Using Graphic Organizers for Writing Essays, Summaries and Research, graphic organizers for essay writing.

Graphic organizers for essay writing

Although simple this example shows the importance of using graphic organizers for writing summaries. A comprehensive diagram pretty much does the summation for you.

Webbing is a great way to see how various topics are interrelated. This graphic organizer is particularly useful during the brainstorming step of the writing process.

Mind maps are a great way to depict a hierarchy. What is hierarchical organization? The concept is simple: a singular topic dominates with each subsequent idea decreasing in importance.

The phrase “graphic organizer” is just a fancy way of saying “diagram” or “visual aid.” Basically, they are a visual representation of the information you’ve acquired in the research process. There are quite a few reasons why you should use them when writing essays or summaries.

Using Webs for Brainstorming

Graphic organizers for essay writing

By creating a concept map, you can also see how a broad subject can be narrowed down into specific ideas. This is a great way to counter writers block. Often, we look at the big picture and fail to see the specifics that lead to it. Identifying contributing factors and supporting evidence is difficult. But with a concept map, you can easily see how the smaller parts add up to the whole.

Usually, the mind map starts with the thesis (or main idea) at the center. From there, you can branch out with your supporting evidence.

Once you’ve created a map to document all your ideas and establish connections, you can easily transition to other forms of diagramming to better organize the information.

Graphic organizers for essay writing

Second and 3rd graders have had a couple years of practice with their writing and are starting to get familiar with writing structure. Now, the goal is to get them to work on topic development and add details that enhance their writing.

Graphic organizers, like the ones linked below, can help them see how writing is structured and how the writing process works in an organized way.

This age is when your students organize their writing and really dig into their own creativity and use detail to create visuals within their writing by using things like descriptive language, personification, similes and more!

The organizers below can be used for single assignments or for larger writing projects like creating a classbook. Classbook projects are a fantastic way to get your students excited about writing and after you complete your classbook, your students become published authors!


Graphic organizers for essay writing

These 4th and 5th grade graphic organizers focus on helping your students hash out things like setting, character personalities and adding even more detail into their writing. The intention is to show them that there are multiple facets to a piece of writing and establishing multiple facts and details is a critical part of becoming strong, confident writers.

These 2nd and 3rd grade graphic organizers were made with a focus on detail to help your students make their writing more intriguing to the reader.

Whether it is fact or fiction, our students all have a story to tell. Give them this graphic organizer to help them learn how to craft characters, setting and a simple plot for their narrative.

Graphic organizers for essay writing

Not only enjoyable but graphic organizers (or diagrams) can make the writing process a snap. They’ll help you think outside the box, draw conclusions you wouldn’t normally observe, and make the entire process faster and more efficient.

Use this process to replace your traditional note taking technique – note cards, outlines, whatever. You’ll quickly realize a mind map is a great way to formulate the structure of your essay. The thing to note here is that the nature of the mind maps force you think about sub topics and how to organize your ideas. And once the ideas are organized writing the essay become very easy.

Webbing is a great way to see how various topics are interrelated. This graphic organizer is particularly useful during the brainstorming step of the writing process.

Concepts maps are great to visualize supporting elements of a concept

Why Use Graphic Organizers for Writing

Graphic organizers for essay writing

Mind maps are a great way to depict a hierarchy. What is hierarchical organization? The concept is simple: a singular topic dominates with each subsequent idea decreasing in importance.

Although simple this example shows the importance of using graphic organizers for writing summaries. A comprehensive diagram pretty much does the summation for you.

When it comes to essay writing, the most common graphic organizers are webs, mind maps, and concept maps.

Graphic organizers for essay writing

Step 1: Check whether your system supports Edraw Max software

As illustrated above, there are many designs to pick from. Select one to proceed with the next step.

Essay writing is inevitable for students in every academic year. To many, it’s a chore. However, to teachers, it’s a test to watch how organized one’s thoughts are and how beautifully a student writes it down. This is precisely where the issue lies. Students find it challenging to outline a proper structure before jotting down random thoughts and often score lower grades in the class assessments. Other blocks are losing oneself in a sea of words and failing to keep track of research.

One of the best ways of developing writing skills is by understanding how to properly sequence a series of events and write it down for readers. It holds for processes and steps as well, whereby keeping track of all is a little complicated. The sequence writing template here is a resort, enabling students to jot down all the points one by one and effectively compose an essay.
The specialty of this template from Edraw Max is that it’s easily downloadable and allows modification depending on the number of steps you actually have. Also, it supports color and format change as per your need.

5. Brainstorming

Graphic organizers for essay writing

Given the straightforwardness of the tool, thereby enabling the correct display of information and the role played by it in developing visual thinking abilities in students, don’t you think every parent must invest in graphic organizers? Absolutely! With Edraw Max’s easily downloadable and user-friendly interface, bringing before all creative templates, writing essays no longer seems like a chore.

As you can check out from the picture above, it's popular among young students. Just fill in the content in the colorful clouds surrounding the cartoon figure and easily compose a piece of write-up.

While Wikipedia defines it as a pedagogical tool, housed with visual symbols, to best express one’s thoughts, knowledge, concepts, and the relationship among them

This particular Edraw Max template is a visually attractive framework for students searching “how to improve essay writing skills” on the Internet. By helping them identify the main idea and necessary details supporting the topic, it better organizes paragraphs.

Graphic organizers for essay writing

  1. Identify all the steps involved in the process or event.
  2. Arrange the steps in sequential order using the chart.

This graphic organizer helps breakdown and organize information in a simple form. It is usually divided into three sections: Introduction/Topic, Supporting Details and information, conclusion.

A graphic organizer is a learning and teaching tool used to organize and manage information and ideas simply and easily. Graphic organizers make it easy for students to comprehend and internalize information by integrating text visuals and other visual aid to show relationships and connections between terms, facts, and concepts.

Every brain is different. Some students are quick learners while others require some time and effort to pick up the information provided. Finding material that benefits all students with all types of learning abilities is difficult.

2. Outlining

Graphic organizers for essay writing

Graphic organizers are an excellent tool for improving reading comprehension. It helps students to visualize and internalize the material that they are reading and learning. It leads them to a better understanding of the information provided in the text.

Graphic organizers help students learn the art of writing and an organized and simple way. Some common types of graphic organizers for writing are:

A simple learning technique is a graphic organizer to classify, clarify, and simplify complex information. Many teachers use graphic organizers along with other teaching methodologies to improve learning abilities.

Putting your thoughts into words is not easy and requires a certain level of skill and experience. Talented writers are not just born but they work on their vocabulary, sentence structure, and other tools that improve writing.


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