Writing an Introduction for an Argumentative Essay: 10 Do s and Don ts, writing an argument essay.

Writing an argument essay

So, while outlining the entire essay, make sure you get specific and make a note of how your introduction will flow. You can also state the pointers you intend to include in bullet points.

Here are the five most common mistakes students make while writing an introduction for an argumentative essay.

However, if your essay is 1,000 words, don’t spend more than four or five paragraphs on the introduction.

  • Historical
  • Cultural
  • Economic
  • Political
  • Social
  • Physical or Geographical
  • Philosophical

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Writing an Introduction for an Argumentative Essay

Writing an argument essay

“First impression is the last impression”, they say and rightly so which is why writing an introduction for an argumentative essay is so critical.

So, here are five tips to keep in mind while writing an introduction for an argumentative essay and begin on a strong note.

There have been several instances when college students have written to us asking us to help them start their argumentative essay.

Imagine if the first paragraph of your essay itself makes them yawn, how will they get to the end of it?

Writing an argument essay

Just like with all other essay types, here are a ton of topics to choose from. The main criteria should be the following:

This strategy can be quite useful in polemical arguments. It aims to find common ground within an argument and eliminate unnecessary arguments. For example, if your topic revolves around the question of whether drugs should be legal, then you would need to explore the biggest issues on both sides of the argument. Here you can talk about the pros and cons.

Good Argumentative Essay Topics for High School
As students begin writing this type of content in school, it is essential to give them easy essay topics for them to get a grasp of the task. Here are some examples:

There are three main ways to approach an argumentative essay. These techniques will help you create a proper structure.

2. Rogerian Approach

Writing an argument essay

  • Is there enough evidence to prove that news sources have biased agendas?
  • Would the legalization of marijuana as a recreational drug be economically justifiable?
  • Can we constitute Russia as a superpower alongside the USA and China?
  • What was the most influential technological advancement in the history of humanity?
  • Should we sacrifice some public services for lower taxes?

An argumentative essay is a style of academic writing where an author presents both sides of an argument or issue. The main purpose of an argumentative essay is to inform rather than convince – that’s why this type of paper should not be confused with a persuasive essay.

Some students may struggle when it comes to creating an argumentative essay because it might seem too complex and multilayered. Don’t worry, we’re here to help you. Argumentative essays are usually assigned to students on SAT, ACT, IELTS, and TOEFL tests. This type of paper can also be assigned as coursework.

  • What is the most important second language to learn as a student in the US?
  • Should the minimum driving age be lowered?
  • Are standardized tests a fair reflection of a student’s skills?
  • Are athletes overpaid?
  • Should high school students be free to choose their classes?

Writing an argument essay

  • Restating your thesis statement.
  • Summarizing basic argument.
  • Recommending a course of action to the readers.

The outline you make helps you stick to the critical things making you sure that you did not miss important information in the content.

Here you present some background information about the topic. The background information should answer these following questions:

An argumentative essay is comprised of several equally important parts. These sections individually state the topic, arguments, evidence and supporting statements, etc.

Include an Opponent’s Argument

Writing an argument essay

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraphs
  • Conclusion

An argumentative essay outline is a plan through which the writer works and organizes the raw data. An outline provides you a track to follow for your papers and essays.

It is the last sentence of your introduction that is the focal point of your essay. It introduces the readers to the topic’s main argument. It states the writer’s position and stands in the essay.

For essays like an argumentative essay, it is imperative to make your claim in writing. A claim, or the core argument, is the basis of your entire essay. If you want your essay to be right in quality and effective make sure that the claims made are strong.

Writing an argument essay

Your opening statement is where you attempt to grab the attention or ‘hook’ the reader. This acts as a smooth segue to your background and thesis statement where you later establish your side on the issue. You can start with a surprising statistic that is not commonly known within the field. You can get creative here but make sure you’re still following the norms of scholarly or academic writing. That means no personal anecdotes or inspirational quotes etc. Save those for your narrative essays .

    • - Why is this issue important?
    • - What are the root causes of this problem?
    • - Who or what is affected?
    • - Are there any solutions available?
    • - What can or should be done about it?

A strong thesis statement will usually state a claim, your stance on the claim, and the main points that will support your stance within your selected topic. It will also serve as a guideline for you when you are writing the body points of the essay.

Additional Paragraphs: Challenging Your Own Arguments & Reinforcing Your Claims

What's an Argumentative Essay?

Writing an argument essay

Yup, the part that most dread after triumphantly finishing their essay, reading all of it! But proofread you must ! Here are a few aspects to pay attention to while you proofread:

The EssayJack app has a few smart templates to support you as you write your essay. Filled with helpful tips, prompts, and video guidance created by educators you can use the EssayJack Argumentative Essay template to write your essay today. Sign up for a free trial or learn more about EssayJack here .

If you’re given the freedom to choose your topic for an argumentative essay, it’s best to follow your interests or passion. A good place to start would be to start thinking about things that affect you everyday or a subject that you have a strong opinion on. It’s a good place to start. But be careful, for most people’s opinions are not backed up by solid evidence. So once you think you’ve narrowed down on a topic or area of interest, begin your research and clarify the stance you will be taking.

Writing an argument essay

A 5-paragraph essay is basically a formatting style for essay writing. It has the following five parts:

Argumentative essays are one of the most common types of essay writing. Students are assigned to write such essays very frequently.

Look at the example below to see how a well-written five paragraph essay looks like

If you are an O level student, the following examples will guide you on how to write an argumentative essay.

5-Paragraph Argumentative Essay Examples

Writing an argument essay

Make sure it follows one specific model and has an introductory paragraph, organized body paragraphs, and a formal conclusion.

"CollegeEssay" is the #1 Ranked Online home for great academic writing, essays, research papers, and graduate theses.

Being a middle school student, you must be wondering how do we write an argumentative essay? And how can you support your argument?

It can be short or detailed. It would be considered valid as far as it has an argument involved in it.


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