The Report by Class Central, online writing tutorials.

Online writing tutorials

IELTS Essay Writing with Free Feedback and Evaluation
via Udemy
Get Free Grammar Test Series , Vocabulary Test Series and Correction and Evaluation

English for Journalists, Part 1
University of California, Berkeley via edX
Improve your English grammar, vocabulary and writing skills through exciting topics in journalism and world news.
★★☆☆☆ (1 rating)

Writing and Editing: Drafting
University of Michigan via Coursera
This third course in the “Good with Words: Writing and Editing” series will give you a number of strategies to help with what is often the most intimidating, even paralyzing part of the writing process: getting started. You’ll learn about the “planning fallacy” and “temptation bundling.” You’ll get a chance to experiment with “freewriting” and “writing before you are ready.” And you’ll continue to benefit, through our ongoing “Good Sentences” and “Takeaways” segments, from the models and advice of a diverse set of writers.

Writing and Editing: Structure and Organization
University of Michigan via Coursera
This second course in the Good with Words: Writing and Editing series will help you become an effective architect of information, both with your sentences and with your paragraphs. You’ll learn that the traditional advice to “Show, don’t tell” is incomplete and that skilled writers actually switch back and forth between showing and telling.

Resume Writing

Online writing tutorials

Academic Writing Made Easy
Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich) via edX
Struggling with writing an academic text? This MOOC will ease the pain – and make your writing shine.
★★★★★ (32 ratings)

Discovering Your PhD Potential: Writing a Research Proposal
via FutureLearn
Learn how to research and write a high-quality research proposal for postgraduate applications.

Qualitative Research Methods And Research Writing
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam
Qualitative research methods serve to explore the grey areas that remain outside the confines of quantitative predictive research in human behavior.

Grant Writing and Crowdfunding for Public Libraries
University of Michigan via edX
Learn how to increase your impact, innovate, and overcome often static funding through various fundraising and grant writing approaches.

Online writing tutorials

Fiona Veitch Smith is a prolific author whose work includes several novels, a biography, a children’s book series, and more than 100 articles published in magazines as diverse as Sports Illustrated and Plain Truth, where she is the New Writing editor. She holds BA and MA degrees in writing and is pursuing her PhD while also teaching creative writing both online and off.

Offered through The Open University, a world leader in distance learning, Start Writing Fiction takes you from zero to novelist in eight weeks.

One or more of the online writing courses we’ve covered here is sure to help you develop your skills and move to the next level as a writer, regardless of what genre you’re focused on or what your goals are.

Still, the skills you’ll learn as a nonfiction author can help you no matter what you write or what you want to do with your career.

The Crafty Writer’s Creative Writing Course

Online writing tutorials

DIY MFA does exactly what it promises—it helps you learn the skills taught in a formal MFA program at home on your own!

By the end of the class, you’ll have a toolbox to help you write and publish your first nonfiction book!

Publishing coach Azul Terronez is the founder of Author’s Writing Academy and has helped dozens of authors make their books a reality. He has also coached seasoned writers like Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, and Dana Malstaff of

Online writing tutorials

Moving on is another great course for beginners that is taught by Rebecca Sky in this 1 ¼ hour class on fiction writing in a digital age. Rebecca is an author of YA fiction and has also written for companies including Paramount, Sony, Microsoft, Lay’s, and Kraft.

  • Beginner level
  • 26 minutes
  • Published author and working editor as trainer
  • Class project
  • Downloadable resources
  • 19,000 students enrolled

Up next is a great course from LinkedIn Learning (previously Lynda) that helps you to write accurate, engaging and interesting articles for businesses. While this course is more intermediate, it is still a great resource for complete beginners also.

Next up on my list is a great course that aims to teach you some of the fundamentals of engaging and impactful writing. From learning these skills and habits, you will be able to apply them to fiction, non-fiction, poetry, copywriting and the list goes on!

2. Create Successful Writing Habits (Skillshare)

Online writing tutorials

The course takes about 3 hours, has assessments, and a certificate of completion is available. Over 124,000 students have taken this class. The instructors are all professionals in their fields and are certified to be trainers on the Alison online learning platform. When deciding on what free online writing course for beginners to take, this is a good one to examine.

  • Intermediate level
  • 1 hour on demand video
  • Qualifies for continuing education units
  • Chapter quizzes
  • Professional author instructor
  • Certificate of completion

This class will give you the ability to write clear, concise, and efficient words for your workplace writing endeavors.

Online writing tutorials

Write a attractive headline which should b compelling enough to the readers. Frame a content that I should have an easy language. Don’t stuff the keywords. Edit your content.How to get a Free Tutorial on Content Writing?

It is essential for every piece of information provided in the article to be authentic and full of correct information. Enrolling into a content writing tutorial will make you understand the massive weight of delivery in a piece of content. The content writing tutorial will guide you continually is the distribution of your article is off or right.

Now, let us begin our learning, by first knowing various types of content that exists:

To conclude the discussion, one of the essential things, and individuals who are interested in content writing can do is deliver value through their write-ups and creations.

Post Graduate Program in Content Writing

Online writing tutorials

Content is diverse. From the healthcare sector to the industrial industry buzzing with businesspeople, content is vital everywhere. Content Writing Tutorialteaches you just that.

It will help you differentiate between well-wishers and those that are merely exaggerating. When a client gives negative feedback, learn to take it in the right way. Improve your skills and consult with other content writers and freelancers to figure out what you are doing incorrectly and where you are going wrong.

Begin content writing today by enlisting yourself for a content writing tutorial. Immerse yourself into the world of content and understand that nothing is too difficult to achieve or understand.

Start writing every day at the same time and stick to the routine. Once your brain is conditioned and set to get a creative flow of ideas to write, then, you can move on to a bigger word count and the category that you want to master.

Online writing tutorials

While each of the below writing courses are slightly different from one another, each delivers great insights on how to become a master of the craft. Let’s begin!

Like Skillshare, LinkedIn Learning provides a free trial so you can take this course for no charge whatsoever! To learn more, check out my LinkedIn Learning Vs Lynda guide.

  • Intermediate level
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
  • Award winning author teacher
  • Class projects
  • Thriller and suspense genre
  • Online resources

What makes for good BBQ? “The secret’s in the sauce!” The secret sauce of great writing is found in this 42-minute course detailing the four ingredients of elite writing. Those ingredients are simplicity, clarity, elegance, and evocativeness. Put those into practice and your writing will certainly benefit.

Top 12 Best Free Online Writing Courses For Beginners 2021!

Online writing tutorials

Expressing yourself clearly is vital for engaging people with your writing. If you don’t communicate the idea well, the article, story, or advertisement is not going to do the job you wanted it to do.

Some of the things discussed are developing a workable plot, controlling what the reader knows, building believable characters, and blending emotional content with the suspense narrative.

Have you got a masterpiece in your mind but not sure how to portray it on paper? Well, this is your course!


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