Birthday wishes: what to write in a birthday card, birthday writing paper.

Birthday writing paper

When it comes to signing birthday cards, there are people who have no problem picking up a pen and adding a warm, personal message. Then there are those of us who sometimes have trouble getting beyond “Happy Birthday.” Wherever you fall on that inspiration spectrum, we have ideas to help you write a more meaningful message in your card.

  • “Happy birthday to my favorite former punk rocker!” (Or: hippie, goth, Valley Girl, grunge rocker)
  • “From one of your favorite bad influences” (Added after the card’s printed “Happy Birthday”)
  • “Hope it’s happier than me at a shoe sale!” (or: spa, bar, coffee shop, beach.)
  • “You get to be the center of attention today! Tomorrow it’s back to me.
  • “Have a martini for me! Or two!” (Or: substitute recipient’s favorite drink.)
  • “I think this is the year you get a pony! JK That’s never.”
  • “Happy birthday to you and your cat! (I know how the cat hates to be left out.)”
  • “May the cake calories go straight to your boobs!”
  • “To quote Shakespeare: ‘Party thine ass off!’”
  • “Dibs on the presents you don’t like!”
  • “You totally don’t look like crap at all!”
  • “I hope all your wishes come true, even the weird ones.”
  • “Sorry there’s no money in here.”
  • “Please stop aging so gracefully. It’s getting kind of boring and predictable.”
  • “Have a great day, you old geezer! (Takes one to know one, right?)”

Love, thanks, and warm wishes make good birthday messages for dad, too. Again, let your relationship be your guide, and write from the heart.

  • “Celebrating you!”
  • “Happy day!”
  • “I salute you.”
  • “Birthday cheers!”
  • “Birthday hugs!”
  • “Let the b-day fun begin!”
  • “Let us eat cake!”
  • “Have a sweet one!”
  • “Huzzah to you on your birthday!”
  • “Be so happy.”
  • “Happy Birthday & Happy Year!”
  • “Happy wishes to you!”
  • “YES to party hats!”
  • “…and many more.”
  • “Another year more wonderful!”
  • “You’re awesome!”
  • “You’re the best!”
  • “You look great!”
  • “U look 2 good 2 B this old!”
  • “Can’t believe you’re a year older!”
  • “Here’s to you!”
  • “Here’s to a great birthday!”
  • “Make a wish!”
  • “Wish for something good!”
  • “Whatever you wish, I second that!”
  • “Party on!”
  • “Stay cool.”
  • “Stay sweet!”
  • “Honored to wish you a happy birthday!”
  • “¡Salud! ¡Dinero! ¡Amor!” (Spanish for “health, money, love”)
  • “Love you!”


Birthday writing paper

Writing tip: One Hallmark writer said she chooses her cards very carefully for each birthday person so that she doesn’t have to add much in the way of a personal message. In other words, it’s fine to let the printed message and design do most of the talking for you. Even professional writers do it!

  • “To my hero…my Dad.”
  • “Birthday and every day, it means so much to have a great Dad like you.”
  • “I really got lucky when I got you for my Dad.”
  • “You’ve always been a great dad, and you’ve become a real friend, too. I love that…and I love you, Dad.”
  • “For lessons you’ve taught…For days you’ve saved…For everything…Thanks, Dad.”
  • “I’ve always been proud of the smart, honest, good man you are—and so very proud to be your son.”
  • “You’re more than a dad. You’re the greatest man I know.”
  • “Happy Birthday, Dad! Hope the sun is shining, and the fish are biting!”
  • “I hope you get a hole-in-one today. If not, just lie and tell me you did anyway. I’ll never know the difference.”
  • “For the man who taught me everything I know. From the kid who paid to attention to roughly half of all you tried to teach.”
  • “You’ll notice this birthday card was NOT sent from prison. I have you to thank for that, Dad.”
  • “Dad, I hope you find a fun way to waste some time on your birthday. You have my permission!”
  • “You deserve a margarita with the good tequila today! And every day. Happy birthday to a top-shelf kind of Dad!”

  • “[50] never looked so great!”
  • “Happy Birthday, [Jared]! Now that you’ve arrived here, [40] will never be the same again!”
  • “Turning [60] is big! Especially when it’s someone like you, who has made the most of each year and made such a positive difference for the people in your life.”
  • “[30] is the perfect age. You’re old enough to afford the good stuff and still young enough to enjoy it!”
  • “Happy [90th] Birthday, [Nana Betty]! Today, we’re celebrating the amazing [woman] you are, honoring the life you’ve lived and, just like always, loving you so much!”

Birthday writing paper

Using this Birthday Green Writing Paper, you will be able to showcase your students’ birthday writing to create a decorative, final draft.

This themed lined writing paperwill quickly elevate your students’ writing.

The cute birthday pictures are a perfect addition to your students’ birthday or celebration writing. Students simply write in their best handwriting on this writing paper. You simply hang to create a birthday writing bulletin board.

If you are using this themed writing paper, your students are probably writing about birthdays.

How to use Themed Writing Paper

Your students’ writing will shine when they use this themed writing paper. Have your students use their best handwriting when copying their final drafts onto this themed paper. Then, simply hang their writing to create a quick bulletin board! You could also use this paper in a writing center to boost your students’ writing skills by writing invitations or poems about birthdays.

Birthday writing paper

Really? A love letter? Yes, really. Sure, in this day and age, your options for how to say “I love you” are endless. You can text it. You can email it. You can say it face to face. You can write it in flour on the countertop, take a photo, and post it to Instagram. You can scribble a love note on a napkin and tuck it in a lunch bag. If you’ve got the courage, you could even write a song and serenade your sweetie.

Here’s the short answer: Whenever you’ve got some saved-up affection, appreciation, and admiration to express to the one you love. To expand on that just a little, here’s a list of specific times perfect for a love letter:

There are no hard-and-fast rules for what a love letter should say, except that it should sound like you, including your voice, your personality, your sense of humor, etc. In other words, you should feel absolutely free to write from the heart

  • Mail to your partner’s home or place of work (It can be surprisingly fun to get mail from someone you live with or see every day.)
  • In their bag, purse, or briefcase
  • On the driver’s seat of their car
  • On their pillow
  • On the bathroom vanity
  • Face-to-face


Birthday writing paper

Writing a love letter is the kind of gesture we 21st-century types don’t make every day—and that’s exactly what makes it so special. It’s something a little out of the day-to-day…unexpected…above and beyond. Odds are good your partner is going to want to read, reread, and hang onto it for a good long while. Love letters are just that meaningful.

State a “Why”
Start off by mentioning why you’re writing. This could mean anything from referring to the occasion, to saying you’ve been thinking about your partner:

Of course, the fact that letter writing is less common nowadays also means many of us are less than confident about how to write a love letter. (Is it a weird thing to do? How do I even start?) If that sounds like you, then read on for some helpful love letter writing tips.

Birthday writing paper

Italics: Phrases and words that need to be said with emphasis (or in a slow, deliberate way)

Happy birthday. Don't just make one wish. Make as many wishes as you want and I will hope for each one of them to come true.

If you are the host of a upcoming birthday celebration, you may want to prepare a birthday speech for the occasion. Below is, for illustrative purposes, a 50th birthday speech sample for a religious man.

Want to use birthday quotes to wish perfect birthday messages to your loved ones? Great idea. Famous birthday quotes make wonderful birthday messages. Below are some quotes you may want to add to a card, eCard, text, whatever.


Birthday writing paper

Things change but you've managed to stay the same all these years. You're still the same wonderful person you've always been. Happy birthday!

“Maybe happiness didn’t have to be about the big sweeping circumstances, about having everything in your life in place. Maybe it was about stringing together a bunch of small pleasures.”

Happy birthday. You're a wonderful person who knows how to love, inspire, empower, spoil and appreciate everyone in your life. May everything you bring everybody came back to you a million-fold.

Your birthday speech does not have to be religious in tone or manner, just suitable for the recipient. In fact, you could remove these elements altogether and deliver a speech that still pays tribute to somebody turning 50.

Birthday writing paper

"Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you."

"When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."

Today is your special day,
It just came out of the blue,
May you always be so blessed,
A very happy birthday to you.

A good man in so many ways, Peter has shown his love for God by observing God's commandments and applying God's principles. And this has not been in vain. By living in harmony with God's guidance, Peter has shown our heavenly Father that he truly appreciates all that he has done for him. And I can definitely say that we here have been the main beneficiaries of Peter's love and kindness.


Birthday writing paper

For me, Peter, your 50th birthday is a chance to say proudly that I am so grateful and honored to have you as my brother and as a friend. I think it's fair to say that for me, Mom, our sisters, your wife, your son, your grandson, the whole family and your friends, you’ve always brought so much joy to all our lives.

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

You can use all these birthday messages for your friends, mother, father, son, daughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, aunt or uncle. anyone you admire, appreciate and adore.


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