Last Day of School Writing Prompt Sample

Summer writing paper

You know you want to keep your students working til the very end doing a last day of school writing prompt, right? Am I the meanest teacher in the world? No worries, your students won’t even know they are working. They will enjoy telling you the favorite part of their school year or telling you what they will do this summer. Cute writing paper, fun last day of writing prompt ideas, before you know it the students will be on the bus home and you will have a little bit of time to recover from a school year well done.

Sorry for your trouble. Did you check your spam folder…sometimes things go there. The freebie has a subject of “Here is your free download!” …Inside that email there is a link. That link, if you click on it, the download will either popup in a new tab or download into your download folder. Sometimes that link does not come hyperlinked. If that happens you have to copy/paste the link into a new browser tab and it will then open for you. If you have trouble with this, though, you can forward me the email/replay to the freebie email you received and I will be happy to help you with it.


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