
How to Write the Perfect Research Papers (2021 Edition), how to write the perfect research paper.

How to write the perfect research paper

“Timeline: History of the Electric Car,” (2009). PBS.

When you are writing a research paper, you need to discover what academics, scholars, or recognized leaders in the field have come up with. The whole point of the research paper is doing the research, and doing the research means reading scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or books.

A research paper may not be easy to write, but it does not have to be painful, either. By following a few simple steps including choosing a topic, doing the research, taking notes, outlining, and drafting, you can come up with a good research paper of your own.

The term “peer-reviewed” means that the article has been read and critiqued by other academics, professionals, or “experts” in the same field.

English/Literature Papers

How to write the perfect research paper

Citation styles are important for maintaining consistency in your work and for turning you into a proper scholar.

When you write your research paper, you can add your own conclusions or opinions, but what really counts is how to can synthesize credible information.

A research paper is a type of expository essay, which is written in the third person and explains a topic thoroughly for the reader.

When you identify themes in the research, you will also have an easier time coming up with your thesis statement.[A8]

How to write the perfect research paper

This is the most obvious step that you have to follow while writing a research paper. Linguistic errors are unacceptable in a research paper. You need to go through your final draft word by word, sentence by sentence, and find out where it is lacking on linguistic grounds. Also, ensure that there is 0% plagiarism in your paper, as you must be aware of the consequences of plagiarism. Once you are done with proofreading and editing, the manuscript that you’ll have can be termed as a research paper.

The next step after you have decided on the topic is getting the table of the contents in order. It needs for you to decide what all should suitably be in the table of contents and the order it should be in, according to the subject and the topic that you have chosen. The benefit of this – once you actually start on gathering the resources, you’ll have an idea of the requirements for the thesis statement of the research paper. This will save your time as well as allow you to find more and more quality content for your paper.

Do not use a language that is very complicated for the reader to understand. That will result in the interest of the reader gradually fading. If the reader is your professor, you wouldn’t want that to happen, right? In order to avoid these common mistakes, you can seek help from reliable academic paper helper from PenMyPaper.

Let us first see the order in which you should work. This is because the amount of work that has to be done in order to write a research paper is massive, and if not planned out properly, it can be consequential in terms of time loss. That will be the last thing a final year student would want, right? So let us see how to get this done effectively and numerically:

4. Draft and Redraft:

How to write the perfect research paper

After you have the entire arsenal in your bag, you can finally start to write your research paper. But writing a research paper outline once will just not suffice – you will have to revise and redo the draft to the point when it is absolutely free of any grammatical errors on the technical backgrounds. Once it sounds technical, you can call it the final draft and then that will become your research paper. Just arrange everything in order, and then your final draft is ready.

People have their own different ways of starting work on a research methodology. We are telling you about a method that solves two purposes – one, it will give you a a good research paper topic and two, it will save you time that you were going to waste looking for the title. How? Just take a very broad topic and start looking stuff up related to the topic. Doing this will not only make you more acquainted to the topic and study material but also land you with a great title for your project without having to waste your time in just deciding the titles.

If you are in the final year of your college or university, you would probably be able to relate with this – research papers are a synonym for nightmares. A research paper is something that you have to write in the final semester of your college course. You have to spend hours studying, gathering up sources, citations, and whatnot.

Writing a research paper is definitely not something a final year student welcomes. The final few months of your college are for much more than just burying your head in a pile, sitting anonymously in a library, and scribbling notes. There are festivals, events, memories to make, and of course, the final semester papers.

How to write the perfect research paper

Always check every source before you use it because otherwise, you'll risk undermining your research paper result.

This might be a bit overdramatic, but academic writing does indeed give many of us a stomach turn. Not everyone is a born writer, and for many people, this sort of assignment is a real challenge. Luckily, there is always a number of tricks that can make writing go faster and easier. Here are our top 10 tips.

The best thing you can do in this case is to research general information and brainstorm your possibilities. You don't need to be an expert on everything but you're still able to write a good essay on anything if you know how to prepare. Try to connect new information to the things you already know so that you don't feel completely oblivious as to what's going on.

First, you need to research your topic and write an outline. Then after composing your first draft, you need to shape it into a satisfactory text through editing and proofreading. Finally, you should get feedback from your professor regarding what improvement could be made. All this is too much to do in one night before the deadline, isn't it?


How to write the perfect research paper

The birds are chirping, the sun is shining bright, you've had a nice breakfast, and you're ready to start the first class of the day. But the false sense of security vanishes when your professor breaks down the news - you have two weeks to write a 6-page long essay. The sky gets clouded, birds fall silent as dread slowly seeps into your system.

A research paper requires you to give an answer to a question, and this should be visibly present. It might be very intimidating, however, to have one difficult question and feel the pressure of giving a good answer. To make things easier for yourself, as well as the reader, break it down. Every question can be split into a number of smaller ones and those might also be narrowed down even more.

Have you ever lost a sweater to a dryer accident? If you had read the instructions, you would have found out that it wasn't supposed to go in. The same can happen with a research paper. If you don't read the guidelines, you risk ending up with a paper that simply won't be accepted because that's not what the professor has requested. To avoid the pickle of rewriting the whole text, always start with reading the given instructions.

Since you're writing a research paper, this step is the one when exciting things finally begin to happen. Good research skills are obviously appreciated here, but one more thing you need to possess is good judgment. Remember that you can never take everything you find on the mighty web at face value. Credibility should always be checked, and you can do it the following ways.

How to write the perfect research paper

The writer has spent a lot of time on research and used some really strong arguments to support the topic of my research paper. I knew this was going to be an A+ right when I received the paper.

  • Title
  • Hook sentence (If you’re wondering how to start introduction, this is the answer)
  • Background information on the subject
  • Thesis statement

If it’s your first or second time writing a research paper, you may not yet have the skills needed to deliver flawless work. Here are some tips for crafting a perfect research paper introduction from professional academic writers.

  • Remember that your introduction should be brief and informative. There is no need to offer the readers a complete overview of the literature on the topic. Instead, you should concentrate on the most recent and most relevant sources.
  • To keep the focus on your topic and not stray away to the broader range of information, use the inverted triangle model of literature overview, where you progress from a general description of the subject to the more precise information on your topic.
  • The literature review part of your research paper introduction is intended to not only give your readers information on previous research but also give you new ideas on the development of your own paper.

Free Research Paper Introduction Example

How to write the perfect research paper

As easy and mundane as writing an introduction for your research paper may seem, it’s actually a crucial step in the process of creating a solid paper. Although the readers won’t stop reading your research paper after the introduction, these first few phrases can make or break your entire work.

Describing the structure of the research paper in the outline is not mandatory, but it will instantly make your work look more professional. Instead of offering a detailed description of the research paper outline, you should fit the content of your paper in just 3 or 4 sentences. They will further prepare your audience for the reading and will help you keep focus on the most important parts of the paper.

The purpose of a thesis statement in your research paper is to grab the attention of the reader and convince them to continue reading the paper to see how the thesis statement will be resolved. To meet the goal of captivating the audience with your thesis statement, here are some do’s and don’ts for this part of the introduction:

Your research paper introduction should reference previous research done on this topic. The people reading your paper know that you are not the first one to investigate this topic, so you need to prepare a comprehensive overview of the ways the problem in question has been covered in the literature.

How to write the perfect research paper

  • This study set out to answer the following question: What effects does daily use of Instagram have on the prevalence of body image issues among adolescent girls?
  • We investigated the effects of daily Instagram use on the prevalence of body image issues among adolescent girls.

The research question is the question you want to answer in an empirical research paper.

You can make the connection between your problem and the existing research using phrases like the following.

  • A hook to catch the reader’s interest
  • Relevant background on the topic
  • Details of your research problem
  • A thesis statement or research question
  • Sometimes an overview of the paper

Argumentative paper: Thesis statement

Full examples of research paper introductions are shown in the tabs below: one for an argumentative paper, the other for an empirical paper.

Present your research question clearly and directly, with a minimum of discussion at this point. The rest of the paper will be taken up with discussing and investigating this question

The five steps in this article will help you put together an effective introduction for either type of research paper.

For example, the following hypothesis might respond to the research question above:


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