
How to write a dissertation proposal, dissertation proposal example.

Dissertation proposal example

Find an area of your field that interests you and do some preliminary reading in that area. What are the key concerns of other researchers? What do they suggest as areas for further research, and what strikes you personally as an interesting gap in the field?

  • An introduction to your topic and aims
  • A literature review of the current state of knowledge
  • An outline of your proposed methodology
  • A discussion of the possible implications of the research
  • A bibliography of relevant sources

Now that your topic is clear, it’s time to explore existing research covering similar ideas. This is important because it shows you what is missing from other research in the field and ensures that you’re not asking a question someone else has already answered.

Dissertation proposals vary a lot in terms of length and structure, so make sure to follow any guidelines given to you by your institution, and check with your supervisor when you’re unsure.

Table of contents

Dissertation proposal example

Don’t overdo this, though

  • Russian literature 19th century Russian literature The novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky
  • Social media Mental health effects of social media Influence of social media on young adults suffering from anxiety

Describe the intended result of your research and the theoretical or practical impact it will have:

Dissertation proposal example

Creating a proposal for a dissertation helps you stay organized and create a complete dissertation. Without an outline, you could miss part of the text or create a poor structure. Find out writing dissertation proposal outlines can help your overall project.

Introduction. Most academic papers usually start with this section. You can use it to demonstrate the background of the topic to your readers, provide a thesis statement, and your study’s objectives. You should also outline questions that you are going to answer in your dissertation research proposal.

Students usually write such proposals before writing their dissertations, since your proposal is like a working first draft from which you can get valuable feedback from your advisor and others. Feedback from your advisor can help you avoid mistakes in your dissertation. It is better to fix these mistakes before you start writing your first chapter. If you notice them after the main sections of your dissertation are already written, it can be too late in the process to fix them.

Conclusion. The conclusion can include a summary of your thesis proposal. It should also contain conclusions based on your research and be organized like the introduction. This section can contain a discussion of your work and provide suggestions for future research.

Need to write a dissertation proposal?

Review of the Literature. In this section, you should provide a basic review of the literature and other data sources that you are going to use when writing your paper. Students often put the research description, framework, and review of research into the review of the literature section.

The structure for writing a dissertation proposal may vary. It depends on the size of the paper, the course, and other specific requirements.

There are many examples of such papers. However, not all of them are useful. Therefore, you will need to make sure that the Ph.D. proposal example you use has the right structure and has similar requirements.

After that, you have to organize information in several sections. This is an example of a structure for such a dissertation proposal:

Dissertation proposal example

Understanding the topic is the key principle to compose a decent proposal and, later, write a dissertation that will satisfy the committee. It’s not about ‘yeah, the topic is familiar, I got the gist’ though — one will have to do better than that. Could you narrow it down? Could you explain it to a child in a way he or she would understand the basic idea? We do not recommend proceeding to the writing part before you can give a positive answer to these questions.

  1. Introductory section.
  2. Book and materials review.
  3. Methodology.
  4. Results.
  5. Conclusion.

If you look at a dissertation proposal example you could find in your college library or on the Internet, and you’ll find out that it’s basically a way to tell the world about your paper, the main topic, sources used, methods are chosen, and so on.

The methodology, item number three, varies heavily depending on the specific dissertation proposal example. It should be as specific as possible and include relevant information about the study setting, people that will participate/have participated in the study (if any), etc. If possible, ask your tutor timely about how to better approach this step and to avoid the most common mistakes students make when writing the methodology part. Checking other people’s proposals that already have been accepted tremendously helps too, so don’t hesitate to visit a library or/and ask a more experienced person for dissertation help.

Results and Conclusion

Since the researching process is mostly about finding the right answers to the questions raised by a researcher at the beginning, it won’t hurt to define these questions in your proposal’s first section, too. Don’t forget to provide the reader with information regarding the subject background, and everything should be fine.

Composing a dissertation research proposal is much easier task than writing a dissertation itself. Nonetheless, are still a lot of things that can go wrong. Any person having dealt with an academic paper in the past knows how important (and helpful) it is to have a plan, but for some reason, the average student encounters a lot of challenges in planning his or her PhD dissertation.

15 pages. A proposal that is twice as big is generally unrecommended, and everything that exceeds 40 pages falls into a ‘very rare’ category.

If you don’t have enough time to finish the paper or would like an experienced writer to take a look at the text, we’ll be happy to help. Hire a professional editor right now if you want to get the best results in the shortest time possible.

Dissertation proposal example

Don’t underestimate the power of proofreading. Once the paper is completed, take it easy for a day or two. After that, re-read the text with a clear vision. Don’t be surprised how many mistakes, minor and major ones, are spotted after reviewing — happens with the best of us.

Aim at 1500-3000 words but don’t let yourself get lost in false goals of writing for the pure sake of dissertation writing. Write as many words and pages as you need to tell the reader about the study — no more, no less. Compare the chapters between themselves

The methodology, item number three, varies heavily depending on the specific dissertation proposal example. It should be as specific as possible and include relevant information about the study setting, people that will participate/have participated in the study (if any), etc. If possible, ask your tutor timely about how to better approach this step and to avoid the most common mistakes students make when writing the methodology part. Checking other people’s proposals that already have been accepted tremendously helps too, so don’t hesitate to visit a library or/and ask a more experienced person for dissertation help.

  1. Introductory section.
  2. Book and materials review.
  3. Methodology.
  4. Results.
  5. Conclusion.

How To Write A Dissertation Proposal

It’s also useful to include a commentary on why you’ve decided to follow a certain approach instead of other possible ones because the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ beyond the author’s thinking process do matter and help people better understand what he or she is going to accomplish with this particular study. The sources, however, remain the most important part of this section since, in college, even opinion essays are of limited added value when there are no facts to support the opinion with.

If you don’t have enough time to finish the paper or would like an experienced writer to take a look at the text, we’ll be happy to help. Hire a professional editor right now if you want to get the best results in the shortest time possible.

15 pages. A proposal that is twice as big is generally unrecommended, and everything that exceeds 40 pages falls into a ‘very rare’ category.

The document’s structure may vary depending on the topic of research and other factors. Instead of using the first example, you’ve found in Google for your paper, think about what format will suit the proposal the most. In general, you should aim at composing a paper that includes these following parts:

Dissertation proposal example

  • Intro
  • Research Design
  • Research Hypotheses & Question
  • Setting/Sample & Population
  • Participants/Instrumentation
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Concluding section

  • Intro
  • Findings Summary
  • Conclusions
  • Discussion
  • Suggestions for Further Investigation
  • Final Conclusion Part

Fourth chapter aims to explain findings. It is recommended to organize them either by research questions specified or hypotheses given. Remember that introduction has to speak of what has to be found, while conclusion is summary that explains whether it has been successful or not.

As a rule, it encloses general introduction and background description of problem addressed. Next comes problem statement that serves as general thesis idea. Following part should present study purpose and research questions that are significant for this specific work. Next section should focus on significance of chosen study, which is usually including topic relevance. Do not forget to provide clear definitions of terms used. It is also where personal assumptions and discovered limitations are mentioned. For conclusion of primary section, ensure to provide additional study details, if necessary.

Dissertation Outline Template for Students

Dissertation proposal example

Choosing mixed approach, start with brief overview and strategy pattern. Continue by focusing on hypotheses and goals. Provide setting and sample(s) next. As you’ve finished to collect the data, it has to relate to chosen work methods. Analysis has to include both opinion and references to scientific journals. With such option, this section of dissertation has to make chosen methods obvious to audience.

Dissertation belongs to one of most demanding academic tasks, which makes most American students seek for additional help. Even coming up with good plan may be insufficient. What we offer is expert writing help with custom guidance at every stage.

  • Intro
  • Description of literature search
  • Framework
  • Review of Literature

It should be noted that there is no absolutely correct dissertation outline template that would fit every subject. While Social Sciences, for example, may include 4-5 parts, an assigned committee may introduce changes, so it is always better to check twice in advance. In our guide, we will focus on 5 chapter method with outline variations specified.

Dissertation proposal example

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If you face dissertation proposal writing, you may be overwhelmed by the complexity of the task. "What is a proposal? Should it have an outline? Do I have to write a thesis for my proposal?" You will find the answers to these and other questions in our free dissertation proposal examples directory. They have been written by the best writers in the industry and can prove indispensable for planning your own piece.

Good Dissertation Proposal On Transmittal Page

Dissertation proposal example

Dissertation Proposal: Classroom Management: Effective Teachers and Instructional Practices in Public Schools

Read our dissertation proposal samples to narrow down the range of appropriate topics. Then, research a preferred subject area to identify concepts that can be developed further. Pin down the knowledge gaps within the chosen domain and think about the ways your future dissertation can eliminate them. Once you’ve identified an area of interest, examine the structure of the available examples to understand what you should include in your academic document. Usually, a dissertation proposal outline is comprised of the following elements: the introduction, methodology, aims and objectives, literature review, limitations, ethical considerations, timeframe, and conclusion. Refer to the writing guidelines issued by your academic department to ensure that your proposal has all the necessary sections.

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