Writing a Dissertation Proposal: Outline and Example, dissertation proposal topics.

Dissertation proposal topics

Creating a proposal for a dissertation helps you stay organized and create a complete dissertation. Without an outline, you could miss part of the text or create a poor structure. Find out writing dissertation proposal outlines can help your overall project.

There are several parts that are used in dissertation proposals but the structure can be different. That is why you should not use the first structure you find from the Internet. Instead, you should choose a structure that works best for your paper. Make sure you have the main sections that help you show your paper’s basic points, the goals you are going to reach, the methods you are going to use, and sections like literature and bibliography.

The structure for writing a dissertation proposal may vary. It depends on the size of the paper, the course, and other specific requirements.

Methodology. The structure of this section can be different, except for its beginning and end. You can start it with the introduction, research design and questions, describe the setting and participants of the study, provide information on data collection and analysis, and finish it with the conclusion. There can also be such sections as a research hypothesis, as well as setting and sample.

Need to write a dissertation proposal?

If you want your thesis to be impactful, your paper should be significant for your subject area. You may describe the significance of your study in the introduction. You should also include useful definitions, limitations, delimitations, and other similar sections into your introduction depending on your department’s requirements.

The proposal allows you to understand your dissertation’s goals before you begin writing it. If you keep all your goals in mind, it will be much easier to develop a sound structure, to make a dissertation proposal outline, and to ultimately find the right direction. Doing all of this is also quite helpful for students who have never written such tasks before. While this is a good starting point, some are just unable to handle it. If you see that you can’t complete your paper on-time at a high academic level, you can use a dissertation proposal writing services to avoid these pitfalls.

Research findings. This section helps you to show what information you already have and are going to use for your paper. Make sure you organize your findings list in accordance with the research objectives given in previous sections.

You can use this basic structure for writing dissertations for different subjects. Don’t forget to proofread your paper before sending it to your instructors to check its grammar. If there are any requirements given by your professor, you should follow them to get good results.

Dissertation proposal topics

However you go about choosing your topic, make sure that you make notes of all publications that you use in your research. You will need to include them in your bibliography later on, so it makes life easier if you note them now. Depending upon the referencing system preferred by your university department, you will need the following information:

This is where you will need to introduce your topic. It should provide a ‘backdrop’ to your more specific research by exploring the background to the wider subject area. You should also lay out your main thesis/hypothesis here, and explain why you feel that research into this area is important.

Essentially, there is little difference when approaching a master’s dissertation proposal, except that you are expected to present a more in-depth methodology section and perhaps be a little more critical of existing literature within your literature review section. A more complete awareness of the subject area is a requirement, but this should come fairly easily as a result of the extra study you have completed already.

To help answer these questions and more, this guide will walk you through what a dissertation proposal is, the reasons for its existence and the steps you can take to ensure yours hits the mark.

Getting down to business: narrowing your focus and choosing existing literature to include

Dissertation proposal topics

A dissertation proposal will usually comprise the following sections:

Either way, make sure you a) book in regular meetings with your supervisor, b) adhere carefully to your university’s regulations and c) list the sources that you come across as you do your research, to make sure that they are ready to be included in your bibliography at the end of your work.

It's important to note that your dissertation proposal doesn't need to be set in stone. It can and should be subject to much change during the entire dissertation process. You may even find that your original research question changes entirely. Perhaps you'll discover that there's not enough evidence to support your original line of argument, or that your chosen topic is too broad and requires further refinement.

Dissertation proposal topics

Introduction. Most academic papers usually start with this section. You can use it to demonstrate the background of the topic to your readers, provide a thesis statement, and your study’s objectives. You should also outline questions that you are going to answer in your dissertation research proposal.

Conclusion. The conclusion can include a summary of your thesis proposal. It should also contain conclusions based on your research and be organized like the introduction. This section can contain a discussion of your work and provide suggestions for future research.

Here, you can give a summary of your paper as well as your goals and objectives. Despite the size of the paper, its abstract is usually small and helps your readers to understand what your project is about quickly.

A dissertation proposal is an academic paper that is usually written to give readers more information about your dissertation. It lets the students, instructors, and other people find out what your dissertation will be about, what questions will be examined, what the theoretical background will be, what your methodology will be, and how students and researchers will use its results.

What Does A Dissertation Proposal Include?

Students usually write such proposals before writing their dissertations, since your proposal is like a working first draft from which you can get valuable feedback from your advisor and others. Feedback from your advisor can help you avoid mistakes in your dissertation. It is better to fix these mistakes before you start writing your first chapter. If you notice them after the main sections of your dissertation are already written, it can be too late in the process to fix them.

There are several parts that are used in dissertation proposals but the structure can be different. That is why you should not use the first structure you find from the Internet. Instead, you should choose a structure that works best for your paper. Make sure you have the main sections that help you show your paper’s basic points, the goals you are going to reach, the methods you are going to use, and sections like literature and bibliography.

If you want your thesis to be impactful, your paper should be significant for your subject area. You may describe the significance of your study in the introduction. You should also include useful definitions, limitations, delimitations, and other similar sections into your introduction depending on your department’s requirements.

Dissertation proposal topics

For the last ten years, the Chinese market has become more and more attractive for US companies. But building an effective company in China may have more barriers than language. In this research proposal you can analyze a particular business branch and define the main factors that can influence the consumer compliance in the context of selling such products or services in China. In other words, this research proposal aims to analyze what will improve consumer compliance with a recommended regimen for the use of a product or service. Look through the existing information about cultural and organizational behavior in China and how it differs from those in the US. What peculiarities should the company consider to successfully launch a business in China?

The impact of emotional abuse on the psychological development of adolescents.

Many students that have graduated from college or university see that their knowledge gained in sweat and blood from studying cannot be applied in their job positions. College education has faced a failure to make students job-ready after graduation, and they need to make changes in preparing their students for future careers. What subjects do colleges need to provide to make their graduates ready for future careers? You can analyze one of the existing programs in your university. What disciplines are the least important in the program? Why? What improvements should be made to the program?

The aim of this research will be the investigation of the difference between parenting styles of men and women. You can view this topic from the feminist perspective and define what role feminism has played in the psychology of women. Also, consider how feminist movements have changed the frame of understanding about women. The overarching goal of this assignment is to allow you to familiarize yourself, in some depth, with relevant literature that will allow you to generate your own questions and analysis of the issue, area, or problem you have elected to focus on.

sample research proposal on education topics

Dissertation proposal topics

Airbnb started as a website that proposes cheap rooms and apartments. Today, it captures the segment most favored by hotel owners: the rich, and business travelers. Did you know that rental companies such as Airbnb directly affect the local housing market and economy? For example, one of the problems is that a landlord can earn more by renting a property on a popular website than renting a property to a local resident. Discover the effects of Airbnb. What are the benefits of Airbnb for the economy? What steps were already taken to minimize the influence of Airbnb on prices? What can be done to regulate Airbnb and make it benefit the economy?

Evaluate the possibilities of implementation of new technology while maintaining efficient operations in a hospital or clinic.

Explore how to inspire students to choose teaching as a future career.

Dissertation proposal topics

Most students don’t really understand why finance dissertation topics are important. But put yourself in your professor’s place. You’ve read hundreds of theses up to now. Most of them had similar topics – topics that you are pretty bored of. And then comes a topic with a unique, interesting topic. Something that catches your attention and makes you want to read more. Wouldn’t you award that students some bonus points? You would! And this is why good dissertation topics on finance. You can get bonus points for your work. The topic of your paper can make the difference between a mediocre grade and a top grade.

  • Read an extraordinary finance dissertation and look for areas that require further research.
  • Go to the library and read several theses to gather ideas.
  • Contact a writing agency and ask one of their experienced dissertation writers for some ideas.
  • Ask for help in writing forums and blogs. People will give you some very good ideas if you ask nicely.
  • Search online for topics, but don’t use them as they are. Change them and make them unique.
  • Talk with other students working on their dissertation and ask them what other ideas they had before they selected the topic they are currently working on.

Finding great topics on finance is more difficult than you think. Most students are looking for them online and offline. And the easy topics have been written about thousands of times already. Finding something original, unique is difficult. But there are ways to find good topics:

While the tips above will help you find some great topics for your finance dissertation, you may want to find something right now. This is why we asked our seasoned dissertation writers to put together a list of the finest dissertation topics in finance for college. These 51 topics have the potential to help you write an amazing thesis, provided you have the will to work hard on your paper:

Why Finance Dissertation Topics Are Important

Nowadays, everyone is searching for amazing, breathtaking finance dissertation topics. But why? You may be wondering why everyone is searching the original, interesting topics. The answer is simple: because amazing dissertation topics on finance can bring students bonus points. We will discuss why in just a second. The next thing you need to consider is the fact that the topic of your dissertation dictates its difficulty. If you pick the right topic, you will not have as much to work as when you pick a highly complex topic. It makes sense. And another interesting thing about finance dissertation topics is that some of them can be quite fun to write about. Let’s see why topics on finance are important and how you can find good ones. We will then show you a comprehensive list of 51 topics that we think are exceptional.

  1. Investing in Pakistan’s energy sector – obstacles and opportunities
  2. Foreign investment and its effects on economic growth in Zambia
  3. The effect of corporation investments in the economic development of the community
  4. Do microfinance companies really help even the poorest of the poor?
  5. The Saudi economic reform and its effects on foreign direct investment
  6. Comparing financial advancements in Asia and Europe
  7. The negative impact of microfinance in developing countries
  8. Did the banks help SMEs grow in the UK in the last 10 years?
  9. The negative effects of financial regulation on the banking system in the United States
  10. Risks and benefits associated with advanced mobile banking technology
  11. China: The effects of population growth on economic growth
  12. Brazil’s restructuring of the banking sector: a case study
  13. What challenges do financial companies face in emerging economies?
  14. Mutual funds and the index are gaining popularity: here is why
  15. Analyzing the financial crisis of 2007 – Could it have been avoided?
  16. Pros and cons of private equity investment in the European Union
  17. What is relationship banking and why is it important?
  18. Cryptocurrency: Are we really ready to demonetize the world?
  19. Why banks oppose digital currency so fiercely?
  20. Innovation in the banking system of the United States in the digital age
  21. Digital banking problems faced by the elderly
  22. Best security practices for online banking and online transactions
  23. Did financial institutions finance terrorism unknowingly?
  24. Predicting the next catastrophic financial crisis: is 2021 the year?
  25. Are banking profits ethical? If not, why?
  26. The impact of a no-deal Brexit on the UK banking system
  27. Options are used to manage risks in modern banking systems – the pros and cons
  28. The effects of Brexit on the UK banks’ ability to hire extremely talented specialists
  29. What is the balanced scorecard and why is it so important to legal firms?
  30. Modern accounting standards: Do they live up to the regulator’s expectations?
  31. Comparing the UK and the United States accounting education programs
  32. Ethics need more emphasis in accounting education in the United Kingdom
  33. Internal controls: Good or bad for employees of accounting firms?
  34. Analyzing top 3 CSR issues in modern banking systems
  35. Corporate Social Responsibility in the banking industry
  36. Do banks require the current supervision? If not, why?
  37. Here is how internet banking will look in 10 years
  38. Analyzing trade blocks (BRIC) and their impact on the banking sector
  39. The United States PATRIOT Act and its effects on international banking
  40. How important is credit flow to the agronomic industry?
  41. Five ways the banking industry has been transformed by IT
  42. Micro financing and poverty alleviation
  43. The 5 important traits of a successful microfinance institution: a case study
  44. The implementation of the IFRS in the UK: Concerns and Reactions
  45. Investigating the real estate industry in China from a banker’s perspective
  46. Microfinance is empowering women across the globe
  47. Is there a link between capital structure and corporate strategy?
  48. The impact of the retail industry on the UK’s economic growth in 2018
  49. Which banks are more profitable, domestic or foreign ones?
  50. How does Groupe Societe Generale manage its cash flow?
  51. Analyzing the financial statements of VISA and MasterCard

Even though the final grade depends on the finance dissertation topics you pick, you must be aware that the quality of your research and the quality of your writing make up for most of the grade. It is simply not enough to have the best topic if you can’t write an excellent dissertation. The good news is that you can get some help with both finding the topic and with writing the dissertation online. There are academic writing experts who can assist you. This is not a free service, of course, but by using it you will make sure that you get a top grade. And after all, you will use the services of an academic writer for your finance dissertation just once in a lifetime in most cases.

Dissertation proposal topics

If your proposal is very long, you might also have to include an abstract and a table of contents to help the reader navigate the document.

Academics often have to write research proposals to get funding for their projects. As a student, you might have to write a research proposal to get your thesis or dissertation plan approved.

In some cases, you might be asked to include a bibliography. This is a list of all the sources you consulted in preparing the proposal, even ones you did not cite in the text, and sometimes also other relevant sources that you plan to read. The aim is to show the full range of literature that will support your research project.

  • The proposed title of your project
  • Your name
  • Your supervisor’s name
  • The institution and department

Abstract and table of contents

Dissertation proposal topics

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There may be some variation in how the sections are named or divided, but the overall goals are always the same. This article takes you through a basic research proposal template and explains what you need to include in each part.

Make sure not to simply write a list of methods. Aim to make an argument for why this is the most appropriate, valid and reliable approach to answering your questions.


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