How to Write an Essay: 7 Steps for Clear, Effective Writing, effective essay writing.

Effective essay writing

Keep practicing and you will find that it’s much easier to get your thoughts on paper and present a coherent piece for your readers.

Nothing is more daunting for a writer than staring at a blank page. This is why you need to have an action plan for starting your essay.

Next, use the proper citations. Plagiarism does not only constitute copying the idea verbatim, but you also have to reference the source of the idea itself, if possible. Depending on your teacher’s preferences, you can use the APA in-text citation style or the MLA style.

You can use the Mind Map method to brainstorm connecting ideas, or you can also just jot down bullet points as you encounter them in your research.

Tips for Writing Essays

If you can write the hook right away, well and good. If not, don’t worry, you can always come back to it after you write the body of your essay. Here are some more helpful tips for writing the body of your essay:

When editing, pay attention to the words you use: remove all unnecessary words and work on using strong verbs in place of weak ones.

Even if you don’t consider yourself a wordsmith, you don’t have to be intimidated by essays and writing assignments. When you learn the basic steps and the most common structures, you will find that it becomes easier to write down your thoughts on any given subject.

Once you’ve chosen your topic, brainstorm all the different supporting ideas that you can talk about for the topic. Start with the basic facts about your idea, asking questions such as what, where, who, when, why, and how.

Effective essay writing

The world is changing and these changes affect all spheres. What your parents and seniors taught you might not longer work. For example, learn hard, get good grades and you'll be admitted to college. Well, turns out this rule is also in the past. College admission committees are no longer looking for studious and obedient applicants. What matters is the personality that shines through the pages of your college essay, ability to think and to create, spatial intelligence and your personal opinion. Do you think you can nail this piece of writing? Check out 3 most common mistakes you might be making!

Allow essay rewriter read your paper and make necessary changes. He will take the best parts of your work and turn them into a brilliant piece. As a result you get an ideal writing without staying awake the whole night.

#2. Time management failure.
How fast can you type 1 page? Probably, it takes you a bit more than 10 minutes. Then why sitting with one thought in the head "How do I write my essay?" if only 10 minutes required. Because it's a challenging task! You can't finish it overnight.

#1. Absence of creativity.
Your work should be unique. It has nothing to do with plagiarism. Making a simple essay saying how good you were at school and how hard you're going to work in college won't help to win a place. Essay writer, for example, never says anything about studying. He tells the story. Your own outstanding story.

Why you never make it as good as an essay writer

Effective essay writing

Another advantage of essay writing service is moderate prices. You don't have to own Tesla company or invent Facebook to pay for the work. A proficient writer would perform the task flawlessly as he has done many times before. It's way better when someone with certain experience is writing an essay, not a person who's torn between leisure time and duty calling. Receive your paper in time, enclose it to your documents and sit until getting an email from college with good news!

Want to see an email confirming your admission? Then be smarter than copypasting someone's story or thought, especially if you don't share this attitude. The helping hand is always closer than you think. What can be better than to enjoy a readymade essay created personally for you?

#3. Being trivial.
Nothing is as bad for an essay as the very same words and the very same thoughts everyone repeats in their papers. How to avoid them? First, stop reading the website for essay help and templates. If someone has written and posted it on the Internet, there's a high chance it's already been copied to thousands of papers.

Effective essay writing

  • Narrative Essay: The narrative essay shares information in the form of a story and from a clearly defined point of view.
  • Expository Essay: This type of essay explains, illustrates, or clarifies a topic. This also includes instructional pieces with step-by-step directions.
  • Descriptive Essay: Descriptive essays do exactly what their name implies: they describe an event, phenomenon, or any other subject in detail.
  • Persuasive Essay: This type of essay aims to convince the audience to adapt a certain perspective or idea.
  • Compare and Contrast Essay: This type of writing pinpoints how similar or different two or more things are from one another.
  • Problem-Solution Essay: This essay highlights an issue, influences the reader to care about it, suggests a solution, and tackles possible objections.

To avoid plagiarism, be sure to paraphrase any ideas you collect from your research instead of copying them word for word. If you do use them as is, put them in quotes.

If your topic calls for it and if time allows, you may want to consider conducting quick interviews with experts on the subject. These will serve as a primary source for your essay.

Essays can come in many different forms. The most common types include the following:

How Do You Begin an Essay?

If you keep these tips in mind, writing an essay will soon become much easier for you and you’ll see your writing (of all kinds) start to improve.

In ancient Greece, using other people’s ideas was seen as the mark of a smart person. But in this day and age, plagiarism is a serious offense, so you need to be careful when citing other people’s work.

After you have brainstormed and researched, write down your thesis statement. A thesis statement consists of one or two sentences that sum up the primary subject or argument of your essay.

Effective essay writing

After doing your research, highlight the main points, and create notes for reference purposes. If you have, for example, three primary ideas, write each of them at the top of single clean pages.

Now, writing an influential essay paper shouldn’t be a significant challenge, really. Having a good mastery of the five easy steps of writing an effective essay paper should make the whole process seamless.

Ideally, it should be easy picking an idea if you were not assigned one. If you’re choosing a topic on your own, be keen not to choose an overly complex topic or one which has been overly explored.

State the Thesis: Include the thesis statement in your introduction. The thesis statement should include the primary point about your topic, the specific topic, and other topics of discussion you’ve included in the paper.


Effective essay writing

It is in the body of the essay that you will use to build your story or argument. Each body paragraph should explain the primary topic of your essay.

Each of your body paragraphs should have a similar basic structure. Importantly, each paragraph should expound on a single reason, an example, or idea supporting your thesis. Be sure to avoid any instance of plagiarism, both intentional and unintentional, as they greatly lower your paper’s quality.

If you pick an overly complex topic, approaching and backing it up will not be easy. Besides, you may struggle to find relevant information and facts to discuss in your essay.

State Topic of Focus: After the hook, write a short sentence or two sentences about your paper’s primary topic. Explain why the topic is important. To establish the context, you may also add background information about the topic.

Effective essay writing

Choose the top three ideas and write each one at the top of a clean page. Now go through your notes again and pull out supporting ideas for each key point. You don't need a lot, just two or three for each one.

Anything you write will benefit from learning these simple parts of an essay:

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The body of your essay is where you develop your story or argument. Once you have finished your research and produced several pages of notes, go through them with a highlighter and mark the most important ideas, the key points.


Effective essay writing

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Anna Bryukhanova/E Plus / Getty Images

Before you can start writing, you must have an idea to write about. If you haven't been assigned a topic, it's easier than you might think to come up with one of your own.

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