
Technical writing service

Technical writing service

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Technical Writing Services.
Fast & Precise.

Technical writing service

Trusted by global brands in technology, medical, and manufacturing industries, Stepes provides high quality and cost effective technical writing services for a variety of subject matter fields. Stepes enables our clients to more efficiently communicate with their global customers .

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Technical writing service

These are freelance clients and employers I've provided range of technical writing services for.

J. Cadavona
Senior Home Inspector
Home Inspections Oahu, LLC.

I needed assistance with a PowerPoint presentation. Andrea was able to develop my presentation with quick professional results. She is a master of her craft, and I look forward to working with her in the near future.

D. Datta
Manager, Technical Documentation
Altran, Inc.

training guides

Technical writing service

Hawaii Technical Writing Services specializes in providing short and long-term contract technical writing services for clients in high tech industries.

J. Williamson
Senior Surveyor
Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.

• standard operating procedures
• operations and maintenance manuals
• software user guides
• proposal writing and formatting

Technical writing service

Critical-thinking skills. Technical writers must be able to simplify complex, technical information for colleagues and consumers who have nontechnical backgrounds.

Prospects for advancement generally include working on projects that are more complex and leading or training junior staff.

Technical writers often work with computer hardware engineers, computer support specialists, and software developers to manage the flow of information among project workgroups during development and testing. Therefore, technical writers must be able to understand and discuss complex information with people of diverse occupational backgrounds.

Technical writers, also called technical communicators, prepare instruction manuals, how-to guides, journal articles, and other supporting documents to communicate complex and technical information more easily. They also develop, gather, and disseminate technical information through an organization’s communications channels.


Technical writing service

Technical writing jobs are usually concentrated in locations with a multitude of information technology or scientific and technical research companies, such as ones in California and Texas.

Technical writers are also responsible for managing the consistency of technical content and its use across departments including product development, manufacturing, marketing, and customer relations.

Detail oriented. Technical writers create instructions for others to follow. As a result, they must be precise about every step.

Some technical writers begin their careers as specialists or research assistants in a technical field. They eventually develop technical communication skills and assume primary responsibilities for technical writing. In small firms, entry-level technical writers may work on projects right away

Technical writing service

Technical writing continues to be a highly coveted skill in the professional workplace. Demand is expected to grow at 10% from 2014 to 2024. This is faster than the average for all occupations.

Technical writers often have to communcate highly technical information to a non-technical audience. Therefore, an early step in the most effective technical writing process is analyzing your audience carefully so you can match information to their needs.

Getting subjective and objective feedback on your writing is one of the fastest ways to improve your skills. That is why we emphasise individual feedback in all of our courses.

This can include high-tech manufacturing, engineering, biotech, energy, aerospace, finance, IT, and global supply chain.

Traditional Definition of Technical Writing

One of the best ways to become a better writer is to read. Reading helps you train your brain to understand how to write. The more you read, the easier writing will become for you.

Here is a list of the documents you could be expected to write in a technical manner:

Business writing is a broader category. It can be argued that technical writing falls under business writing. It deals with many of the same topics and documents.

Technical writing service

Your customers want to know how to use your software and services. Reduce call center volume and support costs by providing clear, concise instructions they want and need, online where they can access it 24-hours a day.

Are you a software developer, computer hardware manufacturer, IT consulting company, or other IT-related business? How about a small/local business in the automotive, retail, medical equipment, or other industry?

Are you ready to get started? The first step is to contact me for a consultation. I answer your questions and we discuss your needs, including deadlines.

Don’t give your customers a headache! Give them the instructions they need.

Technical writing that helps your customers help themselves…

If your business is located outside Dallas, Texas, don’t worry. I accept local and long distance clients. By using email, telephone, and fax, working virtually is no problem on most projects.

  • Tech related web content
  • Web tutorials
  • FAQs and knowledge base articles
  • Web-based help files

Don’t waste the valuable time of employees and customers with poorly written or non-existent help. I write documentation that delights users… no frustrating skipped steps or jargon they don’t understand.


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