
Dissertation Topics and Outline Samples, sample dissertation topics.

Sample dissertation topics

Choosing a dissertation topic is the first step towards writing a dissertation. However, what you should make sure is that the topic is relevant to your degree program, discusses or investigates a recent problem, and contributes towards existing literature.

After receiving approval on your dissertation topic, you will have to start working on your dissertation outline. This outline should be thorough and include a summary of all the essential elements of a dissertation. This will help readers get an idea of what the study intends to achieve and how the research will be carried out.

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A dissertation outline includes an introduction section, information from past sources in the form of a short literature review, the research method used, the expected outcome, and a list of references.

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Sample dissertation topics

Start working with the first chapter i.e., the introduction. This should talk about your topic, provide background information, state your research aims and objectives, and research questions. Check our dissertation outline samples to understand in detail the required sections of the various sections of an outline.

Use our dissertation outline samples If you need guidance regarding these tools and instruments. Lastly, do not forget to add a reference list to your outline. You will be using a variety of sources to conduct your research

The third section of a dissertation outline is the research methodology. This chapter talks about the research method that you intend to undertake to complete your study. Be clear and provide a rationale to justify the research method that you’ve chosen. Additionally, specify the research tools and instruments that you plan to use.

Sample dissertation topics

  1. ‘Price ending’ tricks and their effect on customers
  2. How mindfulness practices influence the student and his learning abilities
  3. Gender issues and global gender inequality: how do individuals deal with it?
  4. Ways that the prefrontal cortex makes people human
  5. Animal therapy and its effect on PTSD patients
  6. Social intuitionist model and its relation to reason, emotions, and moral judgement
  7. Anxiety and emotional disorders and their connection to impaired social cognition
  8. The multi-dimensional nature in schizophrenic patients
  9. Correlation between neurotic expectations, fears, pain, and disappointment
  10. Play-based therapy and its effect on traumatic children

In education, you need to be a leader to make people follow and learn. Educational leadership is what creates and effective learning environment and methods applied in the same. If you struggle with finding the perfect topic, here are some ideas for you:

English literature is impressive, to say the least. If you’ve studied it, you have sure encountered many things you’d like to explore further. But, how to choose? We hope that these topics will give you a bit of inspiration.

Students spend an unexpected amount of time coming up with a PhD dissertation topic. In most cases, they can’t even anticipate how long it takes and how hard it can be to find a dissertation inspiration. If they pick a dull topic or one that is hard to research, they end up struggling with all parts that follow. That is, unless they hire dissertation writing services to assist them. But, if you want to write an excellent thesis and have fun in the process, you definitely need to learn how to come up with a dissertation topic.

Psychology Dissertation Topics

Sample dissertation topics

If you need some topics that are oriented toward business management instead of general business topics and ideas, there are excellent examples of dissertation topics we have come up with. The following dissertation titles fully explore the fields of management in small and big businesses.

Children literature is very different from traditional literature. It has a huge impact on the development of young minds, and exploring such topics can provide you with excellent insight into how people learn from young age. Here are some ideas we came up with:

  1. Educational games and their ability to boost the learning of students
  2. Inclusive education in my country and how it is implemented
  3. Autonomous learning in the classroom/ in my country
  4. Traditional education vs. online education for young learners
  5. Factors that influence young learners to continue their education after high school
  6. Reasons why students opt for studying abroad and benefits of these decisions
  7. The role of homework and coursework in the education of students
  8. Integrating technology into the curriculum: why and how?
  9. Adult learning capabilities vs. young student learning capabilities
  10. Informal learning through social media and other technology-based channels

What are the best topics for thesis? This is a question that many students ask. The answer depends on what you study, what you prefer, and how much access you have to research. In the end, it should come down to what you want to research. Even so, there are some dissertation topic ideas that are very popular with students.

Sample dissertation topics

At some point, every law student in the UK and US universities is required to write a thesis or dissertation. In many cases, it is the last hurdle before graduating from a law graduate school. This requirement evokes excitement and horror in equal measures. On the one hand, it is a unique opportunity to interrogate an area of interest academically, but on the other end, it is a monumental responsibility. Therefore, where do you even start? The answer is the ‘topic.’

  1. Assessing the challenges faced by different parties when applying the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
  2. Evaluating the future of consumer protection in the post-Brexit era.
  3. Assessing history and future possibilities of the US and UK military cooperation in addressing terror.
  4. Evaluating situations in law when a country is allowed by international law to intervene in the affairs of other countries.
  5. Comparing gaps in human rights law: A closer look at the UK.
  6. Did the US involvement in Iraq provide justice or violate the law?
  7. What are the problems of enforcing international law in developing countries? A case study of South Africa and India.
  8. Evaluating the efficiency of International Tribunals in solving war crimes.
  9. Rethinking the principles used to formulate international criminal laws.
  10. Assessing the relationship between public safety and civil liberties in international laws.
  11. Digital and internet legislation: Forecasting the future.
  12. International Human Rights Court Hearings: Evaluating the importance of precedence.

  1. Reviewing the major changes of family law in the last 50 years: A case study of the UK.
  2. Assessing human rights in states that follow religious laws for families: A case study of India.
  3. Analyzing the impact of culture on family lawsuits: A case study of Manchester, UK.
  4. Domestic violence: Evaluating the repercussions for males vs. females.
  5. Making decisions in divorce cases: Establishing to what extent the child’s desire to stay with one party should influence the decisions made by the courts.
  6. Evaluating the impacts of the law on divorce: Has it increased the cases of divorce or reduced them?
  7. What are the legal implications of child neglect in the US: A systematic review of literature
  8. Evaluating the compatibility of child justice with family justice: A case study of the UK.
  9. Assessing the factors that hinder couples from pursuing a divorce.
  10. Is it time to reform US family law?
  11. Analyzing the legal foundations of parenting and civil partnerships.

The other area of interest that you can base your dissertation on is negligence. It can relate to professional malpractice in diagnosing or treating patients resulting in death or injury. But it is important to appreciate that other torts also cross into the medical law field. For example, a medical professional can defame a patient by disclosing the wrong info. Here are some great medical dissertation topics that you should consider.

Why Scholars Should Choose the Best Law Dissertation Topics

  1. The convergence of employment laws and religion in the USA: A literature review.
  2. Comparing the UK laws before and after exiting the European Union.
  3. Analyzing the impact of trade unions and their work in the UK: What are their successes and challenges?
  4. A comparative analysis of employment laws application in the automotive industry in the US and UK.
  5. Are you secure in your job: A comprehensive review of employment contracts and job contracts in the US manufacturing industry.
  6. Reviewing international firms’ law application and enforcement issues: A case study of Barclays Bank and Southwest Airlines.
  7. Reviewing legal perspectives of social work employment: A case study of California, USA.
  8. Employee dismissal: Comparing the legal basis for staff dismissal in the US and EU.
  9. Equal employment opportunities: Comparing gender differences in the UK and US regulations.
  10. Evaluating the efficiency of workplace sexual harassment: A case study of the US and UK.
  11. A legal viewpoint of employee mobility between European Union countries.
  12. A critical evaluation of the employment law of disabled individuals in the US. What policies should be integrated to enhance its efficiency?

Medical law is a branch of law that focuses on the responsibilities and rights of medical professionals and patients. Like other legal areas, medical law has different areas that a scholar can focus on. The common area you can focus your dissertation on is confidentiality. Confidentiality between medical experts and patients can be traced back to the English Common Law. But it has recently been codified so that any information provided to a doctor during diagnosis or treatment cannot be released without the patient’s consent or unless the patient demonstrates intention for personal harm.

Because a dissertation is a long piece of writing, the topic you select is very crucial. It will determine how easy or difficult the journey of writing your thesis will be. But how do you even come up with great legal topics to write about?

Sample dissertation topics

Topic: Middle School Education: Examining the Effectiveness of an Inclusion Programr

Topic: Effects of online advertisements towards newsprint advertisement: a case study of Star Online and Star Newspaper

Topic: Is NHS implementing job evaluation to follow principles of pay equity?

Topic: Evaluation of a Creative Curriculum in Preschool Literacy Readiness

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Topic: The Impact of Internet Marketing on Business Management in Dubai

The writer did an amazing work with my paper! I first thought they offer dissertations only because of the name, but I actually got a research paper here. Still, they should really reconsider their name. It is a bit misleading.

My thesis was of excellent quality, as always. Now I arrived to the part where I need a dissertation, so I'll be soon done ordering from writing services. Still, this is a company I'll never regret paying for. They never missed a deadline or gave me a bad paper.

Sample dissertation topics

Topic: Middle School Education: Examining the Effectiveness of an Inclusion Programr

Topic: Effects of online advertisements towards newsprint advertisement: a case study of Star Online and Star Newspaper

Topic: Is NHS implementing job evaluation to follow principles of pay equity?

Topic: Evaluation of a Creative Curriculum in Preschool Literacy Readiness

Our Services

Topic: The Impact of Internet Marketing on Business Management in Dubai

The writer did an amazing work with my paper! I first thought they offer dissertations only because of the name, but I actually got a research paper here. Still, they should really reconsider their name. It is a bit misleading.

My thesis was of excellent quality, as always. Now I arrived to the part where I need a dissertation, so I'll be soon done ordering from writing services. Still, this is a company I'll never regret paying for. They never missed a deadline or gave me a bad paper.

Sample dissertation topics

How can education be used to help fight against instances of elder abuse? Is there enough evidence that shows this to be a viable solution?

Consequences of Elder Abuse and How Education May Prevent Offenders.

Domestic Violence by Law Enforcement Officers and Military Personnel.

Domestic Violence and How Educational Programs Can Help Prevent It.

Thesis writing help

Sample dissertation topics

What do numbers suggest regarding domestic violence as committed by law enforcement officers and military personnel? What are the larger implications for creating tougher background checks?

What should punishments be or how should cases by tried when adult children abuse elder family members in their homes? What does historical evidence show about the issues involved?

What factors go into trying cases where elder abuse occurs in a home where intimate partners are involved? Are considerations of mental abuse ever explored or is elder abuse strictly limited to physical abuse or neglect?

What can be done to decrease the risk of abuse of elders? Can tougher penalties serve as a deterrent or should programs that offer greater protection be explored?


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